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he was not a little proud. It was not very easy to get him to the particular subject in question. In fact, the affair with the poor false Duval had been so brief and undistinguished an episode in his master's life, that it was not without a strain of memory that he reached it.

comes the letter demanding the certifi- | earlier life and adventures, and especially cates of Madame Duval's death. Pardon of his former master, of whose splendid me if I remind you of all these circum- career in the army of La Belle Déesse' stances no doubt fresh in your recollection. I repeat them in order to justify the conclusions to which they led me. "I could not, however, get permission to absent myself from Paris for the time I might require till the end of last April. I had meanwhile sought all private means of ascertaining what Frenchmen of rank and station were in that capital in the autumn of 1849. Among the list of the very few such Messieurs I fixed upon one as the most likely to be the mysterious Achille - Achille was, indeed, his nom de baptême.

"By little and little, however, in the course of two or three evenings, and by the aid of many flasks of Orviette or bottles of Lacrima (wines, Monsieur, that I do not commend to any one who desires to keep his stomach sound and his secrets safe), I gathered these particulars.

"Our Don Juan, since the loss of a wife in the first year of marriage, had rarely visited Paris where he had a domicile his ancestral hotel there he had


"A man of intrigue — à bonnes fortunes - of lavish expenditure withal; very tenacious of his dignity, and avoiding any petty scandals by which it might be lowered; just the man who, in some passing affair of gallantry with a lady of "But happening to visit that capital of doubtful repute, would never have signed Europe a few months before we come to his titular designation to a letter, and our dates at Aix-la-Chapelle, he made would have kept himself as much incog- acquaintance with Madame Marigny, a nito as he could. But this man was dead natural daughter of high-placed parents, had been dead some years. He had by whom, of course, she had never been not died at Vienna- never visited that acknowledged, but who had contrived capital for some years before his death. that she should receive a good education He was then, and had long been, the at a convent; and on leaving it also conami de la maison of one of those grandes trived that an old soldier of fortunedames of whose intimacy grands sei- which means an officer without fortune gneurs are not ashamed. They parade who had served in Algiers with some there the bonnes fortunes they conceal distinction, should offer her his hand, elsewhere. Monsieur and the grande dame were at Baden when the former died. Now, Monsieur, a Don Juan of that stamp is pretty sure always to have a confidential Leporello. If I could find Leporello alive I might learn the secrets not to be extracted from a Don Juan defunct. I ascertained, in truth, both at Vienna, to which I first repaired in order to verify the renseignements I had obtained at Paris, and at Baden, to which I then bent my way, that this brilliant noble had a favourite valet who had lived with him from his youth an Italian, who had contrived in the course of his service to lay by savings enough to set up a hotel somewhere in Italy, supposed to be Pisa. To Pisa I repaired, but the man had left some years; his hotel had not prospered he had left in debt. No one could say what had become of him. At last, after a long and tedious research, I found him installed as manager of a small hotel at Genoa-a pleasant fellow enough; and after friendly intercourse with him (of course I lodged at his hotel), I easily led him to talk of his

and add the modest dot they assigned her to his yet more modest income. They contrived also that she should understand the offer must be accepted. Thus Mademoiselle Quelque Chose' become Madame Marigny, and she, on her part, contrived that a year or so later she should be left a widow. After her marriage, of course, the parents washed their hands of her they had done their duty. At the time Don Juan made this lady's acquaintance nothing could be said against her character; but the milliners and butchers had begun to imply that they would rather have her money than trust to her character. Don Juan fell in love with her, satisfied the immediate claims of milliner and butcher, and when they quitted Paris it was agreed that they should meet later at Aix-la-Chapelle. But when he resorted to that sultry, and, to my mind, unalluring spa, he was surprised by a line from her saying that she had changed her name of Marigny for that of Duval.

"I recollect,' said Leporello, 'that two days afterwards my master said to me,


"Nor of some living Madame Marigny, though the real one was dead?' "Stop, I do recollect; not that he ever named such a person to me, but that I have posted letters for vim to a Madame Marigny- oh yes! even years after the said petite Marigny was dead; and once I did venture to say, "Pardon me, Eccel

“Caution and secrecy. Don't mention my name at the house to which I may send you with any note for Madame Duval. I don't announce my name when I call. La petite Marigny has exchanged her name for that of Louise Duval; and I find that there is a Louise Duval here, her friend, who is niece to a relation of my own, and a terrible relation to quar-lenza, but may I ask if that poor lady is rel with a dead shot and unrivalled really dead, since I have to prepay this swordsman - Victor de Mauléon." My letter to her?"? master was brave enough, but he enjoyed life, and he did not think la petite Marigny worth being killed for.'

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Leporello remembered very little of what followed. All he did remember is that Don Juan, when at Vienna, said to him one morning, looking less gay than usual, It is finished with la petite Marigny-she is no more.' Then he ordered his bath, wrote a note, and said with tears in his eyes, Take this to Mademoiselle Celeste; not to be compared to la petite Marigny; but la petite Celeste is still alive. Ah, Monsieur! if only any man in France could be as proud of his ruler as that Italian was of my countryman! Alas! we Frenchmen are all made to command-or at least we think ourselves so- and we are insulted by one who says to us, 'Serve and obey.' Nowadays, in France we find all Don Juans and no Leporellos.

"After strenuous exertions upon my part to recall to Leporello's mind the important question whether he had ever seen the true Duval, passing under the name of Marigny - whether she had not presented herself to his master at Vienna or elsewhere he rubbed his forehead, and drew from it these reminiscences.

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"On the day that his Excellency,' Leporello generally so styled his master Excellency,' as you are aware, is the title an Italian would give to Satan if taking his wages, - 'told me that la petite Marigny was no more, he had received previously a lady veiled and mantled, whom I did not recognize as any one I had seen before, but I noticed her way of carrying herself — haughtily - her head thrown back; and I thought to myself, that lady is one of his grandes dames. She did call again two or three times, never announcing her name; then she did not reappear. She might be Madame Duval- I can't say.'

"But did you never hear his Excellency speak of the real Duval after that time?'

"No-non mi ricordo member.'

I don't re

“Oh,' said he, Madame Marigny! Of course the one you know is dead, but there are others of the same name; this lady is of my family. Indeed, her house, though noble in itself, recognizes the representative of mine as its head, and I am too bon prince not to acknowledge and serve any one who branches out of my own tree.'

"A day after this last conversation on the subject, Leporello said to me: My friend, you certainly have some interest in ascertaining what became of the lady who took the name of Marigny.' (I state this frankly, Monsieur, to show how difficult even for one so prudent as I am to beat about a bush long but what you let people know the sort of bird you are in search of.)

"Well,' said I, 'she does interest me. I knew something of that Victor de Mauléon, whom his Excellency did not wish to quarrel with; and it would be a kindly act to her relation if one could learn what became of Louise Duval.'

"I can put you on the way of learning all that his Excellency was likely to have known of her through correspondence. I have often heard him quote, with praise, a saying so clever that it might have been Italian - "Never write, never burn;" that is, never commit yourself by a letter keep all letters that could put others in your power. All the letters he received were carefully kept and labelled. I sent them to his son in four large trunks. His son, no doubt, has them still.'

"Now, however, I have exhausted my budget. I arrived at Paris last night. I strongly advise you to come hit her at once, if you still desire to prosecute your search.

"You, Monsieur, can do what I could not venture to do; you can ask the son of Don Juan if, amid the correspondence of his father, which he may have preserved, there be any signed Marigny or Duval any, in short, which can throw light on this very obscure complication of circumstances. A grand seigneur

would naturally be more complaisant to | Spain was an insult
a man of your station than he would be have more?"
to an agent of police. Don Juan's son,
inheriting his father's title, is Monsieur
le Marquis de Rochebriant; and permit
me to add, that at this moment, as the
journals doubtless inform you, all Paris
resounds with the rumor of coming war;
and Monsieur de Rochebriant who is,
as I have ascertained, now in Paris-it
may be difficult to find anywhere on earth
a month or two hence. I have the
honor, with profound consideration, &c.

[blocks in formation]

"I tell you what it is, Duplessis,” said the Vicomte de Brézé, whose habitual light good temper seemed exchanged for insolent swagger-"I tell you what it is, your friend the Emperor has no more courage than a chicken. He is grown old, and infirm, and lazy; he knows that he can't even mount on horseback. But if, before this day week, he has not declared war on the Prussians, he will be lucky if he can get off as quietly as poor Louis Philippe did under shelter of his umbrella, and ticketed Schmidt.' Or The day after the receipt of this letter back to London in a bill of exchange?" could you not, M. Duplessis, send him Graham Vane was in Paris.



AMONG things indescribable is that which is called " Agitation" in Paris"Agitation" without riot or violence. showing itself by no disorderly act, no turbulent outburst. Perhaps the cafés are more crowded; passengers in the streets stop each other more often, and converse in small knots and groups; yet, on the whole, there is little externally to show how loudly the heart of Paris is beating. A traveller may be passing through quiet landscapes, unconscious that a great battle is going on some miles off, but if he will stop and put his ear to the ground he will recognize, by a certain indescribable vibration, the voice of the


But at Paris an acute observer need not stop and put his ear to the ground; he feels within himself a vibration-a mysterious inward sympathy which communicates to the individual a conscious thrill when the passions of the multitude are stirred no matter how silently.

Tortoni's café was thronged when Duplessis and Frederic Lemercier entered it it was in vain to order breakfast; no table was vacant either within the rooms or under the awnings without.

But they could not retreat so quickly as they had entered. On catching sight of the financier several men rose and gathered round him, eagerly questioning:

"What do you think, Duplessis? Will any insult to France put a drop of warm blood into the frigid veins of that miserable Ollivier?”

"It is not yet clear that France has been insulted, Messieurs," replied Duplessis, phlegmatically."

"Bah! Not insulted! The very nomination of a Hohenzollern to the crown of



For a man of your literary repute, M. le Vicomte," said Duplessis, "you indulge in a strange confusion of metaphors. But, pardon me, I came here to breakfast, and I cannot remain to quarrel. Come, Lemercier, let us take our chance of a cutlet at the Trois Frères."


Fox, Fox," cried Lemercier, whistling to a poodle that had followed him into the café, and, frightened by the sudden movement and loud voices of the habitués, had taken refuge under the table.

"Your dog is poltron," said De Brézé; "call him Nap."

At this stroke of humour there was a general laugh in the midst of which Duplessis escaped, and Frederic, having discovered and caught his dog, followed with that animal tenderly clapsed in his arms. "I would not lose Fox for a great deal," said Lemercier with effusion; "a pledge of love and fidelity from an English lady the most distinguished: the lady left me - the dog remains."

"What a

Duplessis smiled grimly: thorough-bred Parisian you are, my dear Frederic! I believe if the trump of the last angel were sounding, the Parisians would be divided into two sets: one would be singing the Marseillaise, and parading the red flag; the other would be shrugging their shoulders and saying: Bah! as if le Bon Dieu would have the bad taste to injure Paris - the Seat of the Graces, the School of the Arts, the Fountain of Reason, the Eye of the world; ' and so be found by the destroying angel caressing poodles and making bons mots about les femmes."

"And quite right too," said Lemercier, complacently; "what other people in the world could retain lightness of heart under circumstances so unpleasant? But why do you take things so solemnly? Of course there will be war- idle now to talk of ex

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planations and excuses. When a French-" upon what may be the increase of popu man says, 'I am insulted,' he is not go- lar excitement at Paris. If it slackens, ing to be told that he is not insulted. He the Emperor, no doubt, could turn to means fighting and not apologizing. But wise account that favourable pause in the what if there be war? Our brave soldiers fever. But if it continues to swell, and beat the Prussians take the Rhine- Paris cries' War,' in a voice as loud as it return to Paris covered with Laurels; a cried to Louis Philippe Revolution,' do new Boulevard de Berlin eclipses the you think that the Emperor could impose Boulevard Sebastopol. By the way, Du- on his ministers the wisdom of peace? plessis, a Boulevard de Berlin will be a His ministers would be too terrified by good speculation - better than the Rue the clamour to undertake the responsi de Louvier. Ah! is not that my English bility of opposing it—they would resign. friend, Grarm Varn?" here, quitting Where is the Emperor to find another the arm of Duplessis, Lemercier stopped Cabinet ?- a peace Cabinet? What and a gentleman who was about to pass him unnoticing. "Bonjour, mon ami! how long have you been at Paris?"

I only arrived last evening," answered Graham, "and my stay may be so short that it is a piece of good luck, my dear Lemercier, to meet with you, and exchange a cordial shake of the hand."

"We are just going to breakfast at the Trois Frères-Duplessis and I pray join us."

who are the orators for peace? — what a handful! - who? Gambetta, Jules Favre, avowed Republicans, would they even accept the post of ministers to Louis Napoléon? If they did, would not their first step be the abolition of the Empire? Napoléon is therefore so far a constitutional monarch in the same sense as Queen Victoria, that the popular will in the country (and in France in such matters Paris is the country) controls the Chambers, controls the Cabinet; and against the Cabinet the Emperor could not contend. I say nothing of the army

"With great pleasure ah, M. Duplessis, I shall be glad to hear from you that the Emperor will be firm enough to check the advances of that martial fever a power in France unknown to you in which, to judge by the persons I meet, England, which would certainly fraterseems to threaten delirium." nize with no peace party. If war is proDuplessis looked very keenly at Gra-claimed, -let England blame it if she ham's face, as he replied slowly: "The will she can't lament it more than I English, at least, ought to know that should: but let England blame the nawhen the Emperor by his last reforms tion; let her blame, if she please, the resigned his personal authority for con- form of the government, which rests stitutional monarchy, it ceased to be upon popular suffrage; but do not let her a question whether he could or could not blame our sovereign more than the be firm in matters that belong to the French would blame her own, if comCabinet and the Chambers. I presume pelled by the conditions on which she that if Monsieur Gladstone advised Queen holds her crown to sign a declaration of Victoria to declare war upon the Em- war, which vast majorities in a Parliament peror of Russia, backed by a vast majority just elected, and a Council of Ministers in Parliament, you would think me very whom she could not practically replace, ignorant of constitutional monarchy and enforced upon her will." Parliamentary government if I said, 'I hope Queen Victoria will resist that martial fever."

"You rebuke me very fairly, M. Duplessis, if you can show me that the two cases are analogous; but we do not understand in England that, despite his last reforms, the Emperor has so abnegated his individual ascendancy, that his will, clearly and resolutely expressed, would not prevail in his Council and silence opposition in the Chambers. Is it so? I ask for information."

The three men were walking on towards the Palais Royal side by side while this conversation proceeded.

"That all depends," replied Duplessis,

"Your observations, M. Duplessis, impress me strongly, and add to the deep anxieties with which, in common with all my countrymen, I regard the menacing aspect of the present hour. Let us hope the best. Our Government, I know, is exerting itself, to the utmost verge of its power, to remove every just ground of offence that the unfortunate nomination of a German prince to the Spanish throne could not fail to have given to French statesmen."

"I am glad you concede that such a nomination was a just ground of of fence," said Lemercier, rather bitterly; "for I have met Englishmen who asserted that France had no right to re

sent any choice of a sovereign that those at that day in his Cabinet, in the Spain might make." reputation of being loyal to his master and courageous against a mob.

Left thus alone with Lemercier, Graham said



Pray tell me where I can find your friend the Marquis de Rochebriant. called at his apartment this morning, and I was told that he had gone on some visit into the country, taking his valet, and the concierge could not give me his address. I thought myself so lucky on meeting with you, who are sure to know."

"Englishmen in general are not very reflective politicians in foreign affairs,” said Graham; "but those who are, must see that France could not, without alarm the most justifiable, contemplate a cordon of hostile States being drawn around her on all sides, Germany, in itself so formidable since the field of Sadowa, on the east; a German prince in the south-west; the not improbable alliance between Prussia and the Italian kingdom, already so alienated from the France to which it owed so much. "No, I do not; it is some days since I England would be uneasy were a great saw Alain. But Duplessis will be sure maritime power possessed of Antwerp, to know." Here the financier rejoined how much more uneasy might France them. justly be if Prussia could add the armies "Mon cher, Grarm Varn wants to know of Spain to those of Germany, and for what Sabine shades Rochebriant has launch them both upon France? But deserted the 'fumum opes strepitumque' that cause of alarm is over -the Ho- of the capital." henzollern is withdrawn. Let us hope for the best."


The three men had now seated themselves at a table in the Trois Frères, and Lemercier volunteered the task of inspecting the menu and ordering the repast, still keeping guard on Fox.

"Observe that man," said Duplessis, pointing towards a gentleman who had just entered; "the other day he was the popular hero-now, in the excitement of threatened war, he is permitted to order his bifteck uncongratulated, uncaressed; such is fame at Paris! here today and gone to-morrow."

How did the man become famous ?" "He is a painter, and refused a decoration -the only French painter who ever did."


"And why refuse?"

"Because he is more stared at as the man who refused, than he would have been as the man who accepted. If ever the Red Republicans have their day, those among them most certain of human condemnation will be the coxcombs who have gone mad from the desire of human applause."

"You are a profound philosopher, M. Duplessis."

"I hope not, I have an especial contempt for philosophers. Pardon me a moment I see a man to whom I would say a word or two."

Duplessis crossed over to another table to speak to a middle-aged man of somewhat remarkable countenance, with the red ribbon in his button-hole, in whom Graham recognized an ex-minister of the Emperor, differing from most of VOL. III. 156


"Ah! the Marquis is a friend of yours, Monsieur?"

"I can scarcely boast that honour, but he is an acquaintance whom I should be very glad to see again."

"At this moment he is at the Duchesse de Tarascon's country-house near Fontainebleau; I had a hurried line from him two days ago stating that he was going there on her urgent invitation. But he may return to-morrow; at all events he dines with me on the 8th, and I shall be charmed if you will do me the honour to meet him at my house."

"It is an invitation too agreeable to refuse, and I thank you very much for it."

Nothing worth recording passed further in conversation between Graham and the two Frenchmen. He left them smoking their cigars in the garden, and walked homeward by the Rue de Rivoli. As he was passing beside the Magazin du Louvre he stopped, and made way for a lady crossing quickly out of the shop towards her carriage at the door. Glancing at him with a slight inclination of her head in acknowledgment of his courtesy, the lady recognized his features,

"Ah, Mr. Vane!" she cried, almost joyfully-"you are then at Paris, though you have not come to see me."

"I only arrived last night, dear Mrs. Morley," said Graham, rather embarrassed, "and only on some matters of business which unexpectedly summoned me. My stay will probably be very short."

"In that case let me rob you of a few minutes — no, not rob you even of them;

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