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--nô, môve, når, nôt ;--tåbe, tảb, båll ;-8? ;-påând ;--thin, THIS

To CONCEDE, Lon-sède'. v. a. To admit, to || CONCESSION, kôn-sês'shân. s. The act of yield ing; a grant, the thing yielded.


by indulgence.

CONCEIT, kôn-sète'. s. Conception, thought,|| CONCESSIONARY, kôn-sés 'shůn-år-è. a. Given idea; understanding, readiness of apprehension; fancy, fantastical notion; a fond opinion of one's self; a pleasant fancy; Out of conceit with, no longer fond of. To CONCEIT, kon-sète. believe.

CONCESSIVE, kôn-ses'siv. a. Yielded by way of concession. Ask.

v. a. To imagine, to CONCEITED, kðn-sè'tẻd. particip. a. Endowed with fancy; proud, fond of himself; opinionative.

CONCEITEDLY, kin-sètêd-lẻ. ad. Fancifully. whimsically.

CONCEITEDNESS, hỗn-sétêd-nes. s. Pride,
fondness of himself.

CONCEITLESS, kôn-sète'lês. a. Stupid, with-
Gat thought.

CONCEIVABLE, kôn-sè'vå-bl. a.

That may

be imagined or thought; that may be understood or believed.

CONCEIVABLENESS, kôn-sè'vå-bl-nës. s. The quality of being conceivable.

CONCEIVABLY, kôn-sè'vä-blè. ad. In a con

ceivable manner.

To CONCEIVE, kon-seve'. v. a. To admit into
the womb; to form in the mind; to compre-
bend, to understand; to think, to be of opinion.
To CONCEIVE, kôn-sève'. v. n. To think, to
have an idea of; to become pregnant.
CONCEIVER, kớn sẻ vr. s. One that under-
stands or apprehends.
CONCENT, kon-sĉut'.
harmony; consistency.
To COVCENTRATE, hỗn-sentrite. v. a.
To drive into a narrow compass; to drive to-

wards the centre.

S. Concert of voices,


ColCONCENTRATION, kôn-sen-trå'shân. s. lection into a narrower space round the centre. To CONCENTRE, kön-sen'tår. v. n. 416. To tend to one common centre.

To CONCENTRE, kôn-sen'tår. v. a. To tend towards one centre.



CONCENTRICAL, kôn sẻntrẻ-kál.
CONCENTRICK, hồn-sền trík.
Having one common centre.
CONCEPTACLE, kôn-sep'tå-kl. s. 405. That
in which any thing is contained, a vessel.
CONCEPTIBLE, kon-sép'tè-bl. a. Intelligible,
capable to be understood.

CONCEPTION, kôn sẻpshân s. The act of
conceiving, or quickening with pregnancy; the
state of being conceived; notion, idea; senti-
ments, purpose; apprehension, knowledge;
conceit, sentiment, pointed thought.
CONCEPTIOUS, kôn-sep'shas. a. Apt to con-
reive, pregnant.

CONCEPTIVE, kôn-sèp'tiv. a. Capable to


To CONCERN, kôn-sern'. v. a. To relate to; to belong to; to affect with some passion; to interest, to engage by interest; to disturb, to

make uneasy.

CONCERN, kon-sern'. s. Business, affair; in-
terest, engagement, importance, moment; pas-
sion, affection, regard.

CONCERNING, kon-ser'ning. prep. Relating
to, with relation to.
CONCERNMENT, kn-sẻrnment. s. The thing
in which we are concerned or interested, busi-
ness, interest; intercourse, importance; inter-
position, meddling; passion, emotion of mind.
Te CONCERT, kon-sért. v. a. To settle any
thing in private, by mutual communication; to
settle, to contrive, to adjust.
CONCERT, kôn sét. s. Communication of de-
signs; a symphony, many performers play-
ing the same tune.
CONCERTATION, kôn-ser-ta'shun. s. Strife,


CONCERTATIVE, kn-sẻrt&-tv. a. Conten


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CONCESSIVELY, kon-ses'siv-lè. ad. By way of concession.

CONCH, kongk. s. 408. A shell, a sea shell.
CONCHOID, kong köid. s. The name of a curve,
the property of which is to approach perpetu-
ally nearer to a line, without ever being able to
touch it.

To CONCILIATE, kôn-sil'yåte. v. a. 91, 113.
To gain over, to reconcile.

CONCILIATION, kon-sil-b-a'shun. s. The act
of gaining or reconciling.
One that
CONCILIATOR, kon-sil-è-à'tůr. s.
makes peace between others.
CONCILIATORY, kôn-sil'è-à-tår-è. a. Relating
to reconciliation.-See DOMESTICK.

Mr. Sheridan places the accent upon the a
in this word, but all our other orthoepists place it
more properly upon the second syllable. 512.
CONCINNITY, kôn-sîn'ne-tè. s. Decency, fitness.
a. Becoming,
CONCINNOUS, kôn-sin'nås.

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tion, final decision; collection from propositions premised, consequence; the close; the event of experiment; the end, the upshot. CONCLUSIVE, kôn-klu'slv. a. 158, 423. Decisive, giving the last determination; regularly consequential.

CONCLUSIVELY, kon-klu'siv-lė, ad. Decisively.
CONCLUSIVENESS, kôn-klusiv-nës. s. Pow-
er of determining the opinion,
To CONCOAGULATE, kông-ko-âg'gu-lhte. v. a.
408. To congeal one thing with another.
CONCOAGULATION, kông-ko-âg-gu-l'shân. s.
A coagulation by which different bodies are
joined in one mass.

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To CONCOCT, kôn-kôkt'. v. a. To digest by
the stomach; to purify by heat.
CONCOCTION, kon-kok'shan. s. Digestion in
the stomach, maturation by heat.
CONCOLOUR, kön-kül ́lår. a.
CONCOMITANCE, kon-kom'è-tânse.
CONCOMITANCY, kon-kom'è-tan-se.
Subsistence together with another thing.
CONCOMITANT, kôn-kêm'è-tant. a. Conjoin-
ed with, concurrent with.
CONCOMITANT, kon-kôm'è-tânt. s. Compan-
ion, person or thing collaterally connected.
CONCOMITANTLY, kôn-kôm'é-taut-lè. ad. In
company with others.

To CONCOMITATE, kèn-hômè-tate. v. a. To
be connected with any thing.

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Acting in That which

559.-Fate, får, fåll, fât ;-mè, mêt ;-pine, pin ;CONCORD, hồng hỏrd. s, 408. Agreement be-|| CONCURRENT, kôn-kurrênt. a. tween persons and things, peace, union, harmo- conjunction, concomitant in agency. ny, concent of sounds; principal grammatical || CONCURRENT, kôn-kår'rẻnt. s. relation of one word to another. CONCORDANCE, kin-kỏrdânse. s. 496. Agree-||CONCUSSION, hôn-kdshân. S. The act of ment; a book which shows in how many texts shaking, tremefaction. of scripture any word occurs.


CONCUSSIVE, kon-kus'siv. a. Having the power or quality of shaking.

Johnson, Sheridan, Ash, Scott, Nares, Perry, Bailey, Entick, W. Johnston, Buchanan, and Kenrick, all concur in placing the accent on the second syllable of this word in both its senses; and every plea of distinction is trifling against all these authorities, and the discord-CONDEMNATION, kôn-dem-nà'shan. s. The ance of the accent on the first syllable.-See sentence by which any one is doomed to punTo Bowl. ishment.

To CONDEMN, kôn-dém'. v. a. To find guilty, to doom to punishment; to censure to blame. CONDEMNABLE, kôn-dễm'nå-bl. a. Blameable, culpable.

CONCORDANT, kôn-kỏrdânt. a. Agreeable,| CONDEMNATORY, kôn-dẻm’ni-tur-è. a. Pass


CONCORDATE, kôn-kör'dåte. s. 91. A compact, a convention.

CONCORPORAL, kôn-kỏrpd-rất.

same body.


Of the

To CONCORPORATE, kôn-kôr'pò-råte. v. a. 91.
To unite in one mass or substance.
CONCORPORATION, kon-kôr-pò-rå'shûn. s.
Union in one mass.

CONCOURSE, kông kōrse. s. 403. The conflu-
ence of many persons or things; the persons
assembled; the point of junction or intersec-
tion of two bodies.



CONCREMATION, king-krẻ-mashản. s.
act of burning together.
CONCREMENT, kông'krè-ment. s. 408.
mass formed by concretion.
CONCRESCENCE, kôn-krés'sèmse. s. The act
or quality of growing by the union of separate

To CONCRETE, kôn-krète'. v. n. To coalesce ||
into one mass.

To form by

To CONCRETE, kôn-krète'. v. a.
CONCRETE, kôn-krẻte'. a. 408. Formed by
concretion; in logick, not abstract, applied
to a subiect. See DISCRETE.

CONCRETE, kông'krète. s. 408. A mass form-
ed by concretion.

CONCRETELY, kon-krète'lè. ad. In a manner
including the subject with the predicate.
CONCRETENESS, kôn-krète'nès. s. Coagula-
tion, collection of fluids into a solid mass.
CONCRETION, kôn-krè'shån. 8. The act of
concreting, coalition; the mass formed by a
coalition of separate particles.
CONCRETIVE, kôn-krè'tiv. a. Coagulative.
CONCRETURE, kon-krè'tshure. s. 461. A mass
formed by coagulation.


CONCUBINAGE, kôn-ků'bè-nåje. s. 91.
act of living with a woman not married.
CONCUBINE, hồng kỳ-blne. s. 408. A woman
kept in fornication, a whore.

Anciently this word signified a woman who
was married, but who had no legal claim to
any part of the husband's property.
To CONCULCATE, kon-kål kåte. v. a. To tread
or trample under foot.
CONCULCATION, kông-ki-kả shun. 3. 408.
Trampling with the feet.

CONCUPISCENCE, kon-ku'pè-sense. s. 510.
Irregular desire, libidinous wish.
CONCUPISCENT, kon-kú'pè-sênt. a. Libidinous,


CONCUPISCENTIAL, kôn kủ-pè sẻnsh&l.
Relating to concupiscence.
CONCUPISCIBLE, kôn-kú ́pè-sè-bl. a. Impres-
sing desire.

To CONCUR, kôn-kår'. v. n. 408. To meet in
one point; to agree, to join in one action; to
be united with, to be conjoined; to contribute

to one common event.

s. Union.

CONCURRENCE, kn-kurrênse.
CONCURRENCY, kn-hắrrên sẽ.
association, conjunction; combination of ma-
ny agents or circumstances assistance, help
joint right, common claim.

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To CONDENSATE, kón-dén'såte. v. n. To
grow thick.

CONDENSATE, kôn-dén'såte.
a. 91. Made
thick, compressed into less space.
CONDENSATION, kôn-den-sa'shon. s. The act
of thickening any body; opposite to rarefac-

To CONDENSE, kôn-dense'. v. a. To make any
body more thick, close, and weighty.
To CONDENSE, kon-dense'. v. n. To grow close
and weighty.

CONDENSE, kôn-dense'. a. Thick, dense.
CONDENSER, kôn-dên'sûr. s. A vessel, wherein
to crowd the air.

CONDENSITY, kôn-dên'sè-tè. s. The state of
being condensed.

To CONDESCEND, kôn-dè-send'. v. n. To de-
part from the privileges of superiority; to con-
sent to do more than mere justice can require;
to stoop, to bend, to yield.
CONDESCENDENCE, kn-dè-sền dễnse.
Voluntary submission.
CONDESCENDINGLY, kon-de-sênd îng-lè. ad.
By way of voluntary humiliation; by way of
kind concession.


CONDESCENSION, kớn-dề-sền shân. 3. Voluntary humiliation, descent from superiority. See To COLLECT.

CONDESCENSIVE, kôn-đè sẻnsiv. a. Court


CONDIGN, kôn-dine'. a. 385. Suitable, deserved, merited.

CONDIGNNESS, kôn-dine'nês. s. Suitableness, agreeableness to deserts.

CONDIGNLY, kôn-dine'lè. ad. Deservedly, ac-
cording to merit.

CONDIMENT, kôn'de-ment. s. Seasoning, sauce.
CONDISCIPLE, kôn-dis-si'pl. s. A schoolfellow.
To CONDITE, kôn-dite'. v. a. To pickle, to pre-
serve by salts.

CONDITION, kôn-dỉsh'ån. s. Quality, that by
which any thing is denominated good or bad;
natural quality of the mind, temper, tempera-
ment; state, circumstances; rank; stipulation,
terms of compact.

CONDITIONAL, kôn-dish'ân-ál. a. By way of
stipulation, not absolute.

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another. CONDOLEMENT, kön-döle'mẻnt. s.


—nd, môve, nor, nét ;—tube, tủb, bill ;—dil;—pound ;–thin, Tig. To CONDOLE, kôn-dòle'. v. a. To bewail with|| CONFERRER, kôn-fêr'år. s. He that confers, he that bestows. To CONFESS, kôn-fês'. v. a. To acknowledge a crime; to disclose the state of the conscience to the priest; to hear the confession of a penitent, as a priest; to own, to avow; to grant.


CONDOLENCE, kin-dỏ lênse. s. Grief for the

sorrows of another.

CONDOLER, kôn-dö'lår, s. One that laments with another upon his misfortunes. CONDONATION, kồn-dò-nå'shẳn. s. A pardoning, a forgiving.

To CONDUCE, kôn-dåse'. v. n. To promote an end, to contribute to. CONDUCIBLE, hồn dusẻ-bl. a.

power of conducing.

Having the

CONDUCIBLENESS, kôn-da'sè-bl-nes. s. quality of contributing to any end. CONDUCIVE, kôn-du'siv. a. That which contribute to any end.

CONDUCIVENESS, kớn dù siv-nẻs. s. quality of conducing.

CONDUCT, kinddht. s. 492.




Management, economy; the act of leading troops; convoy a warrant by which a convoy is appointed behaviour, regular life.

To CONDUCT, kôn-dåkt'. v. a. To lead, to direct, to accompany in order to show the way; to attend in civility; to manage, as to conduct an affair; to head an army.

CONDUCTITIOUS, kôn-dåk-tish'ås. a. Hired. CONDUCTOR, khu dukthr. s. 418. A leader, one who shows another the way by accompanying him; a chief, a general; a manager, a director; an instrument to direct the knife in cutting for the stone.

A woman CONDUCTRESS, kôn-dåk'três. s. that directs. CONDUIT, kån'dît. s. 165, 341. A canal of pipes for the conveyance of waters; the pipe or cock at which water is drawn. CONDUPLICATION, kôn-då-plè-kå'shân. s. doubling; a duplicate.



CONE, kone. s. A solid body, of which the base is a circle, and which ends in a point. To CONFABULATE, kôn-fåb'ù-låte. v. n. talk easily together, to chat. CONFABULATION, kôn-fâb-ù-là'shân. s. Easy


To CONFESS, kôn-fês'. v. n. To make confes-
sion, as he is gone to the priest to confess.
CONFESSEDLY, kôn-fès'sêd-lè. ad. 364. Avow-
edly, indisputably.

CONFES HON, kon-fêsh'ån. s. The acknow-
ledgment of a crime; the act of disburdening
the conscience to a priest; a formulary in
which the articles of faith are comprised.
CONFESSIONAL, kôn-fësh'an-âl. ́s. The seat
in which the confessor sits.
CONFESSIONARY, hồn-fêshủn-a-rẻ.
seat where the priest sits to hear confessions.
CONFESSOR, hồn’fes-sur. s. One who makes
profession of his faith in the face of danger; he
that hears confessions, and prescribes penance;
he who confesses his crimes.


Dr. Kenrick says, this word is sometimes, but improperly accented on the first syllable; but it may be observed, that this impropriety is become so universal, that not one who has the least pretension to politeness dares to pronounce it otherwise. It is, indeed, to be regret ted, that we are so fond of Latin originals as entirely to neglect our own; for this word can now have the accent on the second syllable, only when it means one who confesses his crimes: a sense in which it is scarcely ever used. Mr. Sheridan and Entick have the ac cent on the first syllable of this word, Mr. Scott on the first and second; Dr. Johnson, Mr Perry, Buchanan, W. Johnston, Ash, Bailey, and Smith, on the second: but notwithstanding this weight of authority, the best usage is certainly on the other side. CONFEST, kon-fest'. concealed.

a. Open, known, not

Dr. Kenrick tells us, that this is a poetical word for Confessed: and, indeed, we frequently find it so written by Pope and others: "This clue thus found unravels all the rest;

CONFABULATORY, kôn-fåb'ù-là-tur-è. a. 512.||"The prospect clears, and Clodio stands confest."

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whose trade is to make sweetmeats. CONFEDERACY, kôn-fêd'êr-á-sè. s. League, union, engagement.

To CONFEDERATE, kôn-fêd'êr-åte. v. a. 91.
To join in a league, to unite, to ally.

To CONFEDERATÉ, kôn-fed'êr-åte. v. n. To
league, to unite in a league.

CONFEDERATE, kôn-fed'èr-åte. a. 91. United in a league.

CONFEDERATE, kôn-fêd'êr-åte. s. One who engages to support another, an ally. CONFEDERATION,

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But that this is a mere compliance with the prejudices of the eye, and that there is not the least necessity for departing from the common spelling, see Principles of English Pronunciation, No. 360.

CONFESTLY, kôn-fest'iè. ad. Indisputably; properly CONFESSEDLY. 364.

CONFIDANT, kôn-fè-dânt'. s. A person trusted with private affairs.

This word, very unlike most others from the same source, has been made to alter its French orthography, in order to approach a little nearer to the English pronunciation of it. Some affected speakers on the stage pronounce the first syllable like cone, as it is marked in the first edition of Mr. Sheridan's Dictionary; and this is perfectly of a piece with the affectation which has altered the spelling of the last. By Dryden and South, as quoted by Dr. Johnson, we find this word spelled like the adjective confident; and it is more than probable that its French pronunciation is but of late date; but so universal is its use at present, that a greater mark of rusticity cannot be given than to place the accent on the first syllable, and to pronounce the last dent instead of dant.

To CONFIDE, kôn-fide'. v. n. To trust in. CONFIDENCE, kôn'fè-dênse. s. Firm belief of another; trust in his own abilities or fortune; vicious boldness, opposed to modesty; honest boldness, firmness of integrity; trust in the goodness of another.

CONFIDENT, kön'fè-dênt. a. Assured beyond doubt; positive, dogmatical; secure of suc

559.-Fate, får, fâll, fåt ;—mẻ, mêt;-plne, pin ;—

cess; without suspicion, trusting without li- CONFITENT, kôn'fe-tênt. s. One confessing. mits; bold to a vice, impudent. CONFITURE, hôn‘fe-tshure. s. 463. A sweetmeat, a confection.

CONFIDENT, kôn'fè-dênt. s. One trusted with secrets. See CONFIDANT.

To CONFIX, kôn-fîks'. v. ‘a. To fix down. CONFIDENTIAL, kớn-fc-dền shal. adj. Worthy |CONFLAGRANT, kôn-là grắnt. a

of confidence.

in a general fire.


CONFIDENTIALLY, kôn-fè-dën ́shal-lè. ad. In CONFLAGRATION, kôn-flâ-grå'shân. s. A ge

a confidential manner.

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CONFIGURATION, hỗn-fig-i-ra chản. s.
form of the various parts, adapted to each
other; the face of the horoscope.

To CONFIGURE, kôn-fig'ère. v. a. To dispose
into any form.

CONFINE, kồnfine. s. 140, 192. boundary, border, edge.


neral fire it is taken for the fire which shall
consume this world at the consummation.

CONFLATION, kôn-flå'shẳn. S. The act of
blowing many instruments together; a casting
or melting of metal.
|CONFLEXURE, kỗn-flêk'shure. s.452. Abend-

To CONFLICT, kôn-flikt'. v. n. To contest, to

CONFLICT, kôn'flikt. s. 492. A violent collision, or opposition; a combat, strife, contention; struggle, agony.

to another, meeting.

CONFLUENCE, kôn fu-ense. . The junction IF Dr. Johnson tells us, that the substantive or union of several streams; the act of crowdconfine was formerly pronounced with the ac- ing to a place; a concourse; a multitude. cent on the last syllable. The examples, how-CONFLUENT, kôn'flù-ent. a. Running one inever, which he gives us from the poets, prove only that it was accented both ways. But, indeed, it is highly probable that this was the case; for instances are numerous of the propensity of later pronunciation to place the accent higher than formerly; and when by this accentuation a noun is distinguished from a verb, it is supposed to have its use-See BowL. To CONFINE, kôn-fine'. v. n. To border upon, to touch on different territories.

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CONFLUX, kôn'flåks. s. The union of several
currents; crowd, multitude collected.
CONFORM, kon-form'. a. Assuming the same
form, resembling.

To CONFORM, kôn-förm'. v. a. To reduce to
the like appearance with something else.
To CONFÓRM, kôn-förm'. v. n. To comply

CONFORMABLE, kôn-för'må-bl. a. Having
the same form, similar; agreeable, suitable;
compliant, obsequious.

CONFORMABLY, kôn-för'må-blè. ad. With conformity, suitably.

CONFINEMENT, kôn-fine'ment. s. Imprison-CONFORMATION, kon-för-ma'shun. s. The

ment, restraint of liberty.

CONFINER, kôn-fi'når. s. A borderer, one that
lives upon confines; one which touches upon
two different regions.

CONFINITY, kôn-tinh-tẻ. . Nearness.
To CONFIRM, kôn-ferm'. v. a. 108. To put
past doubt by new evidence; to settle, to esta-
blish; to strengthen by new solemnities or ties;
to admit to the full privileges of a Christian, by
imposition of bands.

CONFIRMAELE, kòn-ferini-bl a. That which
is capable of incontestible evidence.
CONFIRMATION, kôn-för-må'shan. s. The act
of establishing any thing or person; evidence,
additional proof; an ecclesiastical rite.
CONFIRMATOR, kon-fër-ma'tår. s. An at-
tester, he that puts a matter past doubt.
CONFIRMATORY, kôn-fêrm'a-tur-è. a. Giving
additional testimony-See DOMESTICK. 512.
CONFIRMEDNESS, kn-fend-nés. s. Con-

firmed state.

This word ought to be added to those taken notice of-Prin. No. 365. CONFIRMER, kôn-fêrm'år. s. One that confirms, an attester, an establisher. CONFISCABLE, kon-fis'ka-bl. a. forfeiture.

form of things as relating to each other; the act of producing suitableness, or conformity. CONFORMIST, kon-för'mist. s. One that complies with the worship of the Church of England.

CONFORMITY, kôn-för'mè-tè. s. Similitude, resemblance; consistency.

To CONFOUND, kôn-föùnd'. v. a. To mingle things; to perplex; to throw into consternation; to astonish, to stupify; to destroy. ||CONFOUNDED, kôn-founded, par. a. Hateful, detestable.

CONFOUNDEDLY, kôu-föûn'dêd-lè. ad. Hatefully, shamefully.


CONFOUNDER, kôn-föûn'dår. s. He who dis-
turbs, perplexes, or destroys.
CONFRATERNITY, kôn-frå-têr'ně-tè. S
body of men united for some religious purpose.
CONFRICATION, kôn-frè-ka shân. s. The act
of rubbing against any thing.

To CONFRONT, kon-front'. v. a. To stand a-
gainst another in full view; to stand face to
face, in opposition to another; to oppose one
evidence to another in open court; to compare
one thing with another.

Liable to In colloquial pronunciation this word has it< last syllable sounded like the last of affront, but the second syllable of confrontation ought never to be so pronounced.

To CONFISCATE, kôn-fis'kåte. v. a. To trans-
fer private property to the publick, by way of
CONFISCATE, kon-fis kåte. a. Transferred to
the publick as forfeit.

Dr. Kenrick blames Dr. Johnson for accenting this word on the second syllable, when the example he brings from Shakspeare accents it on the first; but it may be observed, that as the verb ought to have the accent on the second syllable, the adjective, which is derived from it, ought to have the accent on the same syllable likewise; and the example from Shakspeare must be looked upon as a poetical license. CONFISCATION, kôn-fis-ká'shun. s. The act of transferring the forfeited goods of criminals to publick use.

CONFRONTATION, kên-frôn-tashun. s. The
act of bringing two evidences face to face.
To CONFUSE, kôn-füze'. v. a. To disorder, to
disperse irregularly; to perplex, to obscure
to hurry the mind.

CONFUSEDLY, kôn-fü'zêd-lè. ad. 364. In
mixed mass, without separation; indistinct
one mingled with another; not clearly, nor
plainly; tumultuously, hastily.

CONFUSEDNESS, kón-fù'zèd-nês. s. 365. Want
of distinctness, want of clearness.
CONFUSION, kôn-fü'zhùm. s. Irregular m
ture, tumultuous medley; tumult; indistinct
combination; overthrow, destruction; aston
ishment, distraction of mind.

-no, move, når, nôt ;--tùbe, tåb, båll ;-¿îl ;-pôånd ;—thin, THIS.

CONFUTABLE, kôn-få'tå-bl. a. Possible to be disproved.

CONFUTATION, kin-fu-ta’shân. s. confuting, disproof...

166. That which has the power of uniting

The act of | CONGRATULANT, kôn-gratshu-lânt. a. 461.
Rejoicing in participation.

To CONFUTE, kôn-fute'. v. a. To convict of
errour, to disprove.

CONGE, or CONGEE, kon-jee'. s. Act of re-
verence, bow, courtesy; leave, farewell.
To CONGEE, kòn-jéé. v. a. French. To take

CONGE-D'ELIRE, kòn-jè-dè-lèèr'. s. The king's
permission royal to a dean and chapter, in time
of vacancy, to choose a bishop.

To CONGEAL, kôn-jeėl'. v. a. To turn, by cold, from a fluid to a solid state; to bind or fix, as by cold.

To CONGEAL, kôn-jeel. v. n. To concrete by


CONGEALABLE, hỗn-jèèlà-bl. a. Susceptible of congelation.

CONGEALMENT, kin-jeèlmềnt. s. The clot formed by congelation.

CONGELATION, kôn-jè-lå’shån. s. State of being congealed or made solid.

CONGENER, bồn-jènur. s. 98. Of the same kind or nature.

CONGENEROUS, kôn-jền’êr-rds. a. Of the
same kind.

CONGENEROUSNESS, kôn-jền’êr-rds-nes. s.
The quality of being from the same origin-||


CONGENIAL, kôn-jènè al. a. Partaking of the same genius, cognate.


To CONGRATULATE, kôn-gråtsh'u-låte. v. a.
461. To compliment upon any happy event.
To CONGRATULATE, kon-gråtsh'u-låte. v. n.
461. To rejoice in participation.

CONGRATULATION, kôn-gråtsh-d-lå'shan. s.
462. The act of professing joy for the happi-
ness or success of another; the form in which
joy is professed.

CÔNGRATULATORY, kôn-grấtshù-là-thr-è. a.
512. Expressing joy for the good of another.
To CONGREET, kôn-grèèt'. v. n. To salute

To CÔNGREGATE, king grè-gate. v.a. 408.
To collect, to assemble, to bring into one
To CONGREGATE, kông'grè-gåte. v. n. To
assemble, to meet.

CONGREGATE, kông'grè-gåte. a. 91. Col-
lected, compact.

CONGREGATION, kông-grẻ-gashân. s. 408.
A collection, a mass of various matters brought
together; an assembly met to worship God in
CONGREGATIONAL, kông-grè-gå'shân-nál. a
88. Publick, pertaining to a congregation.
CONGRESS, kong'grès. s. 403. A meeting, a
shock, a conflict; an appointed meeting for
settlement of affairs between different nations;
an assembly of Delegates.

CONGENIALITY, kổn-jè-nè-âl'è-tè. s. Cogna-||CONGRESSİVE, kôn-grẻs'siv. a. Meeting, en

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

tion of matter, as in abscesses. CONGIARY, kên ́jè-á-rè. s. A gift distributed|| to the Roman people or soldiery. To CONGLACIÁTÉ, kôn-glå’shé-åte. v. n. 461. To turn to ice.

v. a. Το

CONGLACIATION, kôn-glå-shè-å'shân. s. 408.
Act of changing into ice.
To CONGLOBATE, kôn-giờ bate.
gather into a hard firm ball.
CÔNGLOBATE, kốn-globate. a. 91.

into a firm ball.


CONGLOBATELY, kốn-glóbate-lẻ. ad. In a

spherical form.

CŨNG LOBATION, kồn-gld-bashản. s. 403. A

round body.

To CONGLOBE, kôn-globe'. v. a. To gather into a round mass.

I. CONGLOBE, hỗn-globe’. v.n. To coalesce into a round mass.

a. 91.


CONGRUENCE, kông'grd-ẻnse. s. 403. Agreement, suitableness of one thing to another. CONGRUENT, kông-griẻnt. a. Agreeing


CONGRUITY, kôn-grù'è-tè. s. 408. Suitable ness, agreeableness; fitness; consistency. CONGRUMENT, kông grủ mẻnt. 8. Fitness, adaptation.

CONGRUOUS, kông grů-ås. a. Agreeable to,
consistent with; suitable to.

CÔNGRUOUSLY, kông gru-ds-lẻ. ad. Suitably,
CÔNICAL, kôn'é-kål.
CONICK, bốn lk.
form of a cone.


a. 509. Having the

The o in the first syllable of this word is pronounced short, though it is long in its primitive cone, if we may be allowed to call cone its primitive, and not the Latin Conus and Greek Koves; in both which the o is long; but Conus, or Kos, whence the learned oblige us to derive our Conic, or Conical, have the o short as in the English words, and serve to corroborate the opinion of Bishop Hare with respect to the shortening power of the Latin antepenultimate accent. 537.

CONICALLY, kôn'è-kâl-è: ad. In form of a cone.
CONICALNESS, kôn'è-kâl-nès. s. The state or
quality of being conical.

CONICK SECTIONS, kon'îk-sek'shûnz.
T。 CONGLOMERATE, kôn-glômêrate. v. a.||CONICKS, kônks.
To gather into a ball, like a ball of thread.
CONGLOMERATE, kon-glom'èr-åte.
Gathered into a round ball, so as that the fibres
are distinct; collected, twisted together.
CONGLOMERATION, kôn-glôm-ër- chân.

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