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Evidences, external and internal, compared, and their respective
places and merit determined, ii. 3. The topics of the inter-
nal, stated, 4.

Evidences, external, recapitulation of, i. 365.

Evidences, internal, the nature of the argument arising from,
ii. 396; recapitulation of the details of, 398; correspond
with the probationary and imperfect state of man, 401; are
to be collected together, 402.

Example of his disciples, Christ the, ii. 100.

Facts now admitted assist the consideration of the question of
evidences, ii. 419.

Faith should practically correspond with what we admit in
argument respecting Christianity, i. 146.

Faith, definition of, ii. 300; the principle by which human
society is moved, 300; definition and illustration of faith in
a divine Revelation, 300; distinction between faith exer-
cised on human testimony and on divine, 302; difference
between a living and dead, 303; the corruption of man
forms the great difficulty in exercising faith on divine tes-
timony, 304; for man hesitates to exercise faith in Christi-
anity, although GOD is the author of the Revelation, 304,
it regards man's supreme interests, 305; and comes to him
in the moment of danger, 305; the scriptural account of, 306;
prayer for, 307; the reasonableness of, after admitting the
divine authority of Christianity, 307; both as to the disco-
veries of the Christian religion, 308; and as to the necessity
of divine aid, 312; the extent of, 314; embracing every
part of Revelation, 315; assigning to each the relative im-
portance which it finds ascribed in Scripture, 317; but
stopping where Revelation stops, 318; and following, as
much as possible, the language as well as the sentiments of
Scripture, 320; produces tranquillity, 321; and is the prin-
ciple of the Christian life, 323; must be vital and influential,
is obtained in answer to prayer for the grace of the
Holy Spirit, 326; and is calculated to produce humility of
mind, 328; implies an honest application of our natural
understanding to the Scriptures, 331; includes a willing-
ness to submit it, together with our heart, to all the truths
which God has been pleased to reveal, 332; puts us in
possession of many of the blessings of which the Scriptures
treat, 333; leads the Christian to seek the assistance of the
Holy Spirit, 335; guards him against the danger of hazard-
ous interpretations, or false use of difficult passages, 335;
disposes him to resort to all the necessary helps in order to

obtain a sound interpretation of Scripture, 336. Historical,
will only increase condemnation, 212. A sound interpre-
tation of Scripture springs directly from a true, 331.

Forgeries, the books of the New Testament cannot be, i. 76.
Fortitude and constancy of our Lord, ii. 104.

Gastrel, Bishop, quotation from, on the harmony of the Chris-
tian doctrines, ii. 48.

Gibbon's pride and presumption at the approach of death, ii.


GOD, the being, perfections, and providence of the one living
and true, ii. 33; the doctrines emanate from the character
of, 42.

Grace of GoD is now turning the minds of men to the most
effective statement of the whole argument, ii. 420.

Grandeur and sublimity of the Christian doctrines, ii. 44.

Harmony of the Christian doctrines, ii. 45.

Heathen world, before the coming of Christ, had lost the doc-
trine of the being of God, i. 44; they had no standard of
morals, 45; no moral teaching, 45; they were impure and
abominable even in their religion, 46; their depravity, both
as to knowledge and practice, deep and universal, 47; and
they had no principle of reformation, 49; the wisest hea-
thens confessed their despair, 62.

Heathen countries of the present day, the state of, prove to us
that unassisted reason cannot enlighten and sanctify man-
kind, i. 54; the moral and religious state of India, 54;
Western or Southern Africa, 56; America and China, 56;
an uniformity in their vices, 56; their miserable condition
should awaken our sympathy, 63.

Heathen writers admit the facts of the gospel history, i. 125.
Heavenly reward promised by our Lord to his disciples, ii. 98.
Hindrances which impede the full effects of the Christian re-
ligion, ii. 132; foretold by Christianity, 142.

HOLY SPIRIT, the personality and operations of, ii. 37.
Hooker's last words, ii. 283.

Hope, the Christian's, defined, i. 1; the reason of it as given
by Christians of the first century, 2; of the second and third
century, 3; of the ninth, tenth, or twelfth century, 4; of
the eighteenth or nineteenth century, 5; to be always given
with meekness and fear, 7, 21.

Horsley, Bishop, on the inspiration of the New Testament, i.
note, 330.

Humble and teachable minds admit spontaneously the inspira-
tion of the Scriptures, i. 363.

Hume's death-bed, ii. 283.

Humiliating, the Christian doctrines are, ii. 50.

Humiliation of our Lord, ii. 96.

Japheth, the present state of the descendants of, agrees with
the prophecy concerning them, i. 244.

Jerome, St. testimony of, to the authenticity of the books of
the New Testament, i. 96.

Jews, the dispersion of, i. 234; a standing miracle, 238.
Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, A. D. 70, testimony of, to the au-
thenticity of books of New Testament, i. 95. Martyrdom,
ii. 286.

Impostor, an, could not have invented the facts of the New
Testament, i. 158.

Infidelity blots out all Revelation, i. 62; attempts to oppose
reason to faith, ii. 308.

Infidels, the wretched systems of, ii. 82; horrify the sincere
inquirer after morality, 83. The admissions of, respecting
the character of our Lord, 120. Lives and deaths of, com-
pared with those of sincere Christians, 255; as to the main-
tenance of the principles of morals and religion held by them
in common, 256; their respective discharge of the duties of
domestic and social life, 260; their benevolence and good-
will towards men, 266; their public labours and the writ-
ings they have submitted to the eye of mankind, 271; their
deaths, 279; and preparation for an eternal state of being,
279. Every one should examine with which company he is
walking in the journey of life, 296. See Unbelievers.
Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures most important, i. 315; that
of the Old Testament asserted by our Lord and his apostles,
317; that of the New Testament inferred from that of the
Old, 317; confirmed by the promise made by our Lord, and
by the gifts received in consequence, 324; claimed by the
apostles themselves, 333; and attested by the early Chris-
tian church, 338; the wonderful method of the divine
agency in the inspiration of Scriptures, 346; the extent of
inspiration, 350; and the advantages which we derive from
both, 355; the admission of it essential to the right recep-
tion of Christianity, 358; tends to shut out the most per-

nicious evils, 560; and is the spontaneous dictate of the
humble and teachable, 363.

Interests, the immense, at stake, carries the obligations of
Christianity to an inconceivable height, ii. 387.

Interpretation, the sound, of Scripture, ii. 330; springs directly
from a true faith, which implies an honest application of our
natural understanding to the Scriptures, 331; includes a
willingness to submit our understanding and heart to all the
truths which God is pleased to reveal, 332; puts us into
possession of many of the blessings of which the Scriptures
treat, 333; leads the Christian to seek the assistance of
God's Holy Spirit, 335; guards him against the danger of
hazardous interpretations, or a false use of difficult passages,
335; disposes him to resort to all necessary helps, 336;
common sense, and the ordinary laws of human language,
suggest that the simplest sense is, generally, the true one,
337; the occasion of the books being written should be con-
sulted, 339; brief passages explained by those which are
more full, 340; figurative and poetical parts interpreted by
their appropriate laws, 341; we should suspend our judg-
ment where a passage is, after all, not obvious, 343; the
scope and analogy of truth will either solve all material
difficulties, or render them practically useful, 344. The
inspiration which belongs to the Bible, requires us, in in-
terpreting its contents, to rise to the sublimity of the Scrip-
ture mysteries, 345; to give to the last portion of Revela-
tion that weight which it may justly claim, 346; to discover
the lustre of what is permanent and uniform, amidst all that
is temporary, local, and extraordinary, 347; to distinguish
between vital Christianity and what is merely nominal ad-
herence to its external ordinances, 349; to derive from
Scripture the use, place, and bearings of truth, as well as
the truth itself, 350; not to force the simple meaning of
Scripture, either to express or exclude mysteries, according
to our turn of mind, 352; and not to reduce divine truths
to a human system, 354. The diversity of interpretations
has been greatly exaggerated, 356; is not chargeable on
Christianity, 357; falls chiefly on subordinate matters, 358;
the evils may be avoided in practice, 358; the universal
church has presented but one front of truth to mankind, 358.
Vital Christianity in the heart can alone interpret aright,


Josephus, testimony of, to the facts of Christianity, i. 127.

Irenæus' testimony to the inspiration of the New Testament,

i. 340.

Ishmael, the present state of the descendants of, agrees with
the prophecy concerning them, i. 242.

Julian, the apostate, allows the facts of Christianity, and ad-
mits the gospels as the works of the apostles, i. 98.

Justification by faith only is the leading truth of the whole
gospel, ii. 37, 50.

Justin Martyr, testimony of, to the authenticity of the books of
the New Testament, i. 95; to the inspiration, 340.

Koran of Mahomet condemned by its contents, i. 80.

Lardner, Dr., quotation from, as to the number of quotations
from Scripture in the works of Irenæus, i. 92.

Latimer's last words, ii. 286.

Lectures, order of, i. 18.

Life, the Christian's holy, best defence of Christianity, i. 21.
Love of Christ constrains, ii. 74.

Love of Christians to the Bible, attested by Pamphilus, i. 97;
Valens, 97; Constantine, 98; has furnished us with the
proofs of its authenticity, 116. Exhortation to the duty, 117.

Mahometanism, propagation of, i. 276.

Mahomet does not venture to question the facts of Christianity,
i. 132; apostacy of, 246.

Man, every, lies under an obligation to obey the divine Reve-
lation. See Obligation.

Man's guilt and condemnation as a transgressor against God,

ii. 35.

Manner in which the evangelists give the character of our
Lord, ii. 113.

Manuscripts of the New Testament, the number and antiquity
of, i. 101.

Medals, by their inscriptions, attest the credibility of the gos-
pel history, i. 133.

Meditations supposed to be made by one who has made a trial
of the blessings of Christianity, ii. 208.

Meekness and lowliness of spirit of our Lord, ii. 103.

Men of the finest talents convinced by the Christian history,
i. 132, 275.

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