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third of all the Islanders; and, in the next place, having reserved certain portions of land and the office of the priesthood for king Battus, he restored to the people every thing else that the kings had before.

162. During the reign of this Battus matters continued in this state, but in the time of his son Arcesilaus great disorders arose about the public offices; for Arcesilaus, son of the lame Battus and Pheretime, declared he would not submit to the constitutions of Demonax, but demanded back the prerogatives of his ancestors; and thereupon having raised a sedition, he was defeated, and fled to Samos; and his mother fled to Salamis, in Cyprus. At that time Euelthon bore rule over Salamis, the same who dedicated the curious censer at Delphi, which is deposited in the treasury of the Corinthians. Pheretime, having come to him, asked for an army which should reinstate them in Cyrene; but Euelthon would give her any thing rather than an army; but she, accepting what was given, said, "This indeed is handsome, but it would be still more handsome to give the army she asked for:" this she said at every present that was made. At last Euelthon sent her a golden spindle and distaff, and some wool was on it; and when Pheretime again made the same speech, Euelthon said "that women should be presented with such things, and not with armies." 163. In the mean time, Arcesilaus, continuing at Samos, collected men of all classes by a promise of a division of lands; and when a large army was collected, Arcesilaus set out to Delphi, to consult the oracle concerning his return; and the Pythian gave him the following answer: "Apollo grants you to reign over Cyrene during the time of four Battuses and four Arcesilauses, eight generations of men; he advises you, however, not to attempt any more than this. Do you therefore be quiet and return home; and if you find a furnace full of amphora, do not bake the amphora, but send them away with a favorable wind. But if you heat the furnace, enter not into a place surrounded with water, otherwise you will perish yourself, and the most beautiful bull." 164. The Pythian gave this answer to Arcesilaus; but he, having taken with him the men from Samos, returned to Cyrene; and having recovered the mastery, he forgot the oracle, and exacted vengeance of the adverse party for his own exile, so that some of them

abandoned their country altogether, and others Arcesilaus seized and sent to Cyprus to be put to death: now these last, being carried to their country, the Cnidians rescued, and sent away to Thera. Some others of the Cyrenians, who had taken refuge in a large private tower belonging to Aglomachus, Arcesilaus surrounded with wood and burned. After this was done, understanding that this was the meaning of the oracle, that the Pythian forbade him, when he found amphoræ in a furnace, to bake them, he of his own accord withdrew from the city of the Cyrenæans, dreading the predicted death, and supposing that Cyrene was the place surrounded with water. He had a wife who was his own kinswoman, and daughter to the king of the Barcæans, whose name was Alazir; to him he retired; and the Barcæans, and some of the exiles from Cyrene, having discovered him in the public place, killed him, and, moreover, his father-in-law Alazir. Thus Arcesilaus, whether willfully or otherwise, disobeying the oracle, accomplished his own destiny.

165. While Arcesilaus was living at Barce, working out his own destruction, his mother Pheretime held the honors of her son at Cyrene, both exercising his other functions and taking her seat in the council; but when she heard that her son had been put to death at Barce, she fled to Egypt; for Arcesilaus had performed some services for Cambyses, son of Cyrus, for it was this Arcesilaus who gave Cyrene to Cambyses, and imposed a tribute on himself. Pheretime having arrived in Egypt, seated herself as a suppliant of Aryandes, entreating him to avenge her, alleging as a pretext that her son had died in consequence of his attachment to the Medes. 166. Aryandes had been appointed governor of Egypt by Cambyses; he in succeeding time was put to death for attempting to make himself equal with Darius; for having been informed that Darius desired to leave such a memorial of himself as had been accomplished by no other king, he imitated him until he received the reward of his presumption; for Darius, having refined gold to the utmost perfection, coined. money; and Aryandes, governor of Egypt, made the same in silver; now this Aryandian silver is the purest; but Darius, when informed that he had done this, brought another charge against him, that he designed to rebel, and put him to death. 167. At that time, however, this Aryandes, taking

compassion on Pheretime, gave her all the forces of Egypt, both army and navy; and he appointed Amasis, a Maraphian, commander of the army; and of the fleet, Brades, a Parsagadian by birth. But, before he dispatched the forces, he sent a herald to Barce to inquire who it was that had slain Arcesilaus. All the Barcæans took it upon themselves, for that they had suffered many injuries at his hands; and when Aryandes received their answer, he dispatched the army with Pheretime. Now this cause was only a pretext for his proceeding; but, in my opinion, the expedition was undertaken with the intention of subduing the Libyans; for there are many and various nations of Libyans, and some few of them were subject to the king, but the greater part paid no regard to Darius.


168. The Libyans dwell as follows. Beginning from Egypt, the Adrymachida are the first of the Libyans we meet with; they, for the most part, observe the usages of Egypt, but they wear the same dress as the other Libyans. The women wear a chain of brass on each leg; they let their hair grow long, and when they catch vermin, each bites those from her own person, and then throws them away; these alone of the Libyans do this, and they alone exhibit to the king their virgins who are about to marry, and should any one be agreeable to the king, she is deflowered by him. These Adrymachidæ reach, from Egypt to the harbor named Plu169. Next to these are the Giligamma, who occupy the country westward, as far as the island Aphrodisias. Midway on this coast the island of Platea is situate, which the Cyrenæans colonized, and on the continent is the port of Menelaus, with Azaris, which the Cyrenæaps inhabited. At this place the plant Silphium is first found, and extends from the island of Platea to the mouth of the Syrtis. These people use nearly the same customs as the others. 170. The Asbystæ adjoin the Giligamma westward; they inhabit the country above Cyrene, but the Asbyste do not reach to the sea, for the Cyrenæans occupy the sea-coast. They drive four-horsed chariots more than any of the Libyans, and endeavor to imitate most of the customs of the Cyrenæans. 171. The Auschisæ adjoin the Asbyste westward; these are situate above Barce, extending to the sea near the Euesperides. In the midst of the territory of the Auschise, the

Cabales, a small nation, dwell, extending to Tauchira, a city of Barcæa. They observe the same customs as those who dwell above Cyrene. 172. The Nasamones, a very numerous people, adjoin these Auschise westward. In summer they leave their cattle on the coast, and go up to the region of Augila, in order to gather the fruit of the palm-trees, which grow in great numbers and of a large size, and are all productive. When they have caught locusts, they dry them in the sun, reduce them to powder, and, sprinkling them in milk, drink them. Every man, by the custom of the country, has several wives, and they have intercourse with them in common; and much the same as the Massagetæ, they have intercourse when they have set up a staff before them. When a Nasamonian first marries, it is the custom for the bride on the first night to lie with all the guests in turn, and each, when he has intercourse with her, gives her some present which he has brought from home. In their oaths and divinations they observe the following custom: they swear, laying their hands on the sepulchres of those who are generally esteemed to have been the most just and excellent persons among them; and they divine, going to the tombs of their ancestors, and after having prayed, they lie down to sleep, and whatever. dream they have, this they avail themselves of. In pledging their faith they observe the following method: each party gives the other to drink out of his hand, and drinks in turn from the other's hand, and if they have no liquid, they take up some dust from the ground and lick it.

173. The Psylli border on the Nasamonians; these perished in the following manner: the south wind blowing upon them dried up all their water tanks, and the whole country within the Syrtis was dry; they, therefore, having consulted together, with one consent determined to make war against that wind (I only repeat what the Libyans say); and when they arrived at the sands, the south wind, blowing, covered them over, and when they had perished the Nasamonians took possession of their territory. 174. Above these, to the north, in a country abounding with wild beasts, live the Garamantes, who avoid all men and the society of any others; they do not possess any warlike weapon, nor do they know how to defend themselves. 175. These, then, live above the Nasamonians, and the Macæ adjoin them on the sea-coast, westward; these shave their heads so as to

leave a tuft, and allowing the middle hair to grow, they shave both sides close to the skin; in war they wear the skins of ostriches for defensive armor. The river Cinyps, flowing through their country from a hill called the Graces, discharges itself into the sea. The hill of the Graces is thickly covered with trees, though all the rest of Libya above mentioned is bare. From the sea to this hill is a distance of two hundred stades. 176. The Gindanes adjoin these Macæ; their women wear bands of leather round their ankles, each several on the following account, as is said: she binds round a band for every man that has intercourse with her; and she who has the most is most esteemed, as being loved by the greatest number of men. 177. The Lotophagi occupy the coast that projects to the sea in front of these Gindanes; they subsist only on the fruit of the lotus; and the fruit of the lotus is equal in size to the mastic berry, and in sweetness it resembles the fruit of the palm-tree. The Lotophagi make wine also from this fruit.

178. The Machlyes, who also use the lotus, but in a less degree than those before mentioned, adjoin the Lotophagi on the sea-coast. They extend as far as a large river called Triton; and this river discharges itself into the great lake Tritonis; and in it is an island named Phla. They say that the Lacedæmonians were commanded by an oracle to colonize this island. 179. The following story is also told: that Jason, when the Argo was finished building at the foot of Mount Pelion, having put a hecatomb on board, and, moreover, a brazen tripod, sailed round the Peloponnesus, purposing to go to Delphi; and, as he was sailing off Malea, a north wind caught him and drove him to Libya; and before he could discern the land, he found himself in the shallows of the lake Tritonis; and as he was in doubt how to extricate his ship, the story goes that a Triton appeared to him, and bid Jason give him the tripod, promising that he would both show them the passage and conduct them away in safety. When Jason consented, the Triton thereupon showed them the passage out of the shallows, and placed the tripod in his own temple; then pronouncing an oracle from the tripod, he declared to Jason and his companions all that should happen, that "when one of the descendants of those who sailed with him in the Argo should carry away the tripod, then it was fated

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