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tades y gracias, en la forma sobredicha. Dado en Madrid a dos de Enero de mil ochocientos veinte y siete.

Sumario de los dias de las Estationes de Roma, en las cuales por concesion de su Santidad ganan indulgencia plenaria los que habieren tomado esta Bula, visitaren devotamente cinco iglesias o altares, o en defecto de ellos uno cinco veces, rogando a Dios por la union y victoria de los principes cristianos contra á los infieles; y asimismo de los dias en que haciendo la misma visita se saca anima de purgatorio en virtud de igual indulgencia plenaria.


INDULGENCIA PLENARIA. En cada una de las cuatro Dominicas de adviento.

El miercoles, viernes y sabado de las cuatro temporas del


En los tres dias de las Rogaciones de Mayo.

En la vigilia y dia de la Nativ. del Señor y en cada una de sus tres miss.

En los dias de S. Estevan, S. Juan Evangelista y los Stos. Inocentes.

and you may use and enjoy, all the fore-mentioned indulgences, faculties, and grants in the form given above. Dated Madrid, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven.

Summary of the days of the Stations in Rome, in which, by the favour of his holiness, a plenary indulgence may be gained by those who shall have taken this Bull, visited devoutly the five churches or altars, or, in defect of them, one altar seven times, praying to God for the union and victory of the Christian princes against the infidels; and likewise of the days on which, making the same visit, a soul is extracted from purgatory in virtue of the same plenary indulgence. DAYS ON WHICH MAY BE GAINED A PLENARY INDULGENCE.

On each of the four Sundays in advent.

Wednesday, friday, and saturday of the four Ember weeks.

On the three Rogation days in May.

On the eve of the Nativity of our Lord, and on each of his three miseries.

On the days of St. Stephen, St. John the Evangelist, and the Holy Innocents.

[blocks in formation]

El martes, despues de la Dominica primera de Cuaresma. El sabado, despues de la Dominica secunda de Cuaresma. Las Dominicas tercera y cuarta de Cuaresma.

El viernes y subado, despues de la Dominica quinta de ella.

El miercoles de la octava de Pascua de Resurreccion. El jueves y subado de la

octava de Pentecostes.

Dr. Manuel Fern'. Varela. [a rude facsimile of the autograph.]

On the day of the Circumcision of our Lord, and on that of Epiphany.

On Septuagesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima Sundays.

On all the days of Lent.

On the first eight days after Easter.

On the festival of St. Mark. On the day of our Lord's Ascension.

On the vigil of the day of Pentecost.

On the six days following Pentecost.

The three days of the vigil of the Ember week in September.



Septuagesima Sunday.

Tuesday after the first Sunday in Lent.

Saturday after the second

Sunday in Lent.

The third and fourth Sun

days in Lent.

The friday and saturday after the fifth Sunday in Lent.


The wednesday in Easter

The thursday and saturday in Whitsun week.

Dr. Manuel Fern2. Varela.

On each side of the name is a kind of cross marked with a pen. In a square space in the upper left hand corner are figures of St. Peter and St. Paul in the usual papal fashion, with the figure 4 above: in the space of the opposite corner are Leo XIIth's In that of the left hand lower corner is a figure of a cross in a circle. Opposite are the arms of Don Manuel. The signature in the vacant place, although attempted to be obliterated, is Jusepha Casanes.


Page 313.-Confirmation of the Council by the Pope.

There is a passage in La Vie de Saint Charles Borromee, &c., Par. Ant. Godeau, Evesque de Vence, Paris, 1657, which admirably illustrates the state of feeling on this subject on all sides, and particularly the reason of the hesitation with which the proposal was received; and it perfectly establishes the representation given by Fra Paolo. The confirmation was given by the pope; and a short account appears of the consistory in which it was given on the 26th of January, 1564, together with the oration of his holiness on the occasion, and his bull to the same purpose, on the same day, in Le Plat's Collection and his edition of the Canons, &c., and partly in the common editions. The reader will not need to be informed who Cardinal Borromeo was. The words of his biographer, at pp. 110, 111, (writing of the Council,) are:'Saint Charles, qui avoit tant travaillé pour le faire conclurre, 'jugea fort bien que si le Pape ne le confirmoit, ou le confirmoit avec quelques exceptions, on alloit retomber dans les premieres 'confusions dont on estoit si heureusement sorty, et que ce seroit 'donner la victoire aux Heretiques, et aux Princes l'occasion 'd'assembler des Synodes Nationaux pour mettre ordre à la Dis'cipline Ecclesiastique dans leurs Estats. Ces considerations 'furent si fortes, qu'enfin Pie au Consistoire qu'il tint le vingt'sixiesme de Janvier, confirma absolument le Concile celebré à 'Trente, et en expédia une Bulle qui fut signée de tous les Cardinaux, et publiée dans l'Italie.'

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Encyclical Letter of Pope Gregory XVI.

There will be a propriety in ending, as we began, with the present reigning Supreme Pontiff of Rome. In the beginning he

was the object of address: here he is the Speaker. And he speaks as the oracle of his own world of subjects, ex cathedra, and for the first, and latest, time, with so solemn a voice.

I am indebted to the kindness of much-valued friends for the possession of a copy of the original edition of the Encyclical Letter of Gregory XVI., obtained with difficulty from Rome itself; and the contents, although known in this country in a less authentic shape before, will demonstrate, in what form and degree the doctrine, defined and established by the last, (and likely ever to be the last,) General Council of the Roman Church, is at this day professed, published, and inculcated by the Supreme Head and Organ of its Faith; and how far the indulgent but not eminently sagacious opinion is well founded, that the Faith of Romanists is changed or improved-an opinion, against which not only the whole Papal hierarchy and clergy, but Francis Plowden, and Charles Butler, Esqrs., reclaim.

English translations of this document are extant in the Laity's Directory-in the [Roman] Catholic Magazine-in the Protestant Journal, and separately with some notes, all for the year 1833; as well as in a pamphlet by itself with the original, and with extended and very valuable notes, in Dublin, 1833. I am not able to say, whether an address, clothed with such authority to the Roman Catholic world, has obtained the respect of being published in Ireland, accompanied with the Pastoral Instructions of its Papal Prelates.






Salutem et Apostolicam Benedictionem,

Mirari vos arbitramur, quod ab imposita Nostræ humilitati Ecclesiæ universæ procuratione, nondum Literas ad vos dederimus, prout et consuetudo vel a primis temporibus invecta, et benevo

lentia in vos Nostra postulasset. Erat id quidem Nobis maxime in votis, ut dilateremus illico super vos cor Nostrum, atque in communicatione spiritus ea vos adloqueremur voce, qua, confirmare Fratres in persona Beati Petri jussi fuimus *. Verum probe nostis, quanam malorum ærumnarumque procella primis Pontificatus Nostri momentis in eam subito altitudinem maris acti fuerimus, in qua nisi dextera Dei fecisset virtutem, ex teterrima impiorum conspiratione Nos congemuissetis demersos. Refugit animus tristissima tot discriminum recensione susceptum inde moerorem refricare; Patrique potius omnis consolationis benedicimus, qui, disjectis perduellibus, præsenti Nos eripuit periculo, atque, turbulentissima sedata tempestate, dedit a metu respirare. Proposuimus illico vobiscum communicare consilia ad sanandas contritiones Israel; sed ingens curarum moles, quibus in concilianda publici ordinis restitutione obruti fuimus, moram tunc Nostræ huic objecit voluntati.

Nova interim accessit causa silentii ob factiosorum insolentiam qui signa perduellionis iterum attollere conati sunt. Nos quidem tantam hominum pervicaciam, quorum effrenatus furor impunitate diuturna, impensæque Nostræ benignitatis indulgentia non deliniri, sed ali potius conspiciebatur, debuimus tandem, ingenti licet cum moerore, ex collata Nobis divinitus auctoritate, virga compescere t; ex quo, prout jam probe conjicere potestis, operosior in dies instantia nostra quotidiana facta est.

Ast cum, quod ipsum iisdem ex causis distuleramus, jam possessionem Pontificatus in Lateranensi Basilica ex more institutoque majorum adiverimus, omni demum abjecta cunctatione, ad vos properamus, Venerabiles Fratres, testemque Nostræ erga vos voluntatis epistolam damus lætissimo hoc die, quo de Virginis Sanctissimæ in Coelum Assumptæ triumpho sollemnia festa peragimus, ut quam Patronam ac Sospitam inter maximas quasque calamitates persensimus, Ipsa et scribentibus ad vos Nobis adstet propitia, mentemque Nostram coelesti afflatu suo in ea inducat consilia, quæ Christiano Gregi futura sint quam maxime salutaria.

Moerentes quidem, animoque tristitia confecto venimus ad vos, quos pro vestro in Religionem studio, ex tanta, in qua ipsa versatur, temporum acerbitate, maxime anxios novimus. Vere enim dixerimus, horam nunc esse potestatis tenebrarum ad cribandos, sicut 1 Corinth. 4. 21.

*Luc. 22. 32.

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