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humbly trusts that even the imperfect survey which is here given may lead some persons to set a higher, and at the same time a more Scriptural, value upon the means of grace. He commends the work to the blessing of Almighty God, who, through the power of the Holy Spirit, can render the weakest instrumentality effectual to promote His glory though Jesus Christ our Lord!




2 PETER, iii. 18.

grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord To Him be glory both

and Saviour Jesus Christ.

now and for ever. Amen.

I PURPOSE in this, and in a series of following Lectures, to be continued upon successive Wednesday mornings during Lent, to take as the topic for consideration the several ordinary and extraordinary means of grace. I do so with earnest prayer for Divine guidance, and in simple dependence upon Divine blessing. It is my confident hope that the consideration of the subject may minister to your spiritual profit; and



if this be the result, it will prove to myself a source of unmingled thankfulness to the Author and Giver of all good.

In the Lectures which I propose to deliver there will be nothing to attract the curious, but I trust there may be much to instruct the inquiring, to guide the perplexed, to confirm the wavering, and to cheer the sorrowful. Should any come hither to be charmed by what is novel, they will be utterly disappointed. Should any come to receive food by which their spiritual life may be strengthened, it is my hope that they will find their expectations amply realised. In order that it may be so, I would entreat of you to be much in prayer that the Spirit of God would guide the lips of him who addresses you to utter that alone which may advance the Divine glory, and that He would also prepare the hearts of those that hear to receive aright the heavenly seed of God's own word.

The period of Lent upon which we this

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