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favour in his sight. And this order which the Scripture directs us is religiously to be observed. Moses relates, that the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering."* Does he not plainly indicate that the Lord is propitious to men before he regards their works? Wherefore the purification of the heart is a necessary prerequisite, in order that the works which we perform may be favourably received by God; for the declaration of Jeremiah is always in force, that the

should walk in them. And
yet his meaning is not by
these words to induce us to
have any affiance, or to put
any confidence in our works,
as by the merit and deserving
of them to purchase to our
selves and others remission
of sin, and so consequently
everlasting life for that
weremere blasphemy against
God's mercy, and great de-
rogation to the blood-shed-
ding of our Saviour Jesus
Christ. For it is of the free
grace and mercy of God, by
the mediation of the blood of
his Son Jesus Christ, with-
out merit or deserving on
our part, that we are recon-
ciled and brought again into
his favour, and are made
heirs of his heavenly king-
dom. Grace, saith St. Au-
gustine, belonging to God,
who doth call us: and then
hath he good works, whoso-
ever received grace. Good s. 8.
works then, bring not forth
grace, but are brought forth
by grace. The wheel (saith
he) turneth round, not to the
end that it may be made
round; but, because it is
first made round, therefore
it turneth round. So no

* Gen. iv. 4.


eyes of the Lord are upon the truth." And the Holy Ghost hath asserted by the mouth of Peter, which proves that it is "by faith"‡ alone that the heart is purified," that the first foundation is laid in a true and living faith.-Institut. T. 3. c. 14.

The grace through which our works are accepted, is no other than the free goodness of the Father, with which he embraces us in Christ: when he invests us with the righteousness of Christ, and accepts it as + Acts. xv. 9.

† Jerem. v. 3.


man doeth good works to receive grace by his good works, but because he hath first received grace, therefore, consequently he doeth good works. And in another place, he [St. Austin] saith Good works go not before, in him which shall afterwards be justified; but good works do follow after, when a man is, first, justified. -Part 1. Hom. of fasting. "Let them all come to gether, that be now glorified in heaven, and let us hear what answer they will make in these points before rehearsed, whether their first creation was in God's goodness, or of themselves. Forsooth, David would make answer for them all and say, Know ye for surety, even the Lord is God: he hath made us, and not we ourselves. If they were asked again, who shall be thanked for their regeneration? for their justification? and for their salvation? whether their deserts, or God's goodness only? let David answer by the mouth of them all at this time, who cannot choose but say, Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to thy name give all the thanks, for thy


ours, in order that in consequence of it he may treat us as holy, pure, and righteous persons: for the righteousness of Christ (which, being the only perfect righteousness, is the only one that can bear the divine scrutiny), must be produced on our behalf, and judicially presented as in the case of a surety. Being furnished with this, we obtain by faith the perpetual remission of our sins. Our imperfections and impurities, being concealed by its purity, are not imputed to us; but are as it were buried and prevented from appearing in the view of divine justice; till the advent of that hour, when, the old man being slain and utterly annihilated in us, the divine goodness shall receive us into a blessed peace with the new Adam, in that state to wait for the day of the Lord, when we shall receive incorruptible bodies, and be translated to the glories of the celestial kingdom.-Institut. l. 3. c. 14. s. 12.

If these things are true, surely no works of ours can render us acceptable to God; nor can the actions themselves be pleasing to him,


loving mercy and for thy truth's sake. If we should ask again, from whence came their glorious works and deeds, which they wrought in their lives, wherewith God was so highly pleased and worshipped by them? let some other witness be brought in to testify this matter; that in the mouth of two or three may the truth be known. Verily, that holy prophet Esay beareth record, and saith, O Lord, it is thou of thy goodness, that hast wrought all our works in us, not we ourselves. And to uphold the truth of this matter against all justiciaries and hypocrites, which rob Almighty God of his honour, and ascribe it to themselves, St. Paul bringeth in his belief: We be not (saith he) sufficient of ourselves once to think any thing; but all our ableness is of God's goodness. For he it is in whom we have all our being, and living, and moving. If ye will know furthermore where they had their gifts and sacrifices, which they offered continually in their


any otherwise than as a man, who is covered with the righteousness of Christ, pleases God and obtains the remission of his sins.-Institut. s. 13.

This therefore is a different and separate question, whether, although works be totally insufficient for the justification of men, they do not nevertheless merit the grace of God?-Institut. l. 3. c. 15. s. 1.

The Scripture shows what all our works are capable of meriting, when it represents them as unable to bear the divine scrutiny, because they are full of impurity; and in the next place, what would be merited by the perfect observance of the law, if this could any where be found, when it thus directs us, "When ye shall have done all these things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants;"* because we shall not have conferred any favour on God, but only have performed the duties incumbent on us, for which no thanks are due. Nevertheless, the good works which the Lord

* Luke xvii. 10.


lives to Amighty God; they cannot but agree with David, where he saith, Of thy liberal hand, O Lord, we have received that we gave unto thee. If this holy company, therefore, confess so constantly, that all the goods and graces wherewith they were endued in soul, came of the goodness of God only; what more can be said to prove, that all that is good cometh from Almighty God?-To justify a sinner, to new create him from a wicked person to a righteous man, is a greater act (saith St. Augustine) than to make such a new heaven and earth as is already made.-1 Rogation Hom. p. 289, 290.


hath conferred on us, he denominates our own, and declares that he will not onlyaccept, but also reward them. It is our duty to be animated by so great a promise, and to excite our minds that we "be not weary in well doing,”* and to be truly grateful for so great an instance of divine goodness. It is beyond a doubt, that whatever is laudable in our works, proceeds from the grace of God, and that we cannot properly ascribe the least portion of it to ourselves.Institut. l. 3. c. 15. s. 3.

But, on the contrary, our doctrine, without any mention of merit, animates the minds of the faithful with peculiar consolation, while we teach them that their works are pleasing to God, and that their persons are undoubtedly accepted by him. And we likewise require that no man attempt or undertake any work without faith; that is, unless he can previously determine, with a certain confidence of mind, that it will be pleasing to God.-Institut. l. 3. c. 15. s. 7.

Dr. Tomline is of opinion, that "to represent every human deed as an actual sin, and deserving of everlasting punishment, is not only unauthorised by Scripture, but is also of very dangerous conse

* Gal. vi. 9. 2 Thess. iii. 13.

quences." p. 172.

Does this passage refer to works which are the fruits of faith, and follow after justification ?" Then his lordship's accusation of "a strife of words and perverse disputing," p. 183. may well be retorted on himself-for by whom is such a representation ever made? But does the passage refer to "works done before the grace of Christ ?" Then the representation here censured by his Lordship is precisely that of the Articles and Homilies.

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