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Please mention THE CONNECTICUT MAGAZINE when you write to advertisers.

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$1.00 a Year.

HARTFORD, CONN. 10 cts. a Copy.

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Granting stated sums of indemnity for disability caused by sickness

Liability Policies

covering the liability of Manufacturers and other Employers to strangers who may be injured upon their premises. The liability of Contractors to Employees and to strangers for injuries sustained upon buildings or other works under contract, etc.


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Tolicy Holders,




JAS. G. BATTERSON, President.

S. C. DUNHAM, Vice-President.

JOHN E. MORRIS, Secretary.
H. J. MESSENGER, Actuary.

Please mention THE CONNECTICUT MAGAZINE when you write to advertisers.



Devoted to Connecticut in its various phases of History, Literature, Picturesque Features, Science, Art and Industries.

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List of Burials, Center Church Burying Ground, Hartford. Annotated by Mary K. Talcott, 481

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All communications should be addressed to THE CONNECTICUT MAGAZINE, Hartford, Conn. Remittances should be by check, express order, P. O. money order or registered letter. Money by mail at sender's risk. We promptly acknowledge by postal card all subscriptions received by mail. When change of address is desired give both old and new address. Do not subscribe of a person unknown to you. Our authorized agents have full credentials.

$1.00 a Year.


10 Cents a Copy.

Published at 66 State St., Hartford, Conn. by The Connecticut Magazine Co.

Entered at the Post Office at Hartford, Conn. as mail matter of the second-class.

The Connecticut Agricultural College.

"Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey,
Where wealth accumulates, and men decay.
Princes and lords may flourish or may fade,-
A breath can make them, as a breath has made;
But a bold peasantry, their country's pride,
When once destroyed, can never be supplied"

It has been truly said that "Education is a debt that the present owes to the future," but all are not agreed as to just how that debt shall be paid. Those, however, who have given the subject the most careful thought, and have studied intelligently the history of the past, concur in the opinion that the education to be projected into the future, the education that shall preserve and entail free institutions, should be directed by minds the best equipped in mental and moral science, literature and art, mathematical knowledge and mechanical skill, and physical law in the realm of nature. In this the Federal Government takes the initiative, and asks the States to build and equip colleges which shall give to the "Industrial Classes" not only practical education but also the skill to use it, and with her request gives the State of Connecticut annually by the "Land Grant " act of '62, over $6,000, and by the Morrill act of '90, $25,000 after this year; but conditionally, each fund for specific uses and nothing else.

The Connecticut Agricultural College, at Storrs, Connecticut, in the town of Mansfield, is the college established by the State to meet conditions, on which the Federal funds may be received and used. All students of the State over fifteen years of age of both sexes are entitled to the privileges of this college, so far as its equipment will meet the demands made upon it.


Entrance examinations will be held on Friday, September 1, Selectmen's Room, City Hall, Danbury, Council Chamber, City Hall, Norwich, and at the State Experiment Station, New Haven. Saturday, September 2, Room 50, Capitol Building, Hartford, First District School Building, East Winsted, and at the College, Storrs.

The examinations will begin at 9 o'clock a. m.

The new catalogues are now ready for distribution, and all requests for information will be promptly attended to. Address all communications to G. W. Flint, President, Storrs, Conn.

Please mention THE CONNECTICUT MAGAZINE when you write to advertisers.

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