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As a collector and adaptor of things I

box, or bureau, or desk, which the dear hereafter. At any rate, as I write of the hand will open no more, contains them. past I had better substitute "was for There they are. To you has been con-is." fided the trust to dispose of them, and you must go through with it. Things are never knew Dan's equal. His "shop," there belonging to a past generation, as he called it, a den he built for himself, which show the difficulty of your task. leading out of the harness-room, was a He had not had the heart to destroy them, sight to see. Take a carpenter's, a chemwhen he stood as you stand now. They ist's, a blacksmith's, a cobbler's, and a are strange to you put them aside and marine-store dealer's shop. Mix well examine the rest. What is this bundle together; shuffle and cut; throw in a few tied with what was once a scarlet riband, books, garnish with diagrams in chalk, and marked "to be laid on my heart"? and plates out of the Illustrated London It contains your mother's love letters, and News, and you may faintly realize Dan's she has gone before." Here is a broken surroundings. His speciality was maktoy, marked "poor Charles". -the brother ing things out of something else, and you never saw. Here is that wonderful always having that something else handy effusion, about which you (a poet of thir- in his store. The heaps of apparent teen) got so teased. Well, he was proud rubbish he kept and added to day by day of it. Your famous treatise in the "Quar- were appalling! The wildest conjecture terly," is not there, but this doggerel, could not anticipate an use for one article and your school-boy correspondence, are out of a hundred; but the time would stored amongst the things, with notes, surely come when something would get and marks, and signs of loving interest. out of order, or be broken, or lost, or You recalled in these moments many an what not; and then Dan would scratch act of folly that may have given pain; his square head, look intensely stupid for many an omission to do what might have a minute or two, and then march straight given pleasure, and there are spots upon for his “shop,” saying that he thought he the things which were not there before. he had "summut as 'ud do;" and "do" it did.

Hitherto I have dealt with people who accumulated things, if not exactly against A little stream ran at the bottom of their will, at any rate, without premedita- the garden. Out of the sherry cask Dan tion. What is gathered and stored with made a water-wheel; with an old gun malice prepense, are not "things" in that and some straightened horse-shoes he sense of the word, which is, I hope, familiar | made a pump which it worked. He by this time, with the reader. Therefore, pieced together a lot of old lead piping, I have nothing to say about monomaniacs and not only sent water up into the house, who collect postage-stamps and mono- but made a fountain on the lawn! He grams; about gentlemen who affect pri- constructed a sun-dial out of a broken vate museums, and sometimes think more pillar and an old copper stew-pan. He of their mahogany cases and cabinets, mended the church clock with Heaven and of the neatly-written tickets which knows what heterodox material. mark the objects within, than of those harness never wore out. The gig was objects themselves; or of ladies of the always spick and span. His employer Toodles' species, who infest auctions, did not know what a carpenter's bill was. and buy anything that goes cheap. The cows, the pigs, and the poultry pass these by with a wave of the pen, and throve and multipled. He was the "vet come to DAN. of three parishes, which accounts for the rows of bottles and the unholy apparatus which, with a stuffed owl and sundry dried skins of vermin, gave a cabalistic character to his den.

Dan is not the opposite to Bathsheba, but a man—a short stumpy man, with a square head and a stolid expression of countenance, which might lead the unwary to think him a stupid. Any speculator who invested in Dan as a stupid would make a bad transaction. Dan is Jack (and master) of all trades, and a philosopher to boot. "Is"! I first knew him when I was a boy - no matter how many years ago. He was factotum to the father of a schoolfellow whom I "knew at home," and Dan was no chicken then. He may have gone to the land of the



His confiunlimited. In his spare

His den was Dan's pride. dence in its resources was He scorned new materials. time he would straighten out old nails, re-turn old screws 'get things handy," as he said-smoking his pipe gravely the while, and coming out now and then with those observations which entitled him to consideration as a philosopher, but are out of place here.

I fear that the race of handy men, like Dan, is well nigh extinct. He was "odd boy" about the place when my friend's father married. He had been in that service twenty-five years when I first met him. The idea of going away to "better himself" was, I believe, the only one that did not enter Dan's angular cranium. He was not perfect. I regret to say that once in a while he got exceedingly drunk. His master was rather a quick-tempered man, and time after time discharged him on the spot - but he never went.

Where are you now, oh, ambidexterous Dan? Is that honest clever right hand of yours with the dust, or is it still busy amongst your things? Ah, no! How time flies! Twelve years ago I met the "little Milly" of the days I write of, a grown-up young lady. The three gallant Soldier boys, her brothers, are all gone. Has the grim Reaper spared you, Dan? Anyhow you are too old to work, and the amazing problem- what has become of your things-is too maddening to be entertained.

A. DE F.


or simply reproductions of the normal face of the artist's contemporaries, individualized in some measure by the more or less successful introduction of traditional traits, it is equally clear that the type they represent is not the type of the Elgin Marbles. And the Greek face, as it exists now, is like the type of the historical busts and is not like the type of the Elgin Marbles, though some travellers profess to have found the latter still general round Misitra. If what we may call the Phidian type ceased to be general from, let us say, 450 B.C. onwards, we may ask, Was it ever general before? Perhaps this is not improbable; the limits of individual variation are much wider among a civilized race such as the Greeks had then become, than among a ruder race, where individuals differ only in the degree of perfection with which they conform to a common type. This suggests the further questions, Whether there was a general type which preceded the Phidian, and if so, whether we have any means for determining what it was?


Twenty years ago Mr. Scharf, in the account of Greek art which he prefixed to the third edition of "Wordsworth's Greece," remarked that a cat-like arrangement of the eyes was one of the common characteristics of all archaic Greek art, and the astounding sarcophaWE are too apt to think of the Greeks gus from the Castellani Collection gives as if during the whole period from Homer a new interest to such inquiries. to Polybius, not to say from Homer to first sight it seems a very startling hyAgathias, the full spirit of the manifold pothesis that the Greeks could ever have works that they have bequeathed to us been like that strange couple, with their had been poured out upon every genera- short great toes, and hollow chests, and tion. We never try to think what the retreating foreheads, with the whole face life of the contemporaries of Alcæus or converging to the mouth: it is startling Theognis was like upon the whole. We to think that there have ever been such only use Alcæus and Theognis as data men at all, and that if they ever lived for determining the constituents of what they must have lived little, if any more, we call "the Greek spirit," which was than twenty-five centuries ago. If we the spirit of no Greek generation, of no are to assume that the rate at which it is Greek city, not even of the Athens of possible for the prevailing type of face to Pericles, but rather the glorified ghost of change is absolutely fixed, we shall put all. the Castellani sarcophagus out of court One of the minor results of this as-altogether; we shall say it is impossible sumption, which we all make more or less unconsciously, is that we suppose, or think and speak as if we supposed, that the Greeks in general were like the Elgin Marbles. We know, of course, from the personalities of Plato's Dialogues, and from the more or less authentic portraits of the celebrated Greeks of the historical age, that this type was not permanent; for whether we suppose that the archetypes of the busts which had come down to us were genuine portraits,

that the artist can have been representing what he saw: either he was incompetent or he was not serious. But it is certain that the rate is anything but fixed: the contrast between the first sitter of Kneller and the last sitter of Reynolds is decidedly less than the contrast between the first sitter of Lawrence and the last sitter of Millais; and both are dwarfed by the contrast between the first sitter of Lawrence and the last sitter of Reynolds; and this again by the contrast between

the sitters of Vandyke and the sitters of head and the nose, and Assyrian art for Kneller. And if we go back a century the fact that the Assyrian eyebrows met from Vandyke to Holbein, we find a still there across a permanent wrinkle, why greater divergence of type between the should we distrust both when they agree two extremes; while the well-marked that the eyes pointed more or less upElizabethan type which comes between is ward towards the back of the head? sharply distinguished from both. And Further presumptions of the same or this is what we really ought to expect; der might be accumulated almost without the rate of change among men's habits limit, but perhaps these are enough to and institutions is liable to the most sur- justify us in returning to the Castellani prising variations, and these, like their sarcophagus seriously, and it cast of countenance, are really the ex- without prejudice. Two things strike pression of their thoughts, and feelings, us at once, and dispose us in its favour: and wishes. We know that between 550 one is, that though the work be very and 450 B.C. the Greeks went through feeble and ignorant, it has a look of the most complete and thorough mental painstaking veracity about it if it were transformation on record, and we ought not so startling we should call it lifelike; not to be startled by evidence which the other is more important. In the points to corresponding physical modifications of an unusually rapid kind.

Homeric poems we discern a strong and unmistakable sense of human beauty, an evident delight in the contrast be tween smooth cheeks, and glossy tresses, and bright rolling eyes. Now these are just the elements of beauty which are present in the Castellani sarcophagus, for the wide orbits imply a great play of the eyeball within them.

Still it may be objected that the catlike arrangement of the eyes is too gereral a characteristic of early art to be significant in any single instance. It would require very full technical knowledge to dispose exhaustively of what this objection implies, and to pronounce with certainty how far, if at all, the mere in- And what do the retreating brow and experience of the hand and the eye would the upward slope of the orbits imply? tend to force a type upon artists which They imply simply this, that the movethere was nothing in their models to ments of the jaw are the most important suggest. In default of such knowledge movements of the face; that instead of it may be observed, that if inexperience being fixed at an angle to the cheek-bone, were the only cause, we should expect, the upper jaw moves freely in a line with cæteris paribus, to find this arrangement it; or rather, that the motion of the most marked in the earliest and rudest whole head, often if not generally a downwork. Now there is medieval work ward motion, adapted to large masses of without the peculiarity which is much food in comparatively fixed positions, has ruder than Oriental work with the pecu- not yet been superseded by the motion liarity and there is typical medieval of the lower jaw, adapted to small and work, like the Chessmen from the He- manageable morsels presented in variabrides in the British Museum, in which ble positions by the hand; or, to put the it would be paradoxical to trace any same thing in another form, the position strong Romanic influence. Then, too, we of the upper jaw has not yet been modifind the peculiarity much more marked fied by the frequent upward movements in the bust of Thothmes III., a king of of the lower and by its diminished size. the eighteenth dynasty, than in the statue In this connexion it is significant to obof Mentu Hetp, an officer of the eleventh; serve that the Rakshasas, savages idealwhile in the two great white busts of ized into devils, who always appear in Rameses II. in the centre of the Egyptian Hindoo legends with their jaws buried in Gallery at the British Museum it disap- carcasses, are to be recognized, accordpears altogether. Again it is less marked ing to popular belief, by the upward slant in the Man-headed Bulls and gigantic of their eyes when they appear in human statues from Nimroud than in the metope form. Now in Buddhist art — and all from Selinus of Athene and Perseus; Indian art begins among the non-Aryan and though it may be said that the races which Buddha evangelized — this Assyrian work shows more feeling for upward slant is always distinctly tracea artistic dignity than the Greek, it can ble. hardly be said that it shows more artistic knowledge. Again, if we trust Egyptian art for the fact that the Egyptians had no perceptible depression between the fore

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It is to be observed further that the cheek-bone might have retained the position which it had inevitably in days when men were still coarse feeders, even after

this cause had ceased to operate, unless | the modifications which would be due to other causes had come in to modify it. So the special development of the lips and that the question comes to be partly, When eyes are already established, but somedid the Greeks come to feed themselves thing of the old lie of the face still redecently with their hands, and what oth- mains, which has completely disappeared er causes carried the transformation up in the works of the Phidian period. to a point which neither the Egyptians This suggests the further question, nor the Assyrians reached? Now it is Was there any special cause tending to obvious that the movement of the eye increase the plasticity of the organism would tend to modify the orbit, if the lat- that continued to work with increasing ter be not assumed to have become abso- intensity up to the Phidian period? There lutely rigid. Again, when the action of certainly were two: one was the accelerthe lips in speaking and singing became ating intellectual movement; the other, more important than their action in swal- perhaps even a more decisive one, was lowing, this would modify not only the the universal gymnastic training. Thelips themselves, but also their position in ognis, who "flourished" 540 B.C., knows relation to the cheek. Still more de- nothing of gymnastics as a part of educacisive would be the growth of the brain, tion, though he is full of the opportunities pushing the forehead upward and for- a man has of forming himself at drinkingward, and forcing the whole skull to clubs. Pindar, less than two generations modify itself to meet the changed centre later, is full of athletics, as if they were of gravity in the upper part of the head. the business of life. The fact is, the ascendancy of Sparta brought all Greece to the festivals held under Spartan protection at Delphi and Olympia, and then set all Greece training for them; and the enthusiasm thus created survived the undivided Spartan ascendancy for more than a generation, with the most fruitful consequences.

The Homeric Greeks were certainly not fine feeders; their habitual food was collops of half-burnt meat, served on spits, whence one fears they were pulled off with the teeth, and barley pillaus (that rarely attained the dignity of doughcakes; baking, as Mr. Davies has pointed out in "Hermathena," No. 1, was unknown), which must have been consumed either by raising the bowl to the mouth, or by gradually gobbling up a fistfull; while the bread, which had become the staff of life in the historical period, was so hard that it had to be soaked in water, and therefore was probably eaten in small mouthfuls, that were raised genteelly between the finger and the thumb. Again, the Homeric Greeks used to be sung to at their feasts by an harper; the Historic Greeks sing themselves to the sound of a piper; and one of the chief advantages which they expect from a drinking-bout is that it will set them talking. As we have had occasion to observe already, the Homeric Greeks were remarkable for the mobility of their eyes, and this explains a peculiarity of the vases of the transition period: although the permanent lines of the face still converge on the mouth, the eye points abruptly upward as often as downward; obviously this would be so if the habitual position of the eye in the orbit was variable, while the orbit was not yet modified by its movement. A later stage of the transition we are imagining may be traced in the Æginetan Marbles; there

The brain of the Macedonian race must have been comparatively undeveloped, accordingly the retreating brow reappears on the coins of Alexander's successors.

To resume.

Unless on anatomical grounds it can be determined à priori that the limits of possible modification within historical times are insignificant, it is far from improbable that we can still trace in the rude remains of archaic Greek Art a transformation of the Greek face corresponding to the transformation which we know took place in the Greek mind.


From Macmillan's Magazine. A JATRA.

ON the north bank of the sacred Nerbudda, about twenty miles from the mouth, there is a little village called Bhadbhut, which, with the exception of one month in every eighteen years, exists in the quiet placid way natural to Hindu villages. The houses are of mud; there is no bazar, and the only substantial building in the place is the white temple overlooking the river. No one of higher authority lives here than the village patels, who can scarcely read or write, and the village accountant, who does those offices for them; and their only subordinates Fare a few Bhils, who act as village watch

men, and are distinguished from their non-official brethren only by the bows and arrows they carry. But as that particular month approaches the village begins to grow, and by the time the new moon is visible it is a town. There is a bazar, broad and long, lined with the shops of grain-sellers, and cloth-sellers, and spicesellers, and sweetmeat sellers, and braziers; there is street after street of new houses; on the shore there is a perfect fleet of boats, each with its one short mast, supporting a mighty sweeping yard three times the length of itself, and new boats arriving can hardly make their way among the swarms of bathers.

The explanation of the change is that the Jatra has begun. A year composed of lunar months, like that of the Hindu calendar, is very rickety, and continually wants patching; and it is prescribed that when the month Bhadarava's turn to be intercalated comes which happens in eighteen years then for the space of the second Bhadarava a Jatra is to be held at Bhadbhut. Now the most extraordinary thing about a Jatra is the absence of anything extraordinary. That so many people should come so far to see so little, that they should be so happy in doing nothing, and take so much trouble about it is really surprising.

more artistic representations of scenes from holy legends, with Krishna often as the central figure, are also to be seen. But the great sight of all is to see how many people are doing nothing at all. The hum of voices goes on all night, and even an hour or two before dawn: in every quieter spot a firmament of glowing cigarettes shows how many are unwilling to waste these precious hours in sleep.

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The ordinary pilgrim's attendance at the temple is very brief. The crowd pour in at one door and out at another immediately. To continue passing through and through, from the calling of the god in the morning till the terrible voice which is supposed to send him to sleep at sunset, is a work of merit. Near the temple sit the holy mendicants and ascetics, almost naked, smeared all over with mud, wearing their hair and beard uncut, and looking altogether perfectly hideous and perfectly self-satisfied. Some of them are very distinguished as he who has come down from Benares, measuring the whole distance with his prostrate body; and he who lies all day on a plank studded with nails points upwards; and he who has held his hand up in the air for twenty-five years, till the finger-nails have grown so long that he appears to be holding up a bunch of snakes, and the The belief that there is particular vir- muscles of the arm perfectly rigid. This tue in bathing in the Nerbudda at this wretched man will consent to bring his particular time and place partly accounts hand down again (he says he would have for the assemblage, but what have holy to soak the muscles in oil for three weeks pilgrims to do with merry-go-rounds, in order to do so) if any one will feast for which are as crowded as the temple? him three thousand Brahmans. and what means the roaring trade in Truly there is not much that is pleasbrass and copper pots ? But it is neithering in a Jatra - childish amusements and religion nor traffic that brings all these miserably corrupt superstition. Still, people together; thousands come only Anglo-Saxons at least must admire that for the fun of the thing, and what the fun hundreds of thousands of persons are is, is the greatest puzzle to a European. content to take their holiday where no There are the merry-go-rounds, certainly; liquor is allowed to be sold, and that nor are they confined to youth: a full- great as are the crowds, there is no quargrown man wili mount a small green relling, and helpless and unprotected as wooden horse, and ride as if his only ob- the people are, scarcely any crime. ject in life were to catch the yellow one in front of him; and old men who are past such severe equestrian conflicts will still take a seat in the cars that travel an inner and more sober circuit. Dancing and singing and story-telling go on too. Nautches are not to be seen, but there is a simple amateur dance, accompanied with the voice. Legs and lungs qualify any one to take part. Violent music, proceeding from a tent may induce a few thousands to pay a small fee to go inside and see two or three wooden figures making foolish bows. Less sensational, but

From The Sunday Magazine. CUSTOMS OF MADAGASCAR.

THE form of government in Madagascar was, and we may say is, patriarchal. The unit, or simple element, is the family; and just as the father is the ruler of his children and dependants, so in a village the head man, along with the elders or old men, exercised the duties of magistrates. The king, again, was the great

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