thing that there be no divisions amongst them;* But to be perfectly joined together in the same mind, and in the same judgment: as the apos tle expresseth it. Thence it cometh to pass, that there is so much disunion in affection be cause there is so much distraction in opinion.f Whereas the primitive believers, while they were all of one faith, they were answerably all of one heart and of one soul; and so preserving the uni e ty of the spirit in the bond of peace. Thirdly, A chain also for the worth and dignity of it, Proverbs i. 9. "They shall be an or nament of grace unto thine head, and chains about thy neck." Persons of quality and authority are wont to wear their golden chains wherewith they are set out and adorned. It is the expression of Christ to his church, Cant. i. 10. "Thy cheeks are comely with rows of jewels: Thy neck with chains of gold." And again, Cant. iv. 9. "Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse, thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck." This system and body of truth which is here in part commended unto us, is the precious and glorious chain upon the neck of the true spouse of Christ, which makes her look * 1 Cor. i. 10. † Acts iv. 32. ‡ Ephes. iv. 3. § Gen. xli. 42. Dan. v. 29. Ezek. xvi. 11. 1. A CHAIN OF PRINCIPLES ; OR, AN ORDERLY CONCATENATION OF Theological Aphorisms and Exercitations, WHEREIN THE CHIEF HEADS OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION ARE ASSERTED AND IMPROVED. BY JOHN ARROWSMITH, D. D. LATE MASTER BOTH OF ST JOHN'S AND TRINITY COLLEGE SUCCESSIVELY, AND TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, AN ACCOUNT OF THE LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. -Because the Preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; The Preacher sought to find out acceptable words; and that which was The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters Edinburgh: PRINTED BY THOMAS TURNBULL, gift 1-11-1933 CHARACTER OF THE WORK. TO THE PRINTER. SIR, December, 1822. AT your request we readily express our opinion of ARROWSMITH'S ARMILLA CATECHETICA, or CHAIN OF PRINCIPLES, a handsome New Edition of which you are about to publish. That opinion is in a high degree favourable. In an age when learned judicious Theologians were perhaps in an unparalleled degree numerous, DR ARROWSMITH held a distinguished place. None of his writings are more worthy of his high character, than that you are about to republish, with the exception of the ASSEMBLY'S SHORTER CATECHISM, in the compilation of which he had a principal hand. HIS ARMILLA CATECHETICA exhibits the first Principles of the Christian Faith with remarkable accuracy, and supports them by the most satisfactory arguments. In reprinting this work, we consider you as having done an important service to the Christian world, and hope your success will be such as to encourage you to give a modern form to some more of the little known, but highly valuable, Treatises of the Nonconformist Divines. JOHN BROWN, Whitburn. |