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Please mention THE CONNECTICUT MAGAZINE when you write to advertisers.

street. Mrs. Noyes loved Litchfield and its people and it was only natural that she should be beloved and respected by everyone. Mr. Vanderpoel is to be congratulated upon his wise choice of a memorial and on behalf of the town we extend to him our heartiest thanks for his great generosity. It is also extremely fitting that the architect should be a man who was born and raised here.

Litchfield has long needed just such a building and it is very appropriate that it should be located right where the first Temperance Society in the United States, if not in the world was organized.

July 5, 1899.

-Litchfield Enquirer.

The publishers of The Connecticut Magazine reserve the right to exclude from its columns any advertising matter that they deem unreliable. Many proprietary articles on the market to-day are advertised extensively, but trial proves them unreliable. We quote the following from an article which appeared in a recent number of the "Ameri

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Shipments received on pier in New York until 6 p. m. and forwarded to all points mentioned on Connecticut river, and points North, East and West from Hartford. We also have through traffic arrangements with lines out of New York or points South and West, and shipments can be forwarded on through rates, and Bills of Lading obtained from offices of the Company. For Excursion Rates see daily papers.

Hartford and New York
Transportation Co.

Steamers "MIDDLETOWN" and "HARTFORD"-Leave Hartford from foot State St. at 5 p. m.-Leave New York from Pier 24, East River, at 5 p. m.-Daily except Sundays.

can Journal of Health," an old established CENTRAL NEW ENGLAND RAILWAY.

New York publication, and an authority on matters of sanitation and hygiene.

"The uphill road to public confidence is not to be traveled safely by the remedy which has nothing behind it but empty claims and large advertising.

We cite an instance in "Aceton" of a proprietary medicine which grew rapidly in favor from the day it first appeared, and is steadily growing in esteem. Unquestionably it has done so because it proved satisfactorily that it was really a specific for headache, neuralgia, influenza and all kindred painful diseases. It has built up a record of cures in different cases that has excited wonder. "Aceton" has met with the endorsement of many members of the medical profession for the only reason that ever wins such endorsement-its distinct and proved value." We refer you to offer of Aceton Medical Co. in another column.

Poughkeepsie Bridge Route.



For 1899,

Is now ready for distribution.

It contains over one hundred attractive halftone illustrations, and is without doubt the handsomest book of the kind ever issued by any railroad. It contains an increased list of Hotels and Boarding Houses, gives rates for board and all information sought after by those intending to summer in the country. Don't neglect getting a copy. Sent free for postage, six cents.

W. J. MARTIN, Gen'l Passenger Agent,

Please mention THE CONNECTICUT MAGAZINE when you write to advertisers.

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