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thus, like the household word of Abraham Lincoln, which was-Justice and liberty for the oppressed, may the household word of Andrew Johnson be-Justice and liberty for the aggressed.

Señor Mackenna concluded his address amid a perfect storm of applause.

Mr. Squier then read the following resolution:

Resolved, That in Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, we recognise a statesman and patriot, a noble illustration of the fostering influence of republican institutions, a man of the people, deeply sympathizing with oppressed humanity at home and abroad, and who will, with firmness, prudence, and dignity, and in case of ultimate resort with all of his energies as a man and as President, dedicate himself to the vindication of those great national principles enunciated by our fathers as essential to our peace and safety, and among which the "Monroe Doctrine" is one of the most vital, and at this moment of first and practical importance.


Mr. S. S. Cox was then introduced, and spoke long and tenderly of Mr. Winter Davis, with whom he served in the last Congress. The Monroe Doctrine has never yet been backed by the force of this great republic; sooner or later the force of this people will be evoked in the enunciation of the doctrine. We should not forget that the people of all these little republics are waiting anxiously for our movement. I trust the first thing to be done, after Mr. Seward is convinced he cannot write Maximilian out of Mexico, will be the convocation of another Congress of Republics at Panamá, including the Republic of Cuba, and that there the great nations of Europe may receive a lesson. Our unfortunate troubles came North and South, and Europe crept in, sneaked in by a triple alliance, and backed up this Archduke of the hated house of Hapsburg, tyrants of a hundred years. This thing will all be settled in time. I know that if we had taken decided steps in time, this trouble would have been settled ere this. Had we taken the advice of Ministers McLane and Corwin, the troubles would not have happened. Now, thank God, our own troubles are ended. Thirty millions of people reunited, as I trust and believe we are united,

can do a great deal. We can put an army of a million of men into the field, and know how to use them when there. (Applause.) But I rose simply to say a few words about my friend and co-laborer, Davis, who cannot, as he hoped, be with you here to-night; and heartily sharing with you the appreciation of his noble nature, I thank you for your kind and patient attention, and retire.

The meeting was then adjourned, subject to the call of he Chair





Members of the Diplomatic Corps of South America


On Wednesday the sixth of December, there took place in the splendid "Salon Bleu" of "Delmonico's restaurant, the sumptuous banquet with which the confidential agent of Chile in the United States, Don Benjamin Vicuña Mackenna, entertained the most notable journalists of New York and the members of the Diplomatic Corps of South America resident there.

The saloon in which the banquet took place was elegantly adorned with the flags of Chili, the United States and Perú.

The seat of honor at the table was occupied by Señor Vicuña Mackenna. At his right sat Señor Bruzual, the Minister of Venezuela in the United States, and at his left the Minister of the Argentine Republic, Don Domingo F. Sarmiento. At the opposite end sat George Squier, Esq., ex-Minister of the United States to Central America, and on either side of him the Señores Navarro, Consul General of Mexico, and Fleury, Secretary of the Brazilian Legation. There assisted besides at the Banquet, as representatives of the various States of the South American Republics, the greater part of those who are accredited to the United States, and who reside accidentally or permanently in New York.

Among them were noted as representatives of Mexico, the Señores Navarro, General Sanchez Ochoa, and Señor Baz,

ex-Governor of Mexico. As representatives of Cuba, Señor Santacilia, the celebrated poet and Cuban statesman, son-in-law of President Juarez, and Señor Don Juan Manuel Macias. Santo Domingo was represented by Sr. Dr. Bazora, Chargé d'Affaires of that Republic in the U. States; Venezuela by her Minister to Washington, Señor Bruzual, and by the Consul-General of the same Republic, Don Simon Camacho, nephew of the liberator Bolivar; Brazil by the Secretary of the Brazilian Legation at Washington, Señor Fleury; Perú by the confidential agent of that Republic, Sr. Don Mariano Alvarez; the Argentine Republic, by Señor Sarmiento; and lastly Chili, by the Señores Vicuña Mackenna, Aldunate, and her Consul in New York, Dr. Rodgers.

Among the most notable Journalists of New York, we will notice Mr. Wilkes, the editor of various journals published in this city, and a gentleman of distinguished ability and social position; Buckingham Smith, Esq., Frank Leslie, Esq., and Mr. Starr, Editor of that part of the Herald devoted to South American affairs.

There were present, also, among other distinguished citizens of the United States, the Hon. E. George Squier, late Minister of the United States to Central America, Dr. Mackay, Sub-Secretary in the Cabinet at Washington, charged with the diplomatic relations of the United States in the Spanish-American Republics, Messrs. Fabri, Italian Bankers and Agents of the Italian Government, Mr. Chauncey, of the firm of Fabri & Chauncey, Mr. Plumb, the well-known writer upon Mexico, and other gentlemen no less distinguished.

The dinner commenced at half-past six P.M. The table was sumptuous, and the service left nothing to be desired. Mr. Delmonico displayed once more the resources of his art, and that exquisite taste which has given to his establishment the reputation of being the first restaurant of New York.

After an hour of lively conversation, devoted, as was natural, to testimonials to the exquisite flavor of the viands, Mr. Squier gave the first toast, proposing a general glass in honor of Señor Vicuña Mackenna, who presided over the table. In reply, Señor Vicuña Mackenna proposed a toast in honor of the Press of the United States. He said that although in other countries, in the

present condition of the human race, the press was a power, in the United States it had attained the character of a true public institution, without which the Republic could not exist; that in his opinion, the press had done more to put down the rebellion in the South than the armies of the North, in that while they were sometimes defeated and destroyed, the press had never been conquered. In conclusion, he recalled the observation of Miguel Chevalier, who by himself alone characterized the role of the press of this country. It is known that in his travels through the United States, wherever he saw a village (to-day a city,) that even where there were only three houses, one of them was a bank, the other a school, and the third a printing-office.

Mr. Wilkes, as the Deacon of the Journalists present, replied to the toast of Señor Vicuña Mackenna, asking a unanimous glass to be drank standing, to "Heroic Chili." Three hurrahs resounded at the termination of the enthusiastic toast of Mr. Wilkes. The next toast was given by Señor Bruzual who, in a patriotic speech, happily developed the idea that the American Republics, free since the war for their independence, ought to strengthen themselves by breaking the only ties which bind them to Spain -preoccupation and inattention to other ideas than those which the Revolution had given birth to, thus destroying for ever European influence in America.

Señor Sarmiento, alluding to the previous toast, said that the Republic of the United States, like a colossal iron-clad, was sailing towards the future, and that the Republics of South America, taking advantage of the tranquil wake which she leaves, will follow closely.

Señor Bazora gave a succinct account of the war of Santo Domingo and Spain, and after showing that the Dominicans had only calculated upon their heroism to combat with an army strong and full of resources, concluded, expressing his conviction that Chili would do as much, and would know how to put an end to the pretensions of Spain.

Señor Santacilia drank the next toast, that Cuba would soon add to the number of American Republics, thus assuming the position destined for her by nature, topography, history and race.

Señor Macias-That the solitary star of Cuba, dark

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