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differing in their habits, do yet agree in this one thing, that they acknowledge a God. So that it would be both natural and unreasonable to deny it. * Q.10.-Have you no proof of the being of a God in your own heart?

A. Yes; there is a conscience within me, which passes a judgment upon my actions, and makes me happy or unhappy according as I have done right or wrong.

* Q. 11. What do you conclude from this? A-I conclude that there must be a Being, to whom I am accountable, and that conscience is His voice within me.

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Q.12. So then you cannot help believing that there is a God?

A-No; I cannot help believing it. If I were even to try to shake off the conviction, the attempt would be vain.

Q. 13. What effect should this conviction produce in you?

A. Since there is such a great and glorious Being, I ought to seek his favour as my highest happiness, and to dread his displeasure as my greatest misfortune.

* Q. 14. And ought you not to pray to him?

A. Yes; because I depend upon him for every thing, and cannot keep myself in life one single moment, nor do one single thing that is good, without him.

Q. 15. And ought you not to praise and bless his name?

A. Yes; for I owe every thing to him, hay ing received my life from him, and been preserv ed by him ever since I was born: He is the God of all my mercies, and therefore I ought to praise him with all my powers.

Q. 16. And ought you not to put your trust in him?

A-Yes; for he is infinitely wise and good, and is able to deliver all that trust in him, and therefore he is worthy of my confidence.

Q.17 And is the heart disposed thus to fear God


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pray to him, and praise him and trust in him? A. Far from it. The carnal mind is enmity against God." Rom. 8. 7. Whilst we acknowledge that there is a God, we are prone to live without God in the world; we are blind to his glory, and choose none of his ways.

Q. 18-What may we learn from this?

A. That we are fallen from Ged, and by nature in a state of sin and condemnation.

Q. 19And how should this affect us? A. We should humble ourselves before God, and pray to him to pardon our sins, through Jesus Christ, and to give us his Holy Spirit, in order that we may know and fear him.

* Q. 20—Cannot we truly believe in God, without the teaching of his Spirit ?

A.-No; it is easy to pronounce the words, "I believe in God;" but. really to repose our hearts on him, is the work of the Spirit, which God has promised to those who ask him. Reason tells me that there is a God; but reason alone cannot dispose my heart to come to God.


* Q. 1.—Why do you call God Father? A.-Because he gave me life, and continues me in life from day to day.

* Q. 2.-Is he your Father in a different sense from your earthly parent ?

A.-Yes; for he is the Father of all; not

only of our bodies, but of our souls; and therefore he is called the "God of the Spirits of all flesh." Num. 16. 22.

Q. 3-Is not this a strong reason why we should submit ourselves to him?

A. Yes; for if we have Fathers of our flesh, who correct us, and we give them reverence,

Shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of Spirits, and live?” Heb. 12.9.

*Q. 4.Is there no other sense in which you speak of God as the Father in this place?

A. Yes; in saying I believe in God the Father, I speak of him in a peculiar sense, as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and also as the Father of all who truly believe in Jesus Christ.

Q. 5. Is he the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ as one man is the father of another?

A.-No; for amongst men, the Father lives before the Son; but Jesus Christ was the Son of God, from all eternity.

Q. 6-Prove this from Scripture.

A.In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." St. Jo. 1. 1. If therefore the Son was with God, and was God, he must be eternal.

Q.7.-Does the name of Father imply that he is possessed of more dignity and glory than the Son? A.-No. The Son is equal in dignity to the Father.

Q. 8.-Prove this from Scripture.

A He is said to be "The brightness of his Father's glory, and the express image of his person," which words imply, that his glory is the same as the glory of the Father. Heb. 1. 3.

Q. 9.-How then does Christ himself say, "My Father is greater than I," Jo. 14. 28.

A-The Father was greater than the Son, with respect to the human nature of the Son, and the work in which Christ was engaged as Mediator,

* Q. 10. How is God the Father of all true believers?

A. He is their Father by regeneration and adoption.

* Q. 11-Explain the word regeneration. A Regeneration means being born again, or made holy by the Spirit of God. See Jo. 3, 3. 6.

Q. 12.-Explain the word adoption. A.-Adoption means being received as a child into the family of one, who is not our real Father.

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