THE BASSETTE-TABLE. A TOWN-ECLOGUE. SMILINDA, CARDELIA, LOVEIT. 1 CARDELIA. THE bassette-table spread, the tallier come; SMILINDA. Ah! madam, since my Sharper is untrue, I saw him stand behind Ombrelia's chair, And whisper with that soft deluding air, CARDELIA. Is this the cause of your romantic strains? LA ROUGE ET NOIRE. ÉGLOGUE DE VILLE. BELINDE, CARDÉLIE, LOVETT. CARDÉLIE. Quoi, l'autel est dressé, la rouge et noire est prête, BÉLINDE. Ah! ce banquier, madame, est un perfide amant! Qui, charmant notre oreille, arrive à notre cœur. CARDÉLIE. Faut-il donc s'affliger d'un malheur romantique? In one bad deal three sept-levas have lost. SMILINDA. Is that the grief which you compare to mine? With ease the smiles of Fortune I resign: Would all my gold in one bad deal were gone; Were lovely Sharper mine, and mine alone. CARDELIA. A lover lost is but a common care; And prudent nymphs against that change prepare. The knave of clubs thrice lost! oh! who could guess This fatal stroke! this unforeseen distress! SMILINDA. See! Betty Loveit very à-propos, Vous perdez un amant, j'ai perdu tout mon or. BÉLINDE. Cet accident peut-il se comparer au mien? L'amour pour une femme est tout, le jeu n'est rien. Eh! que m'importe à moi, tendre amour que j'atteste, Que la banque ait mon or si le banquier me reste! CARDÉLIE. Près des revers du jeu, les revers de l'amour La perte d'un amant aisément se répare; Contre un mal si commun d'avance on se prépare. Mais, ô chance maudite! ô hazard peu commun! La noire a trente-deux, la rouge trente et un. BÉLINDE. Tenez, fort à propos Betty Lovett s'avance; LOVEIT. Tell, tell your griefs: attentive will I stay, Though time is precious, and I want some `tca. CARDELIA. Behold this equipage, by Mathers wrought, SMILINDA. This snuff-box, once the pledge of Sharper's love, Then first his passion was in public shown: This snuff-box-on the hinge see brilliants shine: CARDELIA. Alas! far lesser losses than I bear |