| Benjamin Martin - 1736 - 414 pages
...Triangles the Angles at the Bile are equal ; &?, è contra. -.. .THEOREM VHI. •. • • . • • • Any two Sides of a Triangle, are together greater than the Third Side. N. Á. Thefe Fhre Theorems laft mentioned, are demonftrated after the fame Manner as in Plain Triangles... | |
 | Sir John Leslie - 1809 - 542 pages
...being thus neither equal to AB, nor less than it, must therefore be greater than AB. PROP. XVI. THEOR. Two sides of a triangle are together greater than the third side. The two sides AB and BC of the triangle ABC are together greater than the third side AC. For produce... | |
 | Sir John Leslie - 1817 - 456 pages
...the difference between the sides AB and AC is less than the third side BC. 12. From the property that two sides of a triangle are together greater than the third side, may be derived the generic character of a straight line : The shortest line that can be drawn between... | |
 | John Mason Good - 1819 - 714 pages
...triangle is subtended by the greater bide, or has the greater tide opposite to it Prop. XX. Theor. Any two sides of a triangle are together greater than the third side. Prop. XXI. Ihcur. If. from the ends of the side of a triangle, there be drawn two straight lint; to... | |
 | Sir John Leslie - 1820 - 488 pages
...thus neither equal to AB, nor less than it, must therefore be greater than AB. % PROP. XIV. THEOR. Any two sides of a triangle are together greater than the third side. The two sides AB and BC of the triangle ABC are together greater than the third side AC. For produce... | |
 | Euclides - 1821 - 294 pages
...which one is perpendicular to it, and the other not, the perpendicular is the least. PROP. 20, THEOR. Any two sides of a triangle are together greater than the third. Bisect the angle contained by the two sides* the bisecting line shall cut the third side into segments... | |
 | Peter Nicholson - 1825 - 1058 pages
...QED ' Proportion XX. Tlieurem. Any two sidei of a triangle are together greater than the third lide. Let ABC be a triangle ; any two sides of it together are greater than the third side, viz. the tides BA, AC, greater than the side BC ; and AB, BC greater than AC : and BC, CA greater than AB. Produce... | |
 | John Playfair - 1826 - 326 pages
...equal to AB; therefore AC is greater than AB. Wherefore the greater angle, &e. QED f. PROP. XX, THEOR; Any two sides of a triangle are together greater tha.n...ABC be a triangle; any two sides of it together are great?? than the third side, viz. the sides BA, AC greater than the side BC : and AB, BC greater than... | |
 | Robert Simson - 1827 - 546 pages
...angle, &c. e. ED PROP. XX. THEOR. Any two sides of a triangle are together greater than the See N. third side. Let ABC be a triangle : any two sides of it together shall be greater than the third side, viz. the sides BA, AC greater than the side BC; and AB, BC greater... | |
 | 1827 - 600 pages
...right linr." Again, the first problem which he introduces has, for its object, to establish " that any two sides of a triangle are, together, greater than the third side." He might, \ve think, have taken this for ¡minted with as much safety as that, " when equals are added... | |
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