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Text-Book of Religion and Ethics





I. The Bible was written in Hebrew except a few chapters, which were written in Aramaic. It has been translated into hundreds of languages. The earliest translations were made in Greek and Latin. The English translation most often used in this country was made in England by order of King James I. It appeared in the year 1611, and is often called the King James Version.


2. The Greek translation of the Bible is known as the Septuagint. The Latin translation is called the Vulgate.


3. The second part of the Books of the Prophets is called the Later Prophets. It contains fifteen books.

4. These fifteen books are divided into two parts.

i. The Major Prophets.

ii. The Minor Prophets.

5. The Major, (or greater), Prophets were so called because their books are longer than those of the Minor, (or smaller), Prophets. The Minor Prophets will be spoken of in Part IV., Chapter I.

6. The Books of the Major Prophets are three in number. They are as follows:

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iii. The Book of Ezekiel.

7. The Book of Isaiah contains the addresses of Isaiah the Prophet. He delivered them more than two thousand six hundred years ago, between 755-701 B. C. E. The Book has sixty-six chapters and is divided into two parts, the first consisting of chapters 1-39, and the second, chapters 40-66. The last twenty-seven chapters were written during, or after, the Babylonian exile.

8. The Book of Jeremiah contains the addresses of Jeremiah the Prophet. He delivered them be

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