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were set on fire, and the wind swept the flames through the crowded fort. The women and children fled from the burning huts and mingled their cries and shrieks with the yelling of the warriors. Many were killed and many perished in the flames. The rest escaped

to the woods.

At the end of three hours the victory of the whites was complete, and they started on an eighteen mile march in the storm and cold to the little village of Wickford. They had lost six captains and over twenty men, and there were one hundred and fifty wounded. Those of the wounded who were unable to walk were carried on litters made of muskets and saplings. For the first three miles of their journey they were lighted through the woods by the flames of the burning wigwams. It was after midnight when they arrived at Wickford, and twenty-two of the wounded had died on the march. Some of the party lost their way and wandered amid the storm until morning.

About four hundred of the Indians had been killed, including warriors, old men, women, and children. Their provisions and shelters had been burned, and the survivors faced famine in the middle of the winter. The hornets' nest had been destroyed, but most of the hornets were still loose, and the plight of the exhausted troops was little better than that of the foe. Only the timely arrival on the very night after the battle of a sloop loaded with food supplies from Boston saved the little army from terrible suffering.

The war continued the next year, and the English lost heavily in lives and property. But the Indians' loss was far greater, and one by one the confederate tribes abandoned Philip to his fate. When at last his wife and only son were taken prisoners, he exclaimed: heart



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I am ready to


The son was a child of nine.

The Puritans, who owed so much to his grandfather, sold him as a slave in Bermuda.

On the seaward slope of Mount Hope, the home of King Philip

Summer came, and Philip with a few followers wandered back to Mount Hope and encamped near it on a knoll in a swamp. There the forces fighting Philip surprised and killed him.

The spot where he met his death has been marked with a stone. If you visit it you will find it swamp still, and probably its appearance has changed little with the passing centuries.

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The old stone mill in a Newport park

A City of Pleasure

HODE ISLAND is noteworthy for the number and importance of its summer resorts. These include Newport, Narragansett Pier, Watch Hill, and Block Island. The first is the most famous fashionable resort in America. It is on an island in Narragansett

Bay. The Indian name for the island was Aquidneck, which means "The Isle of Peace." It is about fifteen miles long, but for the most part is very narrow. The early settlers called it Rhode Island, probably because it was in a bay that furnished good anchorage. The word rhode, or r-o-a-d, as it is more correctly spelled, is used by sailors to designate just such an anchoring place.

Aquidneck's first settlers came in 1636 as the result of a violent theological dispute in Boston. Mrs. Anne Hutchinson, whose teachings were the cause of the disturbance, was banished from Massachusetts. She and some of her friends and partisans bought the island of Aquidneck from the Indians for forty fathoms of wampum, twenty hoes, and ten coats. After residing a few years on the island Mrs. Hutchinson moved to the western borders of Connecticut, where the Indians cruelly murdered her with nearly all her children and servants sixteen victims in all.


Newport first won fame as a slave port greatest in America. For a long time eighteen hundred hogsheads of rum were carried annually to Africa to be exchanged for negroes, gold-dust, and ivory; and numerous distilleries were operated in the town. The wharves were crowded with vessels loading for Guinea. Besides rum a ship would take on board provisions, muskets, and powder, and an assortment of shackles. Presently it would sail, "bound by God's grace for the coast of Africa," as the bill of lading would piously declare.

After the outward voyage ended there was sometimes a good deal of difficulty in securing slaves from the native chiefs; and one Newport captain wrote in 1753, "The trade is so dull it is actually enough to drive a man crazy." About one hundred and twenty captives made a cargo. They were stowed in a space between decks that was three feet and ten inches in height. There the women were given their freedom, but the men were kept shackled. None of the grown persons could stand upright or move about with any comfort.

Slaves were owned for domestic servants by every well-to-do Newport family. They had three failings: they were fond of rum, they would steal, and they would run away. Slave labor in New England was never a source of much profit. Most of the slaves brought across the ocean in the Newport brigantines were sold at Barbadoes, or at Charleston, South Carolina.

At the beginning of the Revolution Newport was commercially more important than New York. The British took possession of it early in the war. On December 7, 1776, eleven square-rigged enemy vessels, together with a convoy of seventy transports carrying six thousand troops, entered Narragansett Bay and dropped anchor. The troops established themselves in and around Newport.

The next summer the Yankees caused a very great sensation by capturing the British commander, Gen

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