or near Patna for more than thirty years, during which he has only been once from it, as far as Disrapoor. The houses of the natives here are almost all of mud, but their tiled roofs, and verandahs, give them a better aspect than the common Bengalee cottage. The hackeries are very different from those of Calcutta, being little tabernacles, like the moveable military shrines represented on ancient monuments, with curtains and awnings, and drawn either by one horse, or two oxen. We had a very pleasant, quiet evening, such as a Sunday evening ought to be, and concluded with family prayers. On the whole I have been greatly pleased and interested with this visit. HEBER. RESOLUTIONS FOR JANUARY. Now Lord I would be thine alone, And wholly live to thee. DEEPLY impressed with the Lord's sparing mercy through the fleeting years of my past life, ashamed that I have lived so little to His glory, that I have been so comparatively indifferent to my eternal interests; perceiving the vanity and insufficiency of this world to make me blest, and aware that the hours of my frail and transitory life are rapidly departing. I resolve, in the strength of God, to seek His grace by earnest prayer and supplication, pleading his gracious promises for my acceptance and pardon, and not to cease until I can say, the Lord is my portion. I resolve to devote myself to God as my King and Lord, to seek my pleasure in Him, to be guided and directed by His holy word, and to be preserved by his powerful arm. I resolve to make the word of God my study; to read it frequently, at the least some portion of it every day. I resolve to be attentive to the means of grace; to guard against dulness, drowsiness, a roving eye, a vagrant mind, and a light and trifling demeanor. I resolve to tread in the footsteps of the flock, and to avoid the company of the infidel, and profane, and unholy. A meo Studio. 1 Kal. Jan. 1830. φιλόθεος. NEW YEAR'S REFLECTIONS. "Bless the Lord, O my seul, and forget not all his benefits." ANOTHER year is gone, The earth again has run How many saw appear How many did begin And end that year in sin, Nor strove to enter in At the strait gate; How many sought relief, From wretchedness and grief, In awful unbelief, Till 'twas too late! Look back my soul, and think, When on perdition's brink, How 'twas thou didst not sink Oh! 'twas eternal love, Beheld thee from above, And bade thee live and prove Look back my soul, and see, Of Him who set thee free, Who died to sanctify, Arose to justify, And take thee finally, With Him to dwell. Look back my soul, review His benefits anew; And give Him as His due, Thy heart entire ; Psalm ciii. 2. All other lords disown, Christian, rejoice to hear, To endless joys more near; For thy redemption's nigh, Waits for thy soul on high, In realms of bliss. Sinner, oh, dark reverse! Thy state, beneath the curse, Each year grows worse and worse, Yet there is hope,—believe, Simply to Jesus cleave, Ask, and thou shalt receive, LINES ADDRESSED TO MRS. A J. S. HARVEY. ON THE DEATH OF HER LITTLE GIRL. THE Lord, the good, the wise, the just, Feel less dispos'd to bless His Name. Freely, for you, His Son he gave, From death-from hell-from Satan's bands, When He, who gave him first demands? And dead, yet she for ever lives: She now before the Throne receives? Bennington. See there, amidst the ransom'd throng, To Him, who death and hell o'ercame: When lost in sin, and sunk in shame. And share the glories of the place? Her parents' passing souls to greet, CONTEMPLATION. THE heav'ns with all their hosts outspread Displayed their starry light, And reigning in her majesty Full-orbed, the queen of night. Mild issuing forth her silver ray, The watery main was sweetly still, And bounded only by The horizon of the azure arch, A calm and cloudless sky. Now contemplation, with her charms, And reigning o'er my tranquil soul Employed her sweetest power. Rising from this lower world She mounted high above, And borne, upon her wings, my thoughts M. A. B. Piercing beyond the shining orb, Where seraphs strike their golden lyres, And their mellifluous strains, Fly o'er the ethereal plains. Where dearest friends from this vain world THE DEPARTED YEAR. "Tempora labuntur, tacitisque senescimus annis." THE year is departed! departed for ever, The year The year is departed, Lord! what shall I render? The year is departed, but not my enjoyment, The year is departed, rouse, rouse thee my spirit, Ω. Accepted and pardon d through Jesus' merit, His fulness, His promise, His righteousness mine. R. C. |