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From The Quarterly Review.

However this may be, most partial critics will, we think, admit that there is MR. DARWIN has added another vol- a marked falling-off both in philosophical ume of amusing stories and grotesque tone and scientific interest in the works illustrations to the remarkable series of produced since Mr. Darwin committed works already devoted to the exposition himself to the crude metaphysical concepand defence of the evolutionary hypothe- tion so largely associated with his name. sis. Few, however, except faithful disci- The "Origin of Species" contained a ples will regard this new work as con- number of typical facts carefully selected, tributing much either to the author's admirably described, and skilfully marfame, the scientific treatment of expres- shalled in support of the general argusion, or the support of the general theory. ment. The tone of the exposition was For ourselves, we must confess to having moreover cautious, sober, and perfectly risen from its perusal with a feeling of candid. No attempt was made to disthe profoundest disappointment. Know-guise the partial and provisional nature ing the point to which Sir Charles Bell's of the results arrived at. The conception admirable essay had carried the exposi- of gradual evolution by means of natural tion of the subject, and finding from Mr. selection was stated as an hypothesis Darwin's introduction that he had given towards which many facts seem to point, special attention to it for upwards of but which in the present state of our thirty years, we naturally expected that knowledge could not be positively verithe volume would throw some fresh light fied. In "The Descent of Man," while on the philosophy of expression. This the relevant facts were far fewer, and the anticipation has not been realized. Of gaps in the evidence wider and more course the work contains a number of serious, the tone of the reasoning founded the careful observations, ingenious reflec-on them was confident even to dogmatism. tions, and faithful analogies with which In the present work, especially in the earMr. Darwin's writings abound. But with regard to the interpretation of expression in men or animals, there is no advance on previous inquiries; while in relation to the most important branch, human expression, the exposition is positively retrograde, sinking far below the high level already reached. In his zeal for his favourite theory, Mr. Darwin seems to regard the nobler and more distinguishing human emotions with a curious kind of jealousy, as though they had no right to scientific recognition. He dwells at large only on the lower and more animal aspects and elements of emotion, and seems at times almost unwilling to admit that an expression is human at all, unless he can verify its existence in some of the lower animals. His one-sided devotion to an à priori scheme of interpretation seems thus steadily tending to impair the author's hitherto unrivalled powers as an


• The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. By CHARLES DARWIN, M.A., F.R.S., &c. With Photographic and other Illustrations. London:


lier or animal part, the facts, even when well established, are vague and ambiguous, while many of the more important are doubtful and disputed. A large proportion of them would indeed suit almost any other hypothesis quite as well as Mr. Darwin's, and many directly suggest a counter theory. Yet on the strength of this obscure and uncertain evidence Mr. Darwin claims to have established his general conclusion by even an excess of proof.

This significant result naturally suggests many reflections. Amongst others it raises the question as to the influence which the wholesale importation of hypotheses into many of its branches has had upon the development of modern science, and in particular the manner in which the leading hypothesis of evolution has affected the recent progress of the science of natural history. It has undoubtedly influenced very largely their whole spirit and procedure. During the last fifteen years not only have special branches been revolutionized, but science itself the very conception of what is

scientific appears to have undergone a and prolific fields to cultivate, the divi

very serious change. Instead of designating what is most rigorous, exact, and assured in human knowledge, natural science is fast becoming identified with what is most fluctuating, hypothetical, and uncertain in current opinion and belief. It is worth inquiring for a moment what amount of gain and loss is involved in the change, what are the relative advantages and disadvantages accruing to science from the disturbing element of speculative conjecture which the Darwin hypothesis has so largely


In the first place, there can be little doubt that the theory of evolution, like any large intellectual conception provisionally uniting widely sundered spheres of knowledge, may, under proper regulation, have a very salutary effect. If its true character be kept in view, the theory is likely to do good rather than harm. It will prompt inquiry after the links connecting various branches of science, and thus turn observation and research into wholly new directions. Under its influence attention will be fixed with interest and anticipation on the interspaces in the map of natural knowledge, which would be neglected so long as the different provinces were held to be separate and independent kingdoms. In short, it would establish a sort of temporary federation between the different provinces of science, and thus suggest and encourage the prospect of their more intimate and lasting union. In this way such a conception helps to correct one of the most serious incidental evils connected with the rapid progress of science- the tendency to isolation and exclusiveness. It has long been a reproach against the votaries of physical research, that they are, as a rule, specialists, wise only in one, or at most one or two departments of inquiry, and thus taking a somewhat limited and one-sided view of nature's operations. The provinces of natural knowledge are too vast and varied to be mastered in detail by any single mind, and even accomplished students can at most have a first-hand acquaintance with comparatively few. With so many wide


sion of labour becomes a necessity, and the ardent specialist, engrossed in his own work, is comparatively indifferent to other and more remote scenes of exertion. This absorption of mind in a single direction may be a secret of success in science, but it tends to narrow the vision to a particular area of inquiry and to give exaggerated importance to one class of results. The kind of knowledge with which the specialist is most familiar comes almost unconsciously to be regarded as the only kind of real knowledge, its phenomena being the typical facts and its generalizations the ultimate laws of nature. ignorance of other subjects even by proficients in science, may thus be denser and more hopeless than in minds of lower culture and intelligence. As Dr. Lyon Playfair has recently said, in discussing the mutual relation of professional and liberal studies, "the focusing of light upon a particular spot, while it brilliantly illuminates that spot, intensifies the darkness all around." And the darkness is usually most impenetrable at points further removed from the specialist's own field of vision. Continually engaged in the study of sensuous facts and the working of material forces, he becomes relatively insensible to the phenomena and powers of the moral and spiritual universe. He not unnaturally comes to regard these mental realities as altogether imaginary or wholly unknown, denying that they can ever become objects of science, or indeed knowledge in the limited meaning he attaches to the term. With such inquirers the terms metaphysical and theological are convenient and compendious epithets for describing their special ignorances and favourite aversions. They look, indeed, with impatience and suspicion on all theories designed to give a speculative basis to the different branches of science, and unite all lines of investigation into a totality or universum of knowledge.

The doctrine of evolution acts as a corrective to this separatist tendency of analytical inquiry. It expands the horizon of science, and illuminates a wider prospect. For the old notion of nature as an

aggregate of independent parts it substi- application.

Excitable but untrained


feeling it will gain access to numbers who
cannot estimate its value and know noth-
ing of the evidence upon which it rests.
Nay, where the passion for novelty is
stronger than the power of scrutinizing
proofs and estimating impartially the
force of reasoning, even earnest students
of science may be led astray by hastily
adopting the guidance of a grand convic-
tion or belief instead of following the
slower but surer road of experimental
verification and inductive proof.
partial though still popular acceptance of
the new doctrine will thus be likely to
illustrate in its working the evils asso-
ciated with outbursts of social and reli-
gious enthusiasm. It will operate as a
disturbing force in science, introducing
into its domain elements of confusion
and perplexity from which it had hitherto
been almost wholly free. And subjected
to this newer influence science can no
longer claim any immunity from the per-
ils and difficulties besetting other and
less positive branches of inquiry. In pro-
portion to their rash adoption and indis-
criminate use the new doctrines must
produce injurious results both speculative
and practical.

tutes the larger and more vital concep- minds would eagerly welcome it, and tion of all being mutually related and con- through the open avenues of fancy and stituting an organic whole. The old lines of rigid difference, the hard isolating boundaries, including ultimate distinctions of form and substance, melt away before the incessant ebb and flow, flux and reflux, of common elements and common forces. The same constituents are found in the mightiest orbs above us as in the dust beneath our feet, and the same processes are illustrated in the for•mation alike of a star, a gem, or a flower. Man himself occupies a subordinate place in a vast secular procession which has moved on through interminable ages in the past, and, like the shadowy train that startled Macbeth in the Witches' Cavern, stretches out to the crack of doom in the future. Such a conception has undoubtedly a power and dignity of its own that, apart from definite evidence, would make it almost irresistibly attractive to a certain order of minds. If it seems at first sight to aggrandize nature at the expense of man, the unwelcome impression is soon removed by perceiving that it virtually annihilates the distinction between them. In the same way its bearing upon the moral universe is purposely left obscure in the ambiguity as to whether it may ultimately tend to materialize spirit These evils are, indeed, already apparor spiritualize matter. Ardent and imag-ent in almost every department of inquiinative minds, enamoured of natural in- ry. As we have seen, the theory of evoquiry, will not hesitate at speculative dif- lution supplies physical science with a ficulties of this kind, or inquire too curi- speculative basis or philosophy which it ously about the links of proof. They will sorely needed, and with a kind of religion be fascinated by the novelty and gran- as well. At least the grand cosmical deur of a conception that seems to rend conception gives a powerful emotional the veil in nature's temple, and reveal stimulus to a certain order of susceptible her hidden mysteries; that avowedly gath- minds, which may be regarded as a speers the scattered rays of knowledge into cies of inverted religious feeling. But a focus for the purpose of illuminating what is thus gained in one direction is the past, the present, and the possible; certainly lost in another. While giving that regards geological ages as moments to science a philosophy and religion, the in the rythmical evolution of universal great hypothesis has also brought with it life, and planetary systems as mere all the vices usually associated with the specks in the fathomless abyss of infinite more excited types of metaphysical and being. Such an hypothesis appeals quite theological discussion. The intellectual as strongly to the imagination and the evils thus introduced are exemplified in emotions as it does to the judgment and the writings of even the more eminent the reason, and hence the danger of its scientific men belonging to the evolutionpremature acceptance and indiscriminate ist school. No doubt the hypothesis

gives a breadth, vigour, and animation to the expositions of its best representatives, such as Tyndall and Huxley; but, at the same time, it infects their specuIntive reasoning and results with an element of vagueness and uncertainty which even the most confident tone and trenchant style cannot altogether conceal. Then, again, the polemical writings of the school abound with the strained emphasis, eager word-catching, the rhetorical denunciations and appeals which characterize the lower forms of religious controversy.

sumed except those which really exist, and are sufficient to produce the effect. Now, the power of spontaneous and systematic transmutation which Mr. Darwin's hypothesis assumes has not yet been shown to exist; the slight variations within fixed and narrow limits, which is all he demonstrates, being wholly insufficient to produce the enormous changes attributed to it. The fatal flaw is the absence of evidence as to the existence and working of the power which the theory assumes. The furthest line in the past along which science can travel fails But the most serious result is the in- to supply the needed links of proof. Not road which these imposing hypotheses only the long historical period, but the are making on the method and language immensely longer geological eras are of science. With regard to the first silent on this vital point. The records point, Mr. Darwin himself leads the way of thousands and hundreds of thousands in the virtual abandonment of the induc- of years have been ransacked in vain for tive method. While nominally inductive, the needed evidence. When pressed his procedure is really deductive, and de- with these difficulties, Mr. Darwin takes ductive of the most unscientific and illog- refuge in infinite time and unknown ical kind. Mr. Darwin tells us that his space, in the alleged imperfection of the favourite speculation has guided and in- geological record, and the assumed eons fluenced his scientific observations and of animated nature that died and made no reflections for upwards of thirty years. sign. Here, of course, he cannot be folAt length he propounds it avowedly as lowed, and is at perfect liberty, therefore, an hypothesis, the fragmentary and im- to fabricate his imaginary proofs in any perfect evidence deduced in its support way, and to any extent he pleases. To being eked out with ingenious analogies cover this sort of retreat, or at least to and fanciful suggestions. The hypothet- afford ample room for this sort of indefiical character of the speculation is fully nite appeal, Professor Tyndall formally admitted by the few eminent names in claims free scope for the exercise of the science who have given it a welcome. On imagination in science. He admits the other hand, men as eminent as Mr." that, in more senses than one, Mr. DarDarwin in his own department have win has drawn heavily upon the scienstrongly asserted that not one of the tific tolerance of his age. He has drawn points essential to the establishment of heavily upon time in the development of the hypothesis is proved; in short, that his species; and he has drawn adventuas yet it has no really scientific evidence rously upon matter, in his theory of panin its support. But in his recent works genesis." But he boldly demands that Mr. Darwin boldly employs the unveri- in science the speculative faculty shall be fied hypothesis deductively to explain the free to wander into regions where the origin and history of man, and interpret hope of certainty would seem to be enwhat is most characteristic in human ex- tirely shut out. In other words, when a pression. And he does this with all the daring scientific speculator finds himself confidence of a theological disputant ap- in difficulties - becomes bankrupt in fact plying some dogmatic assumption, such - he must be allowed to draw upon the as universal depravity or satanic influ- bank of fancy at will, with the assurance ence, or defending some sectarian sym-that his draft, if eyed with suspicion by bol, such as Sacramental Efficacy or an Effectual Call. In this, it need hardly be said, Mr. Darwin completely abandons the true attitude of science, which is that of suspended judgment on points not yet proved.

older-established scientific firms, will be eagerly honoured by excited, credulous, and expectant novices.

The philosophy and psychology of the school are, to a large extent, infected with the same vice. While nominally experiAgain, in attempting to establish his ential and inductive, they are really, to a theory, Mr. Darwin violates the funda- characteristic extent, à priori and hypomental canons of scientific inquiry-thetical. The system of Mr. Herbert Newton's celebrated laws, that in inter- Spencer, the chief philosophical expopreting nature no causes are to be as-nent of evolution, is essentially deduc

tive, its central propositions being as-sults. Unfortunately, however, all sciensumed, and only illustrated by occasional tific conjectures need verification; and but wholly insufficient references to ex- it is only after this necessary process that perience. The psychology of the school, the man of genius can be finally distinagain, rests on an extreme and one- guished from the daring but wayward sided theory; and the spirit of observa- speculator. However this may be, Dr. tion, though largely cultivated, is still Maudesley practically illustrates the liguided and controlled by the exigencies cense he claims for men of genius. Acof the theory. One important point of customed to the observation and treatthe theory for example, is, that we ment of mental diseases, and thus habithave no perception of externality and uated to the psychological side of his distance through the sense of sight; no science, he boldly resolves all bodily aildirect and intuitive perception of these ments into mental disorders. All disrelations at all, indeed, the knowledge turbances in any part of the physical being arrived at in a roundabout and op- system in the lungs or liver, the stomerose manner by means of our muscular ach or kidneys - may, according to him, and tactile experiences. The well-known be ultimately traced to a temporary loss facts of animal life-such as that of of local memory. He asserts, indeed, chickens catching flies without any pre- that every organic element of the animal vious experience, as soon as they leave body is endowed with this mental power the shell — directly contradict this view. the pittings of small-pox being due to The facts rest on the express observa- the fact that the virus of this terrible tion and testimony of eminent naturalists, disease has a peculiarly tenacious memand they have recently been verified ory. Extremes meet, and the ultraafresh in a series of thoroughly scientific physical school, in its latest developand exhaustive experiments. But Pro- ments, tends to become more metaphysifessor Bain, in dealing with the objec- cal than the metaphysicians. As prevition, founded on the instinctive percep- ous speculators of the same school had tion of the lower animals, virtually denies made mind a function of the body, so the fact. He maintains that there "does their more advanced followers are rapidly not exist a body of careful and adequate making body a mere function of mind. observations on the early movements of An evil almost equally great connected animals." Elsewhere he still more ex- with this rapid and somewhat random deplicitly repudiates the testimony of natu-velopment of extreme theories is the conralists on the point. “It is likewise said | fusion of tongues, or rather of technical that the chick recognizes grains of corn languages it has introduced. If any of at first sight, and can so direct its movements as to pick them up at once; being thus able to know the meaning of what it sees, to measure the distance of objects instinctively, and to graduate its movements to that of knowledge — all which is, in the present state of our acquaintance with the laws of mind, wholly incredible." The last statement would be more accurately expressed in the paraphrase

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All which facts are on the theory the author has adopted wholly inadmissible." In other words, the facts must be denied in the interest of the theory.

The same tendency to substitute speculations for proof is seen in the physiology as well as in the psychology of the school. Even so vigorous and independent a thinker as Dr. Maudesley cannot escape the prevalent rage for hypotheses. Indeed, he has a theory designed, perhaps almost unconsciously, to cover the free use of the speculative element in which he delights,-that the man of genius is independent of the slow inductive processes, and leaps at once to their re

the great masters of scientific expression
belonging to the last generation could
look into the writings of some of their
successors, they would be aghast at the
loose style and mongrel dialect which in
many instances have taken the place of
their own purity, dignity, and precision
of scientific statement.
The chief con-
fusion, so far as language is concerned,
arises from the promiscuous use of terms
appropriated respectively to body and
mind, as though they meant exactly the
same thing. No abuse could be more op-
posed to good taste and scientific accu-
racy. Physics and physiology have a
definite and established language of their
own, and so also have psychology and
metaphysics. There are exact and ap-
propriate terms for describing mental
states and activities, and also for de-
scribing bodily states and activities, and
the first rule of scientific clearness and
precision is that they should be kept
distinct. The new school, however-
some deliberately, and others through
the force of evil example -- habitually

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