Tor. Fortune cannot, And fate can scarce; I've made the port already, And laugh securely at the lazy storm That wanted wings to reach me in the deep. A Song. Farewell, ungrateful traitor, 'Tis easy to deceive us, The passion you pretended, But when the charm is ended, The charmer you disdain. When living is a pain. THE DUKE OF GUISE. 1682. King. Th' event, th' event will show us what we were; For, like a blazing meteor hence he shot, And drew a sweeping fiery train along. King. It shall be so: by Heav'n there's life in this; The rack of clouds is driving on the winds, And shows a break of sunshine. Go, Grillon, give my orders to Biron, And see your soldiers well dispos'd within, For safeguard of the Louvre. Malicorne. Then flourish hell, and mighty mischief reign. Mischief to some, to others must be good; But hark, for now, though 'tis the dead of night, Like the deaf chimes of bells in steeples touch'd. But know, 'tis from no nightly sexton's hand. Some crowd the spires, but most the hallow'd bells, Each chime thou hear'st, a future death foretells. Mel. I told thee true: But Lucifer, as he who foremost fell, [Descends Enter GUISE, MAYENNE, CARDINAL, and ARCHBISHOP. Mayenne. Sullen methinks and slow, the morning breaks, As if the sun were listless to appear, And dark designs hung heavy on the day. Guise. Stay, or— -O Heav'n! I'll force you: stay Marmoutiere. I do believe So ill of you, so villanously ill, That if you durst, you would: Honour you've little, honesty you've less; Yet there's a thing call'd fame, and men's esteem, Mal. Come forth, and bless the triumph of the day. I but sate still, and nodded like a god ALBION AND ALBANIUS. 1684 or 1685. Mercury. Thou glorious fabric! stand for ever, stand: Well worthy thou to entertain The god of traffic, and of gain, To draw the concourse of the land, And wealth of all the main. But where the shoals of merchants meeting, Welcome to their friends repeating, Busy bargain's deafer sound! Tongue confus'd of every nation? Nothing here but desolation, Mournful silence reigns around. Thamesis. Old Father Ocean calls my tide: Come away, come away; The barks upon the billows ride, The merry boatswain from his side And all the crew aloud has cried, See the God of Seas attends thee, All the calmer gales befriend thee Nereids. From the low palace of old Father Ocean, Ev'ry nymph of the flood, her tresses rending, Proteus. Albion, lov'd of gods and men, Still thou art the care of Heav'n, In thy age, when none could aid thee, Still thou art the care of Heav'n. |