Page images

Creature's at his dirty work, 190
Creatures, delicate, 109
Creatures, millions of spiritual, 139
Creatures we dissect, 182
Crebillon, romances of, 231
Creditor, glory of a, 30
Credulity, ye who listen with, 220
Creed, sapping a solemn, 309
Creed, suckled in an out-worn, 274
Cricket on the hearth, 148
Crime, worse than a, 367
Crimes, the dignity of, 254
Crimes, undivulged, 75
Crispian, feast of, 63
Critical, nothing if not, 107
Criticizing elves, 242
Critic's eye, 267

Critics, before you trust in, 317
Cromwell damned to fame, 181
Crony, drouthy, 259.

Crook the pregnant hinges, 100
Crops the flowery food, 177
Cross, last at His, 348
Cross, sparkling, she wore, 188
Cross, the bitter, 55
Crosses and cares, 25
Crotchets in thy head now, 29
Crowd, foremost, 194
Crown, fruitless,

Crown, head that wears a, 61
Crown of glory, 7
Crown of life, 22

Crown of sorrow, 333

Crown us with rosebuds, 124
Crude surfeit, 146
Cruel as death, 216
Cruel only to be kind, 103
Crumbs, dogs eat of the, 15
Crush of worlds, 171
Crutch, shouldered his, 231
Cry and no wool, 153
Cry havoc, 71

Cry is still they come, 89
Cudgel thy brains, 104
Cunning, hand forget her, 6
Cunning in fence, 52
Cup, kiss but in the, 117
Cupid is painted blind, 35
Cupid kills with arrows, 34
Cups, in their flowing, 63
Cups that cheer, 246
Cur of low degree, 238

Curled darlings of our nation, 105
Current of a woman's will, 214
Current of domestic joy, 220
Currents turn awry, 99
Curs mouth a bone, 242
Curse on all laws, 195

Curses, not loud, but deep, 89
Curses, rigged with dark, 147

[blocks in formation]


Cynthia of this minute, 183
Cytherea's breath, 49

DACIAN mother, 310

Daffodils before the swallow, 49
Dagger I see before me, 84
Dagger of the mind, 84
Daggers-drawing, 154
Daggers, speak, to her, 102
Daily beauty in his life, 111
Dainties bred in a book, 38
Daisies pied, 39, 149
Dale, haunts in, 285
Dalliance, path of, 93
Dame, our sulky sullen, 259
Dames of ancient days, 253
Damn with faint praise, 191
Damnable iteration, 55
Damnation of his taking off, 83
Damnation round the land, 196
Damned, see him, first, 52
Damned to fame, 181

Damned who first cries, Hold, 90
Damsel lay deploring, 201
Dan Cupid, 38

Dan to Beersheba, 363
Dance attendance, 69
Dance, on with the, 309

Danger, out of this nettle, 57
Danger's troubled night, 290
Dangers, loved me for, 107
Dangers of the seas, 374
Daniel come to judgment, 42
Dare, I, what man dare, 87
Dare to be true, 122
Dare to die, 180

Darien, upon a peak in, 326
Daring dined, 195

Dark, illumine what is, 131
Darkness, Cimmerian, 288

Darkness, the raven-down of, 145
Darkness visible, 131

Darling sin, 283

Dart, like the poisoning of a, 127
Dart, time shall throw a, 118
Daughter, harping on my, 96

Daughters of my father's house, 51
David, Nathan said to, 3
David, not only hating, 159
Dawn, exhalations of the, 285
Dawn is overcast, 169

Daws to peck at, 105
Day, as it fell. upon a, 116

Day, big with the fate of Rome,

Day brought back my night, 150
Day, burden and heat of, 15
Day, critic on the last, 187
Day, I've lost a, 296
Day, jocund, stands tip toe, 80
Day lost, think that, 387
Day may bring forth, 8
Day, merry as the, 33
Day, not to me returns, 138
Day of nothingness, 312
Day, posteriors of, 39
Day, suffering ended with, 337
Day, sufficient unto the, 14
Day, the great important, 169
Days dull and hoary, 151
Day's march nearer home, 287
Days mere glimmerings, 151
Days o' lang syne, 262
Days, one of those heavenly, 270
Days, race of other, 341
Days, sweet childish, 268
Days, swifter than a shuttle, 4
Days that are no more, 334
Days, the melancholy, 338
Days, though fallen on evil, 140
Daystar, so sinks the, 147
Dazzles to blind, 242
Dazzling fence of rhetoric, 146

Dead, he mourns the, who lives as
they desire, 206

Dead in his harness, 13

Dead, my days among, 281

Dead, not, but gone before, 331
Dead of midnight, 254
Dead Past bury its dead, 342
Deal damnation, 196

Dear as the ruddy drops, 227
Dear beauteous death, 151
Dearest thing he owed, 82
Death and brother sleep, 322
Death, be thou faithful unto, 22
Death borders on our birth, 209
Death by slanderous tongues, 35
Death came with friendly care, 284
Death, cowards sneak to, 173
Death, cruel as, 216

Death, grinned horrible, 137
Death has all seasons, 324

Death in the midst of life, 23
Death in the pot, 3

Death loves a shining mark, 209

Death most in apprehension, 31
Death, nature never made, 208
Death of each day's life, 85
Death, on every breeze, 305
Death, ruling passion in, 183
Death shook his dart, 143
Death, simple child know of, 268
Death, soul under the ribs of, 146
Death, studied in his, 82
Death, valiant taste but once, 71
Death, the way to dusty, 90
Death, they were not divided in, 3
Death to us, play to you, 151
Death urges, knells call, 207
Death, wages of sin is, 18
Death, where is thy sting, 20
Death's pale flag, 81
Deathbeds, ask, 206

Deathbed's a detector of the heart,

[blocks in formation]

Decency, want of, want of sense,

Deed and flighty purpose, 88
Deed dignifies the place, 50
Deed, so shines a good, 43
Deed, the attempt, not the, 85
Deed without a name, 87
Deeds ill done, 54

Deeds, necessity excused, 139
Deeds, we live in, 336

Deep as a well, 81

Deep as first love, 334

Deep damnation, 83

Deep, in the lowest, a lower, 138

Deep, spirits from the, 58

Deep, yet clear, 126

Deeper than plummet, 26

Deep-mouthed welcome, 319
Deer, strucken, 101

Deer, such small, 76

Defend me from my friends, 381
Defer, madness to, 206

Defiance in their eye, 234

Degrees, fine by, 169

Deliberation and public care, 136

Delight in this fool's paradise, 258

Delight into a sacrifice, 122
Delight with libertie, 24
Delightful task, 215

Delphian vales, 340

Democraty, that fierce, 143
Den, beard the lion in his, 294
Denide, he comes to neere that
comes to be, 120

Denmark, something rotten in, 94
Depart, loth to, 168
Derby dilly, 267
Descend ye Nine, 198
Descent and fall adverse, 135
Descent, claims of long, 335
Description, beggared all, 74
Desdemona seriously incline, 106
Desert blossom as the rose, II
Desert, my dwelling-place, 311
Desert of a thousand lines, 192
Deserted at his utmost need, 157
Desert, man after his, 97

Desire, bloom of young, 226
Desire, kindle soft, 157
Desire of the moth, 323

Despair, depth of some divine, 334
Despair, fierce by, 134

Despair, reason would, 222

Despair, wasting in, 120
Despatchful looks, 140
Despond, Slough of, 163
Destroy his fib, 190

Destruction, pride goeth before, 7
Detector of the heart, 207
Detraction at your heels, 51
Devil a monk was he, 350
Devil a pleasing shape, 97
Devil as a roaring lion, 22

Devil can cite Scripture, 40
Devil, give the, his due, 56
Devil, go, poor, 363

Devil hunting for one fair female,

Devil, in his quiver, 322

Devil, laughing, 315

Devil, of all that dread, 269
Devil, resist the, 22
Devil sends cooks, 225
Devil take the hin'most, 388
Devil, to serve the, 327

Devil, truth and shame the, 58
Devil was sick, 350
Devil wear black, 101

Devil with devil damned, 136

Devotion, ignorance, mother of, 160
Devotion's visage, 98

Dew, chaste as morning, 209
Dewdrop from the lion's mane, 69
Dial, figures on a, 336

Dial to the sun, 156, 243
Diana's foresters, 55
Dictynna good-man dull, 38

Die, and go we know not where,


Die because a woman's fair, 20
Die, heavenly days cannot, 270
Die, in moulding Sheridan, 317
Die in the last ditch, 380
Die, let us do or, 262
Die of a rose, 177

Die, stand the hazard of the, 67
Die, taught us how to, 200
Die with harness on, 90
Die, who tell us love can, 280
Died in freedom's cause, 267
Dies and makes no sign, 64
Digestion wait on appetite, 86
Dignity in every gesture, 141
Dim and perilous way, 277
Dim eclipse, 133,
Dim religious light, 148
Diminished heads, 138
Dine, that jurymen may, 189
Dinner of herbs, better is, 7

Dire was the noise of conflict, 140
Disastrous chances, 106
Disastrous twilight, 133

Discontent, nights in pensive, 25

Discontent, winter of our, 65

Discourse eloquent music, IOI

Discourse of reason, 92

Discourse, such large, 103
Discourse, voluble in, 38
Discreetest, best, 142

Discretion better part of valour, 59

Diseases, desperate, 103

Disinheriting countenance, 257

Disorder, most admired, 87

Disposer of other men's stuff, 117

Dispraise no small praise, 143

Dissension between hearts, 299

Distance lends enchantment, 284
Distemper, died of no, 161

Distressed, griefs that harass the,


Divided duty, 107

Dividends, incarnation of fat, 341
Divine, all save the spirit of man
is, 314

Divine, human face, 138
Divine philosophy, 146
Divine, to forgive, 187

Divinity doth hedge a king, 103
Divinity in odd numbers, 29

Divinity that shapes our ends, 105

Divinity that stirs within us, 170
Division of a battle, 105

Doctor, dismissing the, 264

Doctors disagree, who shall decide
when, 184

Doctrine, orthodox, 152

Doctrines clear, what makes, 156

Do good by stealth, 193

Dog, and bay the moon, 73

[blocks in formation]

Dog went mad, 238
Dog, whose, are you, 198
Dog will have his day, 105
Dog, word to throw at, 43

Dogs delight to bark and bite, 212
Dogs eat of the crumbs, 15
Dogs of war, let slip the, 71
Dogs, the little, and all, 76
Dogs, throw physic to the, 89
Doit, beggarly, 247
Doleful sound, 213

Dome, him of the western, 159
Dome of many-coloured glass, 323
Dome of thought, 308
Domestic happiness, 245

Dominions, the sun never sets in

my, 371

Done quickly, if 't were, 83
Doom, the crack of, 88

Doom, regardless of their, 226

Door, sweetest thing beside, 268
Dorian mood of flutes, 133
Dotage, tears of, 219
Dotes, yet doubts, 109
Double debt to pay, 236
Double toil and trouble, 87
Doubly dying, 293

Doubt, never stand to, 124
Doubt, once in, 109

Doubt the stars are fire, 96
Doubts are traitors, 30

Dove, gently as a sucking, 36

Dove, wings like a, 5

Doves, harmless as, 14
Doves, moan of, 334

Down among the dead men, 387

Down, he that is, can fall no lower,

[blocks in formation]

Dream, the old men's, 158
Dreams, a dog hunts in, 333

Dreams, books, are each a world,


Dreams, pleasing, 295

Dreams, so full of fearful, 66
Dreams, such stuff as, 27
Dreams, true, I talk of, 78
Dregs of life, 161

Drew iron tears, 148

Drink deep, or taste not, 186
Drink, if he thirst, give him, 18
Drink, pretty creature, 268
Drink to me only, 117
Drinking largely sobers us, 186
Driveller and a show, 219
Drop a tear and bid adieu, 218
Drop of a bucket, 11
Dropped a tear, 363
Drops, ruddy, 71
Drowned honour, 56
Drudgery at the desk, 282
Drudgery, make, divine, 122
Druid, lies in yonder grave, 232
Drum was heard, 327

Drunk, hasten to be, 160
Drunkard clasp his teeth, 347
Drunken man, stagger like a, 6
Dry as the remainder biscuit, 45
Dues, render unto all their, 19
Dukedom, my library was, 26
Dull tame shore, 330

Dulness ever loves a joke, 194
Dumb on their own merits, 264
Duncan hath borne his faculties, 33
Duncan is in his grave, 86

Dunce sent to roam, 249
Dunce with wits, 194

Dundee, single hour of, 279
Durance vile, 261

Dusky race, 333

Dust, blossom in the, 125

Dust, hearts dry as summer's, 277

Dust, his enemies shall lick the, 5
Dust learned, 255

Dust of the balance, 11

Dust return to the earth, 10

Dust, shalt thou return unto, I

Dust, the knight's bones are, 284

Dust thou art, I

Dust to dust, 23

Duties primal, shine aloft, 278
Duty, perceive here a divided, 107
Dyer's hand, like the, 113
Dying man to dying men, 133

EACH particular hair, 94
Eagle mewing her youth, 357
Eagle, so the struck, 317
Eagle's fate and mine are one, 139

Eagles gather the carcass, 16
Ear, give every man thy, 93
Ear, jewel in an Ethiop's, 78
Ear, more is meant than meets the,

Ear, night's dull, 63

Ear, word of promise to our, 90
Ear, wrong sow by the, 391
Ear-piercing fife, 110
Ears, in my ancient, 79

Ears, let him hear that hath, 16
Ears of flesh and blood, 95
Ears of the groundlings, 99
Ears took captive, 50

Earth, best of men that e'er wore,


Earth, but one beloved face on, 316
Earth, earthy, 20

Earth felt the wound, 142

Earth, first flower of, 302

Earth for charity, 68

Earth forgot, 300

Earth, giants in the, I

Earth, growth of mother, 273
Earth has no sorrow, 304
Earth hath bubbles, 82

Earth her thousand voices, 284
Earth, less of, 296

Earth, more things in heaven and,

Earth proudly wears the Parthe-
non, 339

Earth, put a girdle round the, 36
Earth, salt of the, 13
Earth, so much of, 271
Earth soaks up the rain, 128
Earth, thou sure and firm-set, 84
Earth to earth, 23

Earth, to smell a turf of fresh, 358
Earth, truth crushed to, 338
Earth, way of all the, 2

Earth's a thief, 81

Earth's noblest thing, 345

Earthlier happy, 35

Earthly hope, 306

Earthy, of the earth, 20

Ease and alternate labour, 215

Ease, he did with so much, 158
Ease in mine inn, 58

Easy as lying, 101

Easy writing, curst hard reading,

Eat, drink, and be merry, 9
Eaten out of house and home, 60
Echo, applaud to the very, 89
Echoing walks, 142
Eclipse, built in the, 147
Ecstacy of love, 96

Edified, whoe'er was, 245

Education forms the mind, 183

Education, virtuous and noble, 356
Eel of science, 194

Egregiously, an ass, 107
Egg, the learned roast, 193
Either, happy with, 201

Elder, let the woman take an, 51
Elegant sufficiency, 215

Elephants, for want of towns, 174
Elements, dare the, 314
Elements so mixed in him, 73
Elms, immemorial, 334
Eloquence, heavenly, 159
Eloquence the soul, 136
Eloquence to woe, 315
Eloquent, old man, 150
Elves, criticizing, 242
Elysium, lap it in, 145
Elysium on earth, 299
Embattled farmers, 339
Emblems of decency, 224
Eminence, that bad, 134
Empire, the course of, 204
Empire, the rod of, 228

Employment, how various his, 246
Employment, wishing the worst,


Empty-vaulted night, 145
Enamel'd stones, 27

Enchantment, distance lends, 287
Encounter of our wits, 65
End-all, might be the, 83
End, attempt the, 124

End must justify the means, 169
Endow a college, 184
Ends, thy country's, 68
Endure, then pity, 179
Endured, not to be, 34

Enemies, His, shall lick the dust, 5
Enemies, naked to mine, 68
Enemy, feed thine, 18

Enemy, thing devised by the, 66
Engineer, hoist with his own petar,


England, with all thy faults, 244

England, ye gentlemen of, 374
Englishe undefyled, 24
Enjoy your dear wit, 146
Ensanguined hearts, 246
Ensign tattered, 344.
Enskyed and sainted, 30
Enterprise, life-blood of, 58

Enterprises, impediments to great,


Enterprises of great pith, 99

Entertained angels unawares, 22

Entire chrysolite, 111

Entrance to a quarrel, 93

Envious tongues, 68

Envy will merit, 187

Envy withers at another's joy, 215

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