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Bede, or perhaps with the intention of proving | § 6. 9d L p 164.-9 d lucinuse L.—9 h C f.

that Helena was the wife of Constantius, the ciefese of the original scribe of C has been altered by a later hand to wife. If the latter was intended, the object of the interpolator has not been fully accomplished, for his alteration of ciefese to wife only moderates or softens the meaning. The word wíf in A. S. is sometimes used, in a restricted sense, to denote a married woman, in the sense of our present word wife; but the general meaning of wíf is woman; mulier, fœmina. In this sense it is put in opposition to man. The A.S. term for a lawful wife is aw, e; f a female bound by law, a wife; conjux legitima, uxor justa. An example or two will be sufficient proof. Se man, þe his riht we forlæt and oper wíf nimo, he bid w-bréca-the man, (vir) who forsakes his lawful wife (suam legitimam uxorem) and takes another woman (aliam mulierem) he is an adulterer. Ecg. Poen. II, 8; Thorpe p 184. Gif hwyle man wið opres riht awe hæmd, oppe wíf wið opres gemæccan, fæste VII gear-If any man (vir) commit adultery with the lawful wife (cum legitima uxore) of another, or a woman (mulier) with the husband of another, let him (or her) fast seven years. Ecg. Poen. II, 10: Thorpe p 186.-There can be no doubt then, that Orosius was misled by the false rumour, and the statement of Zosimus, that Helena was not married to Constantius, and that Bede, copying Orosius, fell into the same error, both using the word concubina. In translating Orosius into A. S. Alfred literally follows the Latin text, and states that Helena was the concubine, ciefes of Constantius. Though Alfred, in his subsequent version of Bede, styles her wíf, the woman, he does not call her w, the lawful wife of Constantius. Ciefes is, therefore, given in the A. S. printed text, on the authority of the best MS., and because it was the word used by Alfred to represent the concubina of the Latin Orosius. In translating, the word is necessarily retained, both in the A. S. and Eng., but this note is intended to correct the historical error, as Helena was aw, the lawful wife, and not the concubine of Constantius.

§ 5. 42 a OROS. VII, 28.-d maximianus C.44 c-f se him seanweald C.

PAGE 127. 1a refanne L.-2e hé: 7: 5a: e: 7i: 8f: C.-3j hé C.-4g hít C.-4j anfunde L.-6 a beswicon C: L.-e L: habbon C.-7 ƒ constantius L.-g asæde L.-8 a afliemde L.

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104 b.-10ƒ þé C.-10 h betst L.-j gebringon.-11 d hé: 14d: 15 e: C. 12 de monigne læce L.-13 a on w L.-b nane L.c gőde.—14 i men w L.-16 c lucius L.

§ 7. 19b át C.-d byrig C, L.-e pe L: þær C.-21b tharra C.-h lucinus L.-24 b oftrædlica L.-c gefeaht C.

§ 8. 27 d The Canons of Elfric thus speak of the condemnation of Arius-Da gegaderode he (Constantinus) sinoð, on þære ceastre Nicéa, preo hund bisceopa and eahtatyne bisceopas, of eallum leodscipum, for þæs geleafan trymminge.... Hy amansumodon þær þone mæssepreost Arrium, for þan þe he nolde gelyfan þæt þæs lifigendan Godes sunu wære ealswa mihtig swa se mæra fæder is. Da fordemdon hy ealle þone deofles mann; ac he nolde geswícan ær þam pe him sáh se innod eall éndemes út, þa þa he to gange eode―He (Constantine) then (A.D. 325) gathered together a synod, in the city Nice, (apud Niceam, urbem Bithyniæ. Oros.) of three hundred and eighteen bishops, from all nations, for confirmation of the faith.... They there excommunicated the mass-priest, Arius, because he would not be lieve that the Son of the living God was s0 mighty as the great Father is. Then they all condemned the devil's man; but he would not leave off, till, in the end, his inward parts all fell out, when he went to ease nature. III: Thorpe, vol II, p 343, 344.-28 e geleafon C. -28 h ENG. About this mischief or crime: timan L.-29 g híne C.-30 d amansumian L. § 9. 33 b was C.-34 b C f. 105.-34 g romane C.-35 g crecum L.-j read hí C.-36 a hatan L: haton C..−c hé: 38j: C.—d read hết: bebead L.-37 h hus w L.-38 c ymbe C.39 e Lp 165.


§ 1. 41 a OROS. VII, 29.—42 c: 43f constantinus C.-h his C.-43 e hé C.-44a L: viginti quatuor, Oros. p 541, 10: xxIII C.44. hic.

PAGE 128. 2 c constantinus Oros. p 542, 9: constans C, L.-3j bæt L: þa C.-5j read hí C.-7 c hé: 8j: 9f: 11e: 18c C.-7g: 12 c: 17 d constantius Oros: constantinus C, L.-9 d read scole C.-j þam w L.-10 e híne: 11f: C.-11 a lucthina C.-12 c constantinus C.-13 d ærþæm L.-14ƒ C f. 105 b.-14 h i þá þé C: pa þa L.-15ƒ dædæ L. -16 d anwealde C: onwald L.-17 d read constantius C.-19 a b he gefór L.

§ 2. 20 a OROS. VII, 30.-21 d mona L.

g hé: k C.-22 e onwendon C.-23 d read náne C.- lornode C.—23j Aperto præcepit edicto, ne quis Christianus docendorum liberalium studiorum professor esset. Oros. Haver. p 545, 6-8.24 i hís C.-j sunderfolgeþa L.-25 b hí: i C.-26 cd wé hít C.-26 e eft w L.-g hierdon L.-27ƒ Lp 166.

§ 3. 29 c hé: 30 e: 31h: 35b: k: 36g: 37d: 38 a: 39i: 40ƒ: i.—30h eastane L.- 31 e át C.-32 fg read hí deór.—jabite L.-34 c arleasa C.—35 e actesifonte C, L.-36 e read sæde C.-h híne: 38b: C.-37 h úngearuwe C.-39 c read nán: e nýste C.-39 g C f. 106. -h hwár: 7 fóran C.-40 a hweárfiende C.42 b c eac for hungre C.-43 a ofsloh C.


PAGE 129. § 1. 2 a OROS. VII, 31.—6ƒ þám C.-g be L.-h read hí C.-i mosten L.

§ 2. 8c eahto ban L.-g hé: 7: 9g: 10 e: C. -97 ni cealtan L.-10 b read húse C.-d read hét C.-k forbón C.-12 c iuuinius C, L.-g ossmorod C.


§ 1. 14 a OROS. VII, 32.-14 h-15 d MC XVIII Oros. p 548, 4: 'm' wintra and XCVIII C, L. -16 d endlefan L.-f hé: 17ƒ: 18j: 20 m. -176 L p 167.-19 g gefylsted L.-20 h read his C.-20 i lufan L.

§ 2. 22 h C f. 106 b.-23 b hé: 25ƒ: 26 d: g: 27b: :e: l: 28d: h: 29 c.-23 c read hét C. -e percopiosus C.-ƒ þé þá C.-24 i arrianisco C.-25 b eudoxius L.-g hít: 26 h: C.-26 c forþón: 28c: C.-k wrecon C.-27 h geleafan L.-28 fg read hú fæstmód C.

23 hi read mid fripe C.-l oferhode L.-24 a hógode C.—25 j gerefon C.

§ 4. 28 g C f. 107 b.-28 g þær C.-296 hé: 32 a: f: 35h: C.-29 i read hú C.-j read hí: 386: g: C.-30 c geleafon C.-32 e hwat C.-33 c gedón L.-33 j-34b ænigne wiste libbendne L.-33 k libbendene C.-34 f to late L.-35 a géárian C.-i gefeaht L.-37 b read húse C.-g ryht L.


§ 1. 41 a OROS. VII, 34.—44 i wider winnan L: gewinnan C, ger hi on the left margin.— j wæren L.

PAGE 131. 1 e read hí C.-3 i hím C. —4b Lp 169.-5g read hú C.-6 g þa L: w C. § 2. 8f Maximus Oros. p 556, 14: maximianus C, L.-9j read anwealda C: onwaldes L.10b hís: j: C.-10 e C f. 108.-10g hé: 11j: 13ƒ: C.-11b wann C, n bv. rhi. 11j he w L.-l on L.


§ 1. 15 a OROS. VII, 35.-18 g: 31 c read hú C.- 18 h hé: 25 j: C.-20ƒ italie L.—21 6 bád L.-i ealdor-men C.-23 b read hí: 28 c C.-24 a pohte C.-27 e át C.-g men L.28 e aweg w L. -f ápewde L.-31 h read mycle C.-32 d þa L.

§ 2. 34 g his C.-35 d C f. 108 b. - 35 e hé: 37f: 40 a: j: C.-35g gallium C.—35j ofsmórode C.-37 f-38 a he hiene self awierged L.-37 g híne C.-38f þæs C.-h noman L.39 d Lp 170.-39 k forþon þe L.-40 i forby C.-40k was L.-44 b gotene L.-g hí C. PAGE 132. 1 c read hí: 4c: 5d: i: 8i: C.

§ 3. 33b read hí 35i: C.-d winnon. -ef -6f-8 a L: w C.-8j selfe L: sylf C.-9j

wið romana C.-34f his C.-35 g þam þe C. -36 d gehét C.-h enleftan L.-38 Subita effusione sanguinis, quod Græcè apoplexis vocatur, Oros. p 550, 9, 10.


§ 1. 40 a OROS. VII, 33.-41 e ualerianuses C.— 43j hé C.

PAGE 130. 1ƒ hé: 2c: C.-3 a sceoldan C. -f read hí C.-4 b C f. 107.—4 b fuhte L.e dyde L.-5 d read hét C.-7 c fordrifon C. § 2. 96 wear L.-10 a theodosius L.-10 d11 a w L.—11i L p 168.—12 ƒ sleane C.— i hé: 13g: j: 15 d : C.—13 a híne: 14ƒ: C. 13d gefulwade L.-h gefulwad L.—14 g gefulwad L.-14j-15 a fullum geleafan L.-17 g martyre L.

§ 3. 19 e hýra C.-20 b hís C.-20 e hé: 24 b: d: C.-20 h wóh C.-21 de híne gótan C.-22j wilnedon L.-23 c: 25 a: 27 f read hí C.

hís C.-10 c mæstne C.-13 b hé C.-e mægelan L: mægelange C.-14 b betahte L.-g onwald L.


§ 1. 16 a OROS. VII, 36.-16ƒ C f. 109.—17 i þam C.-18f onorius L.

§ 2.-20 a OROS. VII, 37, 38. — 20 d hí: h: 22h: 23f: 24f: 29 d: C.-21 a II C.-22 i gecyddon C.-23 cd pás hwílce C.-23 e hlaford-hyldo L: hlaford-hylda C.-i cybonne C.24 g hít C.-25 c hábban C.-26 g hér C.27 b hé: 29 i: 30e: 31c: C. - 28 b alrícan C.-d rædgotan C.-29 c L p 171.-30 de þæt he, in margin rhi.-32 a alríca C.-e rádgota C.-34 g þá C.

§ 3. 36 d read heanlic C.—j fór C.—37 b read ége C.-g geblóte C.- þe C.-i gé: 39 g C. -39 h eower L.-41 hi hú héan C.—41j hé: 42 i C.-42c Cf. 109 b.-42 k gelifde L.-43 c híne: g: C.-43 de gebundene hæfdan C.

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Plate III. C, 4 i for geewæð read gecwæð.


For Sarmondisc read Sermendisc.

The southern boundary of Cwén-sé (White Sea), and the Sermendisc Garsecg (Gulf of Finland), and the east of Ost-sá (the Baltic Sea), and the Lake Ladoga and Onega ought to have been in very faint outline, or in dots, and not coloured, as these parts were not definitely known in the time of Alfred.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]


The signatures must follow thus-1, 3, 4, 5 etc. and the paging 7, 8, 17, 18 etc. as sig. 2 and

pp 9-16 were omitted by the compositor.

p 4, 19 c-e read Obadiah Walker, Master of University College.

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