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not to spit in his Face, they marred his Path, and fet forward his Calamity, and came upon him as a wide breaking in of Waters. Who, I fay, would think this a Change for the better? or that these were Circumstances to be more happy in, than those before described? Seeing then the Matter before us, is plainly contrary to the common Sentiments of Mankind, we may be allowed to put these following Questions.

First, Who are they that count thofe Happy which endure?

Secondly, What fort of enduring is it which they count them happy in?

Thirdly, What fort of Happiness it is, which this enduring yields them ?

To these Questions I fhall endeavour to give a feveral and diftinct Answer, in behalf of St. James and his Doctrine, and to clear the Truth


from thofe ftrange Difficulties, it feems, at the first Proposal, to be incumbred with.

First then, as to the Perfons, who affert this strange Doctrine. They confels themselves to be Men of like Paf fions with us, they have no Privileges above the ordinary Rank of Men, nor pretend to any Exemption from any Frailty or Infirmity common to human Nature. They boaft not of any Stoical Infenfibility, but acknowledge that they have the fame uneafy Perceptions of Sickness, of Lofs, of Mif fortunes, of Shame and Reproach, as other Men have. But the Particular in which they differ from other Men, and which is indeed the principal Ground of this odd Affertion of theirs, is a certain strong and lively Conviction of a future State of Existence, and that in that State every Degree of Virtue will be rewarded, and all Vice and Wickedness, without any


respect of Persons meet with a fuitable Punishment. 'Tis very certain that there are innumerable Perfons who pretend to believe the fore-mentioned Truths, and make daily Profession of fuch Belief, and who would be extremely provoked, fhould any one question the Sincerity of their Profeffion, who nevertheless would be in danger of making many finful Compliances, rather than fall into fuch Sufferings, and are as uneafy as poffible, under thofe leffer Calamities which befal them. These are none of the Perfons we speak of; whofe Convictions of a future State are fo strong and lively, that they become a Principle of Action, and overbear the Power and Influence of the things of this Life.

Having thus far described to you the Perfons, and fhewn you, that they differ not from other Men, only in fome certain Perfuafions, or rather in


the Force and Vigour of those Perfuafions; let us go on and fatisfy the fecond Question, which is, What they mean by enduring? For perhaps it may be fome little inconfiderable Thing, which may not be very inconfiftent with Happiness; as we must all, the most profperous of us, encounter fome Evils in this Life; and though we cannot think that any fort of enduring, can, as fuch, add to our Happiness, yet we may, with them, count fuch happy who endure, if their Sufferings be very inconfiderable, and in all other respects they have their Hearts Defire.

In Answer to this Question then, let what was before said concerning Fob, be call'd back to Remembrance; for fuch fort of enduring as his was, is here meant; than which, we can fcarce conceive any greater. But the Apostle explains himself by other Instances and Examples. Take, says he,


my Brethren, the Prophets, who have Spoken in the Name of the Lord, for an Example of fuffering Affliction, and Patience: Of whom I need give you no other Account, than what we find in Heb. xi. 35. fome of whom were tortured, not accepting Deliverance, that they might obtain a better Refurrection. Others had Trials of cruel Mockings and Scourgings; yea moreover of Bonds and Imprisonments, &c.

Our Lord takes frequent Occafions of forewarning his Followers of the State of Suffering they fhould fall into, telling them the Neceffity of forfaking all, even Life itself, for his Sake; that they should be delivered up, and killed, and hated of all Nations, for his Name's Sake; and that they who thus treated them, should think they did God good Service therein. fhort, being acquainted with the Life and Death of fefus Chrift, we need no other Description of the Enduring



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