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the temple. They advanced to fome diftance on the road, before they were apprized of his abfence; and did not difcover his fituation till the third day, after making a painful fearch. His mother expoftulated with him on his conduct; and fuch were his anfwers, that her mind was deeply impreffed by his words; fhe did not clearly understand them, but "fhe kept them in her heart." Learn, you, who have the care of families, to bring them with you to the house of God. Poffibly, you may there receive the most serious and folemn inftructions, which you do not comprehend. Prefume not therefore to reject or defpife them; but, like Mary, keep them in your heart, till, by meditation and prayer, you obtain the knowledge of their important meaning.

When Jefus entered on his miniftry, it is probable that his mother ufually accompanied him, and that her husband Jofeph was then dead, as no further mention is made of him. Upon one occafion we find her, together with Jefus and his difciples, attending a marriage at Cana in Galilee *. Obferving a defect of wine at the entertainment, the applied to her Son, having been a witness of his miracles in private, and expreffed a wish, that he would exert his power to fupply the want. For that hafty propofal fhe met with a rebuke, but was not treated with any difrefpect. Jefus intimated, that it was not her part to dictate, at what time or in what manner his fupernatural operations fhould be performed. But, if he had been rafh in the motion, fhe difcovered an amiable meeknefs in fubmitting to the reproof, and ftrength of faith, likewife, in ftill encouraging the expectation, that he would provide for the neceffity.

We do not affert that she was a perfect character ; and the incident, juft mentioned, as well as other confiderations, will ferve to fhew, the absurdity and im

*John ii. 1-1 I.

piety of addreffing prayer to her as the Church of Rome does, that the would interpofe her authority,. and command her Son. If he was wrong in attempting to direct his works on earth, it is prepofterous to imagine, that the fhould control the dif pofal of his bleffings, now that he is exalted in glory. We rejoice, that we ftand in no need of her interceffion, fince we are allowed a free access to the Saviour himself. Without applying to any creature for an introduction, we may go to him immediately, and confidently look for a favourable reception.

When Jefus removed to Capernaum, Mary.continued with him*. It should feem, while he was preaching in that town or neighbourhood, surrounded. by a large audience, fhe and fome other of his near. relations, apprehending danger, probably from the excess of his zeal or the defigns of his enemies,wished to call him away from fuch a fituation †. Being informed of their defire to fpeak to him, he took the opportunity of declaring before the people,, that he felt no ftronger attachment to his inother and brethren, merely as natural kindred, than to all. his faithful and obedient difciples. He meant not to flight so dear a parent, but to encourage and animate his followers by this very ftrong expreffion of regard.

Mary appears to have valued his inftructions, on which the conftantly attended; and doubtless she had. the fame need, which. we ourselves have, of his teaching and falvation. While, therefore, we obferve her fitting at his feet, like an humble fcholar, we should learn not to defpife the ministry of his word. None fhould willingly abfent themselves, whatever be their fuperiority of wifdom, or attainments in piety. Though we are not favoured with his perfonal preaching, yet his own inftitutions are established among us, and † Matt. xii. 46-50.

* John ii. 12.

in them we may expect the divine prefence and' bleffing. O, why are we negligent, fince the duty is indifpenfably required, and the advantages, promifed to every believing worshipper, are great? Are we not defirous to obtain the tokens of his affectionate regard, and to be accounted as his brother, his fifter, or his mother? But this high privilege is granted only to thofe, who wait upon him with unfeigned fincerity.

When our Lord celebrated his laft paffover at Jerufalem, Mary was his attendant; and, probably, the was witnefs to all the ignominious treatment and excruciating tortures, which he there endured. On many preceding occafions, fhe muft have experienced very pungent diftrefs, perceiving him to be fo generally defpifed and rejected of men." But the view of his laft fufferings must have been painful beyond meafure. She faw Him, of whom the Angel Gabriel had faid to her, "He fhall reign over the houfe of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there fhall be no end," bound as a prifoner, tried and condemned as an atrocious malefactor and impious blafphemer, expofed as a gazing-flock to a profane mob, and nailed to the cross, there to languifh and expire amidft the fhouts and infults of an immenfe multitude of all ranks. We know not, what her conclufions were; but then, doubtlefs, fhe experienced the truth of Simeon's prophecy, and felt a fword piercing her very foul. Yet, though her grief was extreme, we read not that the ftaggered through unbelief. At least she did not defert the dying Saviour; and, probably, her steadfast adherence to him subjected her to great danger: She "ftood by the cross *."

Some comfort, however, was adminiftered to her in that fituation of diftrefs. The gracious Redeemer, amidst all his pains, did not forget her. He looked

* John xix. 25-27.


upon her with the tenderest affection, and, having no worldly property to leave, configned her to the care and protection of John, his beloved Apoftle. "Woman," faid he, "behold thy fon:" from that time fhe took up her abode with John, and, as if she had been his own mother, was treated with all filial re-. gard. The fcriptures have related nothing further of her hiftory, except that fhe continued to affociate with the difciples, after our Lord's afcenfion, and joined in their exercises of devotion*. It is thought, that he died in John's house at Ephefus, and it has been believed by fome, that fhe fuffered martyrdom for the faith of Jefus. But thefe, and other traditional accounts, are not to be depended on.

Of this there cannot remain a doubt, that she poffeffed an eminent degree of grace, and that, after enduring much for Him, who was her honoured Lord and Saviour as well as her dear Son, her foul was received up to his prefence in heaven. There the now beholds his glory, in a brighter manner than the could have done upon earth, and there fhe will reign with him for ever. Yet to that blifsful inheritance fhe is admitted, not as being the mother of Jefus, but on the very fame grounds as the whole Church of God, being redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, and fanctified by the Holy Ghoft. She will, therefore, rejoice in her fpiritual union with Chrift, more than in her natural relation to him, and esteem it a higher privilege to have known him by faith, than to have brought him forth into the world.


But, while we fee that Mary was not aframed or afraid to ftand by the cross, let us enquire, Are we bold and steadfast in the caufe of Jefus? Are we willing to hazard every thing for him? If we can indeed refign ourfelves and our all to his difpofal, he will provide for our temporal fupport, as he did for

* A&ts i. 14. K 5


that of Mary. But ah! how few will profefs an attachment to him, when it is likely to fubject them to difficulties and dangers! We mourn for the cowardice and treachery of the thoufands, who defert his fervice; and we warn all, who are called by his name, that, if they will not fuffer with him, they fhall not reign with him, and that, if they deny him, he alfo will deny them *.

There are thofe, perhaps, who, in envious admiration of the honour conferred upon the holy virgin, may fay, as a certain woman did to Jefus, "Bleffed is the womb, that bare thee, and the paps, which thou haft fucked +!" We would remind them of our Lord's reply upon that occafion, "Yea, rather blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it." To you, then, who hear his word, we propofe the queftion, Do you keep it? Does it excite your ferious attention, or retain a place in your remembrance? What is the value you put upon it; or the influence, which it produces? Does it regulate your practice, as well as enliven your hopes? Had not fuch been its effects with Mary, her cafe would have been wretched and defperate, notwithstanding all the had done or suffered for the Saviour.

It is far better, therefore, to poffefs a fpiritual knowledge of Chrift, and an obedient regard to him, than to stand the foremost among his natural kindred. You, who have believed in his name, are become the fons and daughters of the Lord. Almighty, and fhortly fhall be admitted into the prefence of Jefus, where you will enjoy more delightful intercourfe with him, than ever was, or could be, vouchsafed to his holy mother upon earth. O rejoice, and give thanks for the diftinguished honour, to which you are called! Determine, with

#2 Tim. ii. 12. + Luke xi. 27, 28.

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