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outward lustre; for where is the benefit of that? but the divine glory, the beauty of holiness in the gospel house or church, made up of renewed believers, should exceed the outward glory of Solomon's temple, which in comparison of the latter days, was but flesh to spirit, fading resemblances to the eternal substance.

But for all this, Christians have meeting-places, yet not in Jewish or Heathen state, but plain; void of pomp and ceremony; suiting the simplicity of their blessed Lord's life and doctrine. For God's presence is not with the house, but with them that are in it, who are the gospel-church, and not the house. O! that such as call themselves Christians, knew but a real sanctity in themselves, by the washing of God's regenerating grace; instead of that imaginary sanctity ascribed to places, they would then know what the church is, and where, in these evangelical days, is the place of God's appearance. This made the prophet David say, "The King's daughter is all glorious within, her clothing is of wrought gold." What is the glory that is within the true church, and that gold that makes up that inward glory? Tell me, O superstitious man! is it thy stately temples, altars, carpets, tables, tapestries; thy vestments, organs, voices, candles, lamps, censers, plate and jewels, with the like furniture of thy worldly temples? No such matter; they bear no proportion with the divine adornment of the King of heaven's daughter, the blessed and redeemed church of Christ. Miserable apostacy that it is! and a wretched supplement in the loss and absence of the apostolic life, the spiritual glory of the primitive church.

Sect. 7. But yet some of these admirers of external pomp and glory in worship, would be thought lovers of the Cross, and to that end have made to themselves many. But alas! what hopes can there be of reconciling that to christianity, that the nearer it comes to its resemblance, the farther off it is in reality? For their very cross and self-denial, are most unlawful self: and whilst they fancy to worship God thereby, they most dange

rously err from the true cross of Christ, and that holy abnegation that was of his blessed appointment. It is true, they have got a cross, but it seems to be in the room of the true one; and so mannerly, that it will do as they will have it that wear it; for instead of mortify. ing their wills by it, they made it, and use it according to them: so that the cross is become their ensign that do nothing but what they list. Yet by that they would be thought his disciples, that never did his own will, but the will of his heavenly Father.

Sect. 8. This is such a cross as flesh and blood can carry, for flesh and blood invented it: therefore not the cross of Christ, that is to crucify flesh and blood. Thousands of them have no more virtue than a chip; poor empty shadows, not so much as images of the true one. Some carry them for charms about them, but never repel one evil with them. They sin with them upon their backs, and though they put them in their bosoms, their beloved lusts lie there too without the least disquiet. They are as dumb as Elijah's mock-gods; no life nor power in them, and how should they, whose matter is earthly, and whose figure and workmanship are but the invention and labour of worldly artists? Is it possible that such crosses should mend their makers? Surely not.

Sect. 9. These are yokes without restraint, and crosses that never contradict: a whole cart load of them would leave a man as unmortified as they find him. Men may sooner knock their brains out with them, than their sins: and that, I fear, too many of them know in their very consciences that use them, indeed adore them, and which can only happen to the false cross, are proud of them too, since the true one leaves no pride where it is truly borne.

Sect. 10. For as their religion, so their cross is very gaudy and triumphant: but in what? In precious

11 Kings, xviii. 27.


metals and gems, the spoil of superstition upon the people's pockets. These crosses are made of earthly treasure, instead of learning their hearts that wear them to deny it; and like men they are respected by their finery. A rich cross shall have many gazers and admirers; the mean, in this, as other things, are more neglected. I could appeal to themselves of this great vanity and superstition. O! how very short is this of the blessed cross of Jesus, that takes away the sins of the world!


Sect. 11. Nor is a recluse life, the boasted righteousness of some, much more commendable, or one whit nearer to the nature of the true cross: for if it be not unlawful as other things are, it is unnatural, which true religion teaches not. The christian convent and monastery are within, where the soul is encloistered from sin. And this religious house the true followers of Christ carry about with them, who exempt not themselves from the conversation of the world, though they keep themselves from the evil of the world in their conversation. That is a lazy, rusty, unprofitable self-denial, burdensome to others, to feed their idleness; religious bedlams, where people are kept up, lest they should do mischief abroad; patience per force; self-denial against their will, rather ignorant than virtuous; and out of the way of temptation than constant in it. No thanks if they commit not what they are not tempted to commit. What the eye views not, the heart craves not, as well as rues


Sect. 12. The cross of Christ is of another nature : it truly overcomes the world, and leads a life of purity in the face of its allurements; they that bear it, are not thus chained up, for fear they should bite: nor locked up lest they should be stolen away: no, they receive power from Christ their captain, to resist the evil, and do that which is good in the sight of God; to despise the world, and love its reproach above its praise : and not only not to offend others, but love those that offend

In all

them, though not for offending them. What a world should we have, if every body, for fear of transgressing, should mew himself up within four walls! No such matter; the perfection of Christian life extends to every honest labour or traffick used among men. This severity is not the effect of Christ's free spirit, but a voluntary, fleshly humility; mere trammels of their own making and putting on, without prescription or reason. which, it is plain, they are their own law-givers, and set their own rule, mulct and ransom: a constrained harshness, out of joint to the rest of the creation; for society is one great end of it, and not to be destroyed for fear of evil: but sin banished that spoils it, by steady reproof, and a conspicuous example of tried virtue. True godliness does not turn men out of the world, but enables them to live better in it, and excites their endeavours to mend it : "not hide their candle under a bushel, but set it upon a table, in a candlestick." Besides, it is a selfish invention : and that can never be the way of taking up the cross, which the true cross is therefore taken up to subject. But again, this humour runs away by itself, and leaves the world behind to be lost; Christians should keep the helm, and guide the vessel to its port; not meanly steal out at the stern of the world, and leave those that are in it, without a pilot, to be driven by the fury of evil times, upon the rock or sand of ruin. In fine, this sort of life, if taken up by young people, is commonly to cover idleness, or to pay portions; to save the lazy from the pain of punishment, or quality from the disgrace of poverty : one will not work, and the other scorns it. If aged, a long life of guilt sometimes flies to superstition for refuge; and after having had its own will in other things, would finish it in a wilful religion to make God amends.

Sect. 13. But taking up the cross of Jesus is a more interior exercise: it is the circumspection and discipline of the soul, in conformity to the divine mind therein revealed. Does not the body follow the soul, and not

the soul the body? Do not such consider, that no outward cell can shut up the soul from lust, the mind from an infinity of unrighteous imaginations? The thoughts of man's heart are evil, and that continually. Evil comes from within, and not from without: how then can an external application remove an internal cause; or a restraint upon the body, work a confinement of the mind? Less much than without doors: for where there is least of action, there is most time to think ; and if those thoughts are not guided by an higher principle, convents are more mischievous to the world than exchanges. And yet a retirement is both an excellent and needful thing: crowds and throngs were not much frequented by the ancient holy pilgrims.

Sect. 14. But then examine, O man, thy bottom, what it is, and who placed thee there; lest in the end it should appear, thou hast put an eternal cheat upon thy own soul. I must confess I am jealous of the salvation of my own kind, having found mercy with my heavenly Father: I would have none deceive themselves to perdition, especially about religion, where people are most apt to take all for granted, and lose infinitely by their own flatteries and neglect. The inward steady righteousness of Jesus is another thing, than all the contrived devotion of poor superstitious man: and to stand approved in the eye of God, excels that bodily exercise in religion, resulting from the invention of men. And the soul that is awakened and preserved by his holy power and spirit, lives to him in the way of his own institution, and worships him in his own spirit, that is, in the holy sense, life, and leadings of it; which indeed is the evangelical worship. Not that I would be thought to slight a true retirement: for I do not only acknowledge, but admire solitude. Christ himself was an example of it: he loved and chose to frequent mountains, gardens, sea-sides. They are requisite to the growth of piety; and I reverence the virtue that seeks and uses it: wishing there were more of it in the world: but then it should be free, not constrained. What benefit

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