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midnight the moon rose. Then the English began a retreat. Two of the mortally wounded had to be left. Only nine were uninjured, and they were without food, for their packs had been captured. One man, exhausted by fatigue and loss of blood from three wounds, had crawled slowly and painfully to the edge of the pond, and there found a birch canoe. He managed to enter it and push it off from the shore. Then he lay down in it, and the wind wafted the craft to the western side of the pond. After a while he recovered his strength a little, and he finally reached the Ossipee fort.

The rest of the party had travelled no more than a mile or two when four of them stopped, unable to keep longer on their feet. At their request the others went on. They themselves presently resumed the journey, and continued for several days, alternately resting and walking a little way. But they grew weaker and weaker, and first one and then a second sank to rise no more. One of the remaining two reached the Ossipee fort, and the fourth man made his way along the side of the Saco River down to Biddeford, where he arrived emaciated by hunger almost to a skeleton.

It was Wednesday when the remnant of Lovewell's band got to Ossipee Pond, so slowly did they travel, and so indirect was their route. They found the fort deserted. One of the company had run away at the beginning of the fight, and reported to the men at the fort that Captain Lovewell had met with disaster. They

did not doubt that all his force had been killed or captured, and that the savages would fall on the fort next.

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So they considered it prudent to start for the settlements.

Luckily they left some bread and pork, and these saved the fugitives from starvation. The only food of the little band during their retreat had been a few roots and the bark of trees. After a short rest they

went on, and at last reached

home, where they were

received with great joy, as if they had been restored from the dead.



In the heart of the Maine woods

The Maine Forests

LL the eastern portion of the United States was

formerly heavily timbered, but now most of the trees have been cleared away to make room for the cultivation of crops and for pasturing domestic animals. The forests that remain are chiefly in regions

where the land is not desirable for farms, or in districts far away from settled communities. But in northern New England extensive forests still exist. Nearly all of Maine from the White Mountains eastward is woodland, and in it both Connecticut and Rhode Island might be placed and lost to the world and to each other. If you climb Mount Katahdin, the state's loftiest mountain, which rises to a height of 5273 feet,


Mount Katahdin from the West Branch of the Penobscot

you can see from its summit only trees as far as the eye can reach. Katahdin is almost in the exact centre of the state.

The forest once contained many tall pines that thrust up above the other trees and gave to Maine the title of "The Pine Tree State." But these big pines have

nearly all been cut now, and the most numerous of the valuable forest trees that remain are spruce. An immense amount of timber comes from Maine's wilderness every year.

Formerly logging did not begin until early in the winter when the boggy places in the rude forest roads had been frozen and the snow had smoothed over their unevenness. Now cutting starts in late summer that the logs may be ready to be moved when

[blocks in formation]

A lumberman's camp

where their employers' claim is located. They select a spot near one of the lakes or small streams that are so numerous in the swampy northern woodland, and establish a camp to serve them and their comrades during the long cold winter. A hut is built of logs. The ends of the logs are notched so they will fit firmly together, and the chinks between them are stopped with moss and clay. A stone fireplace is constructed at one end. The roof is made of long split shingles covered with spruce boughs, which, after the first fall

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