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sures which they share in common with the beasts of the field? So I shall become more and more like Brahm; will his will, think his thoughts, till I lose utterly this house-fiend of self, and become one with God?

Is this a man to be despised? Is he a sickly dreamer, or a too valiant hero? and if any one be shocked at this last utterance, let him consider carefully the words which he may hear on Sunday; Then we dwell in Christ, and Christ in us; we are one with Christ, and Christ with us.' That belief is

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surely not a false one. Shall we abhor the Yogi because he has seen, sitting alone there amid idolatry and licentiousness, despotism and priestcraft, that the ideal goal of man is what we confess it to be in the communion service? Shall we not rather wonder and rejoice over the magnificent utterances in that Bagvat-Gita which Mr. Vaughan takes-as we do-for the text book of Hindoo mysticism, which proceed from the mouth of Crishna, the teacher human, and yet God himself.


In this body

There is nothing greater than I; all things hang on me, as precious gems upon a string.. I am life in all things, and zeal in the zealous. I am the eternal seed of nature: I am the understanding of the wise, the glory of the proud, the strength of the strong, free from lust and anger. Those who trust in me know Brahm, the supreme and incorruptible. . I am the teacher of worship. He who thinks of me will find me. He who finds me returns not again to mortal birth. . . . . I am the sacrifice, I am the worship, I am the incense, I am the fire, I am the victim, I am the father and mother of the world; I am the road of the good, the comforter, the creator, the witness, the asylum, and the friend. They who serve other gods with a firm belief, involuntarily worship me. I am the same to all mankind. They who serve me in adoration are in me. one whose ways are ever so evil serve me alone, he becometh of a virtuous spirit and obtaineth eternal happiness. Even women, and the tribes of Visga and Soodra, shall go the supreme journey, if they take sanctuary with me; how much more my holy servants the Brahmins and the Ragarshees! Consider this world as a finite and joyless place, and serve me.


There may be confused word


scattered up and down here; there are still more confused words-not immoral ones-round them, which we have omitted; but we ask, once and for all, is this true, or is it not? Is there a being who answers to this description, or is there not? And if there be, was it not a light price to pay for the discovery of him

to sit upon the sacred grass called koos, with his mind fixed on one object alone; keeping his head, neck, and body steady, without motion; his eyes fixed upon the point of his nose, looking at no other place around'-or any other simple, even childish, practical means of getting rid of the disturbing bustle and noise of the outward time-world, that he might see the eternal world which underlies it? What if the discovery be imperfect, the figure in my features erroneous? Is not the wonder to us, the honour to him, that the figure should be there at all? Inexplicable to us on any ground, save that one common to the Bagvat-Gita, to the gospel.

He who seeks me shall find me.' What if he knew but in part, and saw through a glass darkly? Was there not One greater than he who, in the full light of inspiration, could but say the very same thing of himself, and look forward to a future life in which he would 'know even as he was known?'

It is well worth observing, too, that so far from the moral of this Bagvat-Gita issuing in mere contemplative Quietism, its purpose is essentially practical. It arises out of Arjoun's doubt whether he shall join in the battle which he sees raging below him; it results in his being commanded to join in it, and fight like a man. We cannot see, as Mr. Vaughan does, an unholy indifference' in the moral. Arjoun shrinks from fighting because friends and relatives are engaged on both sides, and he dreads hell if he kills one of them. The answer to his doubt is, after all, the only one which makes war permissible to a Christian, who looks on all men as his brothers:

'You are a Ksahtree, a soldier; your duty is to fight. Do your duty, and leave the consequences of it to Him who commanded the duty. You cannot kill these men's souls any more than they can yours.

You can only kill their mortal bodies; the fate of their souls and yours depends on their moral state. Kill their bodies, then, if it be your duty, instead of tormenting yourself with scruples, which are not really scruples of conscience, only selfish fears of harm to yourself, and leave their souls to the care of Him who made them, and knows them, and cares more for them than you do.'

This seems to be the plain outcome of the teaching. What is it, mutatis mutandis, but the sermon, 'cold-blooded' or not, which every righteous soldier in the Crimea has had to preach to himself, day by day, for the last two years?

Yet the fact is undeniable that Hindoo mysticism has failed of practical result-that it has died down into brutal fakeerism.

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We look in vain, however, in Mr. Vaughan's chapter for an explanation of this fact, save his assertion, which we deny, that Hindoo mysticism was in essence and at its root wrong and rotten. Mr. Maurice (Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy, p. 46) seems to point to a more charitable solution. The Hindoo' (he says)' whatsoever vast discovery he may have made at an early period of a mysterious Teacher near him, working on his spirit, who is at the same time Lord over nature, began the search from himself-he had no other point from whence to begin-and therefore it ended in himself. The purification of his individual soul became practically his highest conceivable end; to carry out that he must separate from society. Yet the more he tries to escape self the more he finds self; for what are his thoughts about Brahm, his thoughts about Krishna, save his own thoughts ? Is Brahm a projection of his own soul ? To sink in him, does it mean to be nothing? Am I, after all, my own law? And hence the downward career into stupid indifferentism, even into Antinomian profligacy.'

The Hebrew, on the other hand, begins from the belief of an objective external God, but one who cares for more than his individual soul; as one who is the everpresent guide, and teacher, and ruler of his whole nation; who regards that nation as a whole, a one

person, and that not merely one present generation, but all, past or future, as a one 'Israel; lawgivers, prophets, priests, warriors. All classes are his ministers. He is essentially a political deity, who cares infinitely for the polity of a nation, and therefore bestows one upon them- a law of Jehovah.' Gradually, under this teaching, the Hebrew rises to the very idea of an inward teacher, which the Yogi had, and to a far purer and clearer form of that idea; but he is not tempted by it to selfish individualism, or contemplative isolation, as long as he is true to the old Mosaic belief, that this being is the Political Deity, the King of Kings.' The Pharisee becomes a selfish individualist just because he has forgotten this; the Essene, a selfish mystic' for the same reason; Philo and the Jewish mystics of Alexandria lose in like manner all notion that Jehovah is the lawgiver, and ruler, and archetype of family and of national life. The early Christians retain the idea; they bring out the meaning of the old Jewish polity in its highest form; for that very reason they are able to bring out the meaning of the mystic idea in its highest form also, without injury to their work as members of families, as citizens, as practical men of the world.

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And here let us say boldly to Mr. Vaughan and to our readers-As long as 'the salvation of a man's own soul' is set forth in all pulpits as the first and last end and aim of mortal existence; as long as Christianity is dwelt on merely as influencing individuals each apart-as 'brands plucked, one here and another there, from the general burning,'-so long will mysticism, highest form, be the refuge of the strongest spirits, and in its more base and diseased forms the refuge of the weak and sentimental spirits. They will say, each in his own way -You confess that there can be a direct relation, communion, inspiration, from God to my soul, as I sit alone in my chamber. You do not think that there is such between God and what you call the world; between Him and nations as wholes, -families, churches, schools of thought, as wholes; that He does not take a special interest, or exercise a special influence, over the


George Fox and the Early Quakers.

ways and works of men-over science, commerce, civilization, colonization, all which affects the earthly destinies of the race. All these you call secular; to admit His influence over them for their own sake (though of course He overrules them for the sake of his elect) savours of Pantheism. Is it so? Then we will give up the world. We will cling to the one fact which you confess to be certain about us, that we can take refuge in God, each in the loneliness of his chamber, from all the vain turmoil of a race which is hastening heedless into endless misery. You may call us mystics, or what you will. We will possess our souls in patience, and turn away our eyes from vanity. We will commune with our own hearts in solitude, and be still. We will not even mingle in your religious world, the world which you have invented for yourselves, after denying that God's human world is sacred; for it seems to us as full of intrigue, ambition, party-spirit, falsehood, bitterness, and ignorance, as the political world, or the fashionable world, or the scientific world; and we will have none of it. Leave us alone with God.'

This has been the true reason of mystical isolation in every age and country. So thought Macarius and the Christian fakeers of the Thebaid. So thought the mediæval monks and nuns. So thought the German Quietists when they revolted from the fierce degradation of decaying Lutheranism. So are hundreds thinking now;

so may thousands think ere long. If the individualizing phase of Christianity which is now dominant shall long retain its ascendancy, and the creed of Dr. Cumming and Mr. Spurgeon become that of the British people, our purest and noblest spirits will act here, with regard to religion, as the purest and noblest in America have acted with regard to politics. They will withdraw each into the sanctuary of his own heart, and leave the battle-field to rival demagogues. They will do wrong, it may be. Isolation involves laziness, pride, cowardice; but if sober England, during the next half-century, should be astonished by an outburst of mysticism, as grand in some respects, as fantastic in others, as that


of the thirteenth or the seventeenth centuries, the blame, if blame there be, will lie with those leaders of the public conscience who, after having debased alike the Church of England and the dissenting sects with a selfish individualism which was as foreign to the old Cromwellite Ironside as to the High Church divine, have tried to debar their disciples from that peaceful and graceful mysticism which is the only excusable or tolerable form of a religion beginning and ending in self.

Let it be always borne in mind, that Quakerism was not a protest against, or a revulsion from, the Church of England, but from Calvinism. The steeple-houses, against which George Fox testified, were not served by Henry Mores, Cudworths, or Norrises: not even by dogmatist High-Churchmen, but by Calvinist ministers, who had ejected them. George Fox developed his own scheme, such as it was, because the popular Protestantism of his day failed to meet the deepest wants of his heart; because, as he used to say, it gave him a dead Christ,' and he required a 'living Christ.' Doctrines about who Christ is, he held, are not Christ himself. Doctrines about what he has done for man, are not He himself. Fox held, that if Christ be a living person, He must act (when he acted) directly on the most inward and central personality of him, George Fox; and his desire was satisfied by the discovery of the indwelling Logos, or rather by its re-discovery, after it had fallen into oblivion for centuries. Whether he were right or wrong, he is a fresh instance of a man's arriving, alone and unassisted, at the same idea at which mystics of all ages and countries have arrived; a fresh corroboration of our belief, that there must be some reality corresponding to a notion which has manifested itself so variously, and among so many thousands of every creed, and has yet arrived, by whatsoever different paths, at one and the same result.

That he was more or less rightthat there is nothing in the essence of mysticism contrary to practical morality, Mr. Vaughan himself fully confesses. In his fair and liberal chapters on Fox and the Early

Quakers, he does full justice to their intense practical benevolence; to the important fact that Fox only lived to do good, of any and every kind, as often as a sorrow to be soothed, or an evil to be remedied, crossed his path. We only wish that he had also brought in the curious and affecting account of Fox's interview with Cromwell, in which he tells us (and we will take Fox's word against any man) that the Protector gave him to understand, almost with tears, that there was that in Fox's faith which he was seeking in vain from the ministers' around him.

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All we ask of Mr. Vaughan is, not to be afraid of his own evident liking for Fox; of his own evident liking for Tauler and his school; not to put aside the question which their doctrines involve, with such halfutterances as

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The Quakers are wrong, I think, in separating particular movements and monitions as Divine. But, at the same time, the witness of the Spirit,' as regards our state before God, is something more, I believe, than the mere attestation to the written word.

As for the former of these two sentences, he may be quite right, for aught we know. But it must be said, on the other hand, that not merely Quakers, but decent men of every creed and age, have—we may dare to say, in proportion to their devoutness-believed in such monitions; and that it is hard to see how any man could have arrived at the belief that a living person was working on him, and not a mere unpersonal principle, law, or afflatus(spirit of the universe, or other metaphor for hiding materialism)-unless by believing rightly or wrongly, in such monitions. For our only inductive conception of a living person demands that that person shall make himself felt by separate acts.

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But against the second sentence we must protest. The question in hand is not whether this witness of the Spirit' is something more' than anything else. But whether it exists at all, and what it is. Why was the book written, save to help toward the solution of this very matter? The question all through has been-Can an immediate influence be exercised by the Spirit of God on

the spirit of man? Mr. Vaughan assents, and says (we cannot see why) that there is no mysticism in such a belief. Be that as it may, what that influence is, and how exercised, is all through the de quo agitur of mysticism. Mr. Vaughan, however, seems here for awhile to be talking realism through an admirable page, well worth perusal (pp. 264-5). Yet his grasp is not sure. We soon find him saying what More and Fox would alike deny, that The story of Christ's life and death is our soul's food.' No; Christ himself is,-would the English Church and the mystic alike answer. And here again, the whole matter in dispute is (uncon sciously to Mr. Vaughan) opened up in one word. And if this sentence does not bear directly on that problem, on what does it bear? It was therefore with extreme disappointment that on reading this, and saying to our selves, Now we shall hear at last what Mr. Vaughan himself thinks on the matter,' we found that he literally turned the subject off, as if not worth investigation, by making the next speaker answer, à propos of nothing, that the tra ditional asceticism of the Friends is their fatal defect as a body.'

Why, too, has Mr. Vaughan devoted a few lines only to the great English Platonists, More, Norris, Smith of Jesus, Gale, and Cudworth? He says, indeed, that they are scarcely mystics, except in as far as Platonism is always in a measure mystical. In our sense of the word, they were all of them mystics, and of a very lofty type; but surely Henry More is a mystic in Mr. Vaughan's sense also. If the author of Conjectura Cabbalistica be not a mystical writer (he himself uses the term without shame), who is ?

We hope to see much in this book condensed, much modified, much worked out, instead of being left fragmentary and embryotic; but whether our hope be fulfilled or not, a useful and honourable future is before the man who could write such a book as this is, in spite of all defects.

C. K.





Jam Cytherea choros ducit Venus imminente Luna:
Junctæque Nymphis Gratis decentes
Alterno terram quatiunt pede.

HORACE was an Italian, and so

he sang of the spring; had he lived in Scotland, he would have crowned the autumn after his fashion-with lilies and rose-buds, and clusters of purple grapes, mellow as its sunshine. Cockneys, indeed, would have come in his way-where would they not?-but the well-regulated mind acquiesces in the unexplained details of the economy of Providence. It is no doubt a perplexing fact that one half of our countrymen should wander annually over half the globe without deriving a single genuine impression of enjoyment from anything during the whole course of their travel: but the naturalist does not harden his heart with the knotty points of metaphysics. Indeed, he is for the most part, with certain little infirmities of his own, a kindly and goodhearted man: quarrels with no one, unless with him who, in his ignorance and cruelty, wantonly mars the good world that God has made: nay, even at times believes, perhaps, that his cockney brother, did inadvertently receive some devout impression which still serves to penetrate with a peculiar sweetness the meanness and poverty of his daily life. It is difficult-a man must be uncommonly perverse-to remain a bigot or a sectary in the presence of the amenities of nature. They at least inculcate that divine lesson of charity which the churches have forgot to teach

The children sport upon the shore,
The mighty waters roll for evermore:

and he who with a pathos too bitter
for tears discovers that even to him-
self a glory is departing from the
earth,' which the returning sum-
mer does not bring back, will not
think very hardly of any the most
thick-headed of his brethren.

The romance of the moor has been recently disturbed, and even the Gor-cock has begun to lose the

heatheriness. Still there are
many sequestered districts among
the more remote Highlands, to which
the tourist and the artist do not
penetrate; and as the English sports-
man, after his three weeks' plea-
sure in the Scottish woods,' is
commonly across the Border by the
beginning of October, a Northern
naturalist may enjoy his hill-side
without disturbance during the
finest weather in the world. And
the truth is, that for grouse-shooting,
October and November are the best
months of the year. In August the
birds sit like chickens, and in Sep-
tember they are as wild as geese.
But about the first or second week
in October the packs break up into
small detachments, and any pleasant
morning after a hard black frost
(for a white or hoar frost has a con-
trary effect), they will sit well
within easy range of a cartridge.
The cocks, moreover, are in splen-
did condition by this time,— very
different in their ample folds or
imperial purple from the ill-fed,
ill-fledged, ill-favoured victims of the
twelfth. Except at the beginning
of the season they are proverbially
shy, and the sportsman who is not
daunted by the autumn frosts, which
are sometimes hard enough on the
hill-side, will have plenty of oppor-
tunities to test their vigilant saga-
city. When the others are feeding
or resting among the thick lairs of
the heather, one always remains
on the out-look, and you hear his
hoarse warning bark sometimes a
minute before the covey rises.
There is a peat-hag near the sum-
mit of the lower moor, which is
one of their favourite haunts during
the late autumn, and where, as the
banks on either side are sufficiently
high to cover the approach of the
sportsman, a fair shot may often be
had at a pack. I remember on one
occasion (having successfully prac-
tised upon them in this way the
week before) being disappointed by

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