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ened to-day by the cloud of slavery, will soon shine, illuminated by the splendor of that of Chili.

In continuation, Señor Baz gave the toast in honor of Mexico-as a people who, after a triple invasion, continued to combat their enemy with firmness and energy, surrounding him in their strong places; and in honor of Juarez as the guiding star. The toast was received with enthusiasm and drank standing.

Messrs. Rodgers, Mackie, Evans, and Squier drank in turn to Chili, her hospitality, her progress, and the noble and dignified conduct observed in the present question with Spain.

Mr. Squier proposed a toast in honor of General Prim, that great, sagacious man, he said, who had foreseen the events of which America was going to be the theatre, and in accordance with the nobleness of his character, had hastened to retire from the scene.

Lastly, Señor Vicuña Mackenna gave a toast in honor of Italy and Garibaldi. He remembered that that nation was, through her democratic sentiments, the sincere friend of America, and cited Garibaldi as the only European able to represent in himself, to the New and Old World, one who had fought for the liberty of both. This last toast was replied to by Mr. Fabri in a manner as brief as eloquent, and the hour being already advanced, the guests repaired to the saloon, where coffee and liquors were served, remaining in pleasant conversation until 12 o'clock, at which hour they departed.

In allusion to this Banquet, the "Herald" says on the following morning :

"Last Wednesday evening, Señor Vicuña Mackenna, Special Envoy from the Republic of Chili to the United States, entertained various distinguished persons from South America and the representatives of the press of New York, with a splendid dinner at " Delmonico's" restaurant, in Fifth Avenue.

"Among the guests were-Señor Bruzual, the Minister of Venezuela; Señor Navarro, Consul-General of Mexico; General Sanchez Ochoa; Señor Baz, Governor of Mexico; Dr. Basora, of Santo Domingo; Señor Alvarez, Confidential Agent of Perú; Señor Santacilia; Señor Fleury, Secretary of the Brazilian Legation; Dr. Rodgers, the Chilian Consul in New York; Mr. Squier, ex-Minister of the United States to Central America ; Dr. Mackie, formerly employed in the Department of State at Washington; George Wilkes, Esq., Frank Leslie, Esq., and the representatives of the Herald.

"The dining-room was decorated with the flags of the United States, Chili, and Peru, gracefully arranged at either end of the table. Delmonico, the prince of restaurateurs, displayed all the taste and exquisite skill of his art.

"In reply to the various particular toasts of the guests, Señor Vicuña Mackenna, Messrs. Squier and Wilkes, Señores Bruzual, Mackie, Navarro, and others, pronounced eloquent speeches. The principal theme of the remarks of those gentlemen was a strong protest against foreign intervention in the affairs of America, especially with relation to Chili and Mexico-"Europe for Europeans," and the base of all the sentiments expressed was a desire that the Monroe Doctrine should be strictly maintained, from the Rio Grande to Cape Horn. The enthusiasm and eloquence of the guests kept the party together until nearly midnight."





Telegraph of South America.

On Thursday evening, 6th December, the New York Union League Club held its regular monthly meeting, and after P. McD. Collins, Enterpriser of the Telegraph round the World, had delivered his address, already known to the public, the Hon. Vicuña Mackenna, from Chili, who accidentally was among the numerous guests, was introduced by Mr. Blunt, one of the vice-presidents of the Club, as a representative of the heroic Republic of Chili, who so bravely maintained her rights against old and proud Spain -a cause dear to all the American people. (Great applause.) Mr. Blunt further remarked that England had come forward to the support of Chili for the same reason that she supported the rebellion for copper. (Laughter.)

Mr. Vicuña Mackenna having been loudly cheered, said that he thanked the gentlemen of the meeting for the profound and noble sympathy shown by them for his country, and himself personally; that he did not propose to deliver an address, as he found himself unprepared for such an occasion, having come there only to hear the wonders of the telegraph; that had he known he would have been called upon to speak, he would have been prepared to say something worthy of the attention of so many distinguished gentlemen. Butas Mr. Collins, in his eloquent address, had mentioned his country several times with the applause of the assembly, he desired to be allowed to say that when Secretary Seward addressed the governments of several nations in behalf of Mr. Collins' scheme, the government of his country was the first to answer the invitation, and offered its support to Mr. Collins, as Chili was fond of telegraphs, and of everything that meant progress. (Applause.) That they had more than one thousand miles of telegraph wire already laid out in the country before the war with Spain commenced; but that as soon as war was declared by Admiral Pareja, the Chilians replied to his dastardly attack somewhat as Columbus did to the Inquisition of Salamanca when they wanted to prevent his coming to discover this continent-ordering one thousand miles more of telegraph wire to be run for the internal defense of the country. (Applause.)

He further remarked that Chili, south of Panamá, was the only country in South America fitted for the Collins telegraph passing from the Pacific to the Atlantic, over the Pampas of Buenos Ayres; that this part of the line could be easily made in three or four months, as it was only one third of the length of the overland line to California, constructed, through the perseverance of Mr. Collins, in five months; that already the building of two railways was contemplated, to cross the Pampas from Chili to La Plata-the northern line from Copiapó to Rosario, on the Paraná River, and the other from Curicó south to Buenos Ayres; that two enterprising Americans were the promoters of these grand projects-the well-known Mr. Wheelwright, of Newburyport, of the northern line, and Henry Meiggs, of California, of the southern line. General Mitre, the enlightened and patriotic president of the Argentine Republic, a man who will stand forth prominently among the patriots of South America, had offered his warmest support to Mr. Meiggs' idea, believing that the best frontier against the wild Indian of the Pampas would be an iron track, which would thus spare the Argentine Republic the expense and the danger of maintaining six thousand soldiers to protect that part of the country from the raids of the savages. The orator added that another engineer, an American, too-Mr. Goldsborough-had laid before the Chilian Government a plan to build a submarine telegraph from Panamá to Valparaiso, running from port to port, on the line of the English steamers of the South Pacific.

Apropos of English commerce and enterprise in the South Pacific, Mr. Vicuña Mackenna observed, that not a single mercantile steam vessel, carrying the American flag, had been seen south of Panamá for years, and that through the fault of the Americans, that splendid field of commerce had been monopolized by the English since 1842, who maintained there a fine fleet of twenty or thirty steamers. He further observed that the Chilians would be grateful to England for having come to their relief in the war with Spain; because, although Mr. Blunt, in rather a blunt manner (laughter), remarked that England was prompted in that case by her copper interest, still, no matter why, she was sustaining their rights, and they would feel grateful to any country for coming forward from the same motive.

The speaker further observed that, although Chili was a great copper country, the Chilians were not copperheads. (Applause and laughter.) He advised the Americans to study the South American countries, especially Chili, to change their false policy towards them, and to go and see what they are. "Don't argue,” he said, "that our doors are shut now, because if you go you will find some fair hand to open them. And then, gentlemen, if they are still shut, since you built the "Monnadnock" and the "Dunderberg," you have in your hands the keys of the world." (Applause.)

As in the course of his address, Mr.Collins, in a very pictorial manner, said that he purposed to enclose South America with a kind of North American lasso, in the form of a circular telegraph, Mr. Vicuña Mackenna closed his remarks with the following words, which were enthusiastically received by the assembly : - I hope the day will come soon when the lasso of progress will enclose all the South American Republics, each one coming forward in support of Mr. Collins' enterprise. But allow me to remind you, gentlemen, that there is a yet more glorious and ancient lasso which binds the two continents of America in a single world of liberty and democracy, and that South American and North American lasso is the Monroe Doctrine.(Great applause.)

Allow me further to say, that in South America we understand the Monroe Doctrine to be, not an empty wordnot a platform word-not a newspaper word-we understand it as two great men of this country understand it

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