On their steel'd heads their demi-lances wore Small pennons, which their ladies' colours bore. Before this troop did warlike Ozmyn go; Each lady, as he rode, saluting low;
At the chief stands, with rev'rence more profound, His well-taught courser, kneeling, touch'd the ground; Thence rais'd, he sidelong bore his rider on,
Still facing, till he out of sight was gone.
Abenamar. But what the stranger did was more than
Abdelm. He finish'd all those triumphs we began. One bull, with curl'd black head beyond the rest, And dew-laps hanging from his brawny chest, With nodding front a while did daring stand, And with his jetty hoof spurn'd back the sand: Then, leaping forth, he bellow'd out aloud: Th' amaz'd assistants back each other crowd, While monarch-like he rang'd the listed field; Some toss'd, some gor'd, some trampling down he kill'd. Th' ignobler Moors from far his rage provoke With woods of darts, which from his sides he shook. Meantime your valiant son, who had before Gain'd fame, rode round to ev'ry mirador; Beneath each lady's stand a stop he made, And, bowing, took th' applauses which they paid. Just in that point of time the brave unknown Approach'd the lists.
Boab. I mark'd him, when alone (Observ'd by all, himself observing none) He enter'd first; and with a graceful pride His fiery Arab dext'rously did guide: Who, while his rider ev'ry stand survey'd, Sprung loose, and flew into an escapade: Not moving forward, yet with ev'ry bound, Pressing, and seeming still to quit his ground.
Abdelm. Thus while he stood, the bull, who saw his foe, His easier conquests proudly did forego;
And, making at him, with a furious bound, From his bent forehead aim'd a double wound. A rising murmur ran through all the field, And ev'ry lady's blood with fear was chill'd: Some shriek'd, while others, with more helpful care, Cried out aloud, Beware, brave youth, beware! At this he turn'd, and as the bull drew near, Shunn'd, and receiv'd him on his pointed spear. The lance broke short, the beast then bellow'd loud, And his strong neck to a new onset bow'd. Th' undaunted youth
Then drew; and from his saddle bending low, Just where the neck did to the shoulders grow, With his full force discharg'd a deadly blow. Not heads of poppies, when they reap the grain, Fall with more ease before the lab'ring swain, Than fell this head:
It fell so quick, it did even death prevent: And made imperfect bellowings as it went.
Boab. On your allegiance I command you stay; Who passes here, through me must make his way. My life's the isthmus; through this narrow line You first must cut, before those seas can join. What fury, Zegrys, has possess'd your minds? What rage the brave Abencerrages blinds? If of your courage you new proofs would show, Without much travel you may find a foe. Those foes are neither so remote nor few, That should need each other to pursue.
Lean times and foreign wars should minds unite; When poor, men mutter, but they seldom fight.
Almanzor. No man has more contempt than I of breath, But whence hast thou the right to give me death?
Obey'd as sov'reign by thy subjects be, But know, that I alone am king of me. I am as free as Nature first made man, Ere the base laws of servitude began, When wild in woods the noble savage ran.
Abdalla. This, sir, is he who for the elder fought, And to the juster cause the conquest brought: Till the proud Santo, seated in the throne, Disdain'd the service he had done to own: Then, to the vanquish'd part his fate he led; The vanquish'd triumph'd, and the victor fled. Vast is his courage, boundless is his mind, Rough as a storm, and humorous as wind: Honour's the only idol of his eyes:
The charms of beauty like a pest he flies: And rais'd by valour, from a birth unknown, Acknowledges no pow'r above his own.
Almanz. It pleases me your army is so great; For now I know there's more to conquer yet. By Heav'n, I'll see what troops you have behind; I'll face this storm that thickens in the wind: And, with bent forehead, full against it go, Till I have found the last and utmost foe.
D. Arcos. Believe, you shall not long attend in vain; To morrow's dawn shall cover all the plain. Bright arms shall flash upon you from afar; A wood of lances, and a moving war.
Abdal. Howe'er imperious in her words she were, Her parting looks had nothing of severe; A glancing smile allur'd me to command, And her soft fingers gently press'd my hand. 1 felt the pleasure glide through ev'ry part: Her hand went through me to my very heart.
Zulema. If, when a crown and mistress are in place, Virtue intrudes with her lean holy face,
Virtue's then mine, and not I Virtue's foe:
Why does she come where she has nought to do? Let her with anch'rites, not with lovers lie; Statesmen and they keep better company.
Abdal. Reason was giv'n to curb our headstrong will. Zul. Reason but shows a weak physician's skill: Gives nothing while the raging fit does last; But stays to cure it when the worst is past. Reason's a staff for age, when nature's gone; But youth is strong enough to walk alone.
Abdal. Had Fate so pleas'd, I had been eldest born, And then, without a crime, the crown had worn.
Zul. Would you so please, Fate yet a way would find; Man makes his fate according to his mind.
The weak low spirit Fortune makes her slave, But she's a drudge, when hector'd by the brave. If Fate weaves common thread, he'll change the doom, And with new purple spread a nobler loom.
Zul. I met Almanzor coming back from court, But with a discompos'd and speedy pace,
A fiery colour kindling all his face:
The king his pris'ner's freedom has deny'd, And that refusal has provok'd his pride. Abdal. Would he were ours!
I'll try to gild th' injustice of his cause, And court his valour with a vast applause.
Zul. The bold are but the instruments o' th' wise:
They undertake the dangers we advise.
And while our fabric with their pains we raise,
We take the profit, and pay them with praise.
Almahide. What dismal planet did my triumphs light? Discord the day, and death does rule the night: The noise my soul does through my senses wound. Lyndaraxa. Methink it is a noble, sprightly sound. The trumpet's clangor, and the clash of arms!
This noise may chill your blood, but mine it warms. [Shouting and clashing of swords within.
We have already passed the Rubicon. The dice are mine; now, Fortune, for a throne.
[A shout within, and clashing of swords afar off.
The sound goes farther off, and faintly dies; Curse of this going back, these ebbing cries! Ye winds, waft hither sounds more strong and quick; Beat faster, drums, and mingle deaths more thick. I'll to the turrets of the palace go,
And add new fire to those that fight below: Thence, Hero-like, with torches by my side, (Far be the omen, though,) my love will guide. No; like his better fortune I'll appear,
open arms, loose veil, and flowing hair, Just flying forward from my rolling sphere: My smiles shall make Abdalla more than man; Let him look up and perish if he can.
[An Alarm nearer: Then enter ALMANZOR and SELIN at the head of the Zegrys; OZMYN prisoner.
Almanz. We have not fought enough; they fly too soon: And I am griev'd the noble sport is done.
This only man, of all whom chance did bring
To meet my arms, was worth the conquering. His brave resistance did my fortune grace; So slow, so threat'ning forward, he gave place. His chains be easy, and his usage fair.
Almah. Where should I find the heart to speak one word?
Your voice, sir, is as killing as your sword.
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