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works. Finally, each chapter concludes with a concise summary of the period under consideration, a list of selections for reading and a bibliography of works that will be found most useful in acquiring a larger knowledge of the subject.

In its general plan this little volume is modeled on the author's more advanced English Literature; but the material, the point of view, the presentation of individual writers, - all the details of the work are entirely new. Such a book is like a second journey through ample and beautiful regions filled with historic associations, a journey that one undertakes with new companions, with renewed pleasure and, it is to be hoped, with increased wisdom. It is hardly necessary to add that our subject has still its unvoiced charms, that it cannot be exhausted or even adequately presented in any number of histories. For literature deals with life; and life, with its endlessly surprising variety in unity, has happily some suggestion of infinity.

Since the prime purpose of any text of literature is to introduce men and women who have a message worth hearing, the greater part of this new edition is given to selections from the work of representative British authors, including those of the present day. These selections have been gathered together with a double motive, to let each author speak for himself, however briefly, and to encourage the student to form his own judgment, independent of historians or critics. The result should be not only to inspire us to seek a better acquaintance with our elder writers but also to enable us to choose from among the many of our own day the few who by appealing to our particular taste or humor can best minister to our pleasure in reading.





The Anglo-Norman or Early Middle-English Period. Specimens of

the Language. The Norman Conquest. Typical Norman Literature.
Geoffrey of Monmouth. First Appearance of the Legends of Arthur.
Types of Middle-English Literature. Metrical Romances. Some Old
Songs. Summary of the Period. Selections for Reading. Bibliography.

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Specimens of the Language. History of the Period. Geoffrey Chaucer.
Contemporaries and Successors of Chaucer. Langland and his Piers
Plowman. Malory and his Morte Darthur. Caxton and the First Print-
ing Press. The King's English as the Language of England. Popular
Ballads. Summary of the Period. Selections for Reading. Bibliography.


Historical Background. Literary Characteristics of the Period. Foreign

Influence. Outburst of Lyric Poetry. Lyrics of Love. Music and Poetry.
Edmund Spenser. The Rise of the Drama. The Religious Drama. Mir-
acle Plays, Moralities and Interludes. The Secular Drama. Pageants and


Masques. Popular Comedies. Classical and English Drama. Prede-
cessors of Shakespeare. Marlowe. Shakespeare. Elizabethan Drama-
tists after Shakespeare. Ben Jonson. The Prose Writers. The Fashion
of Euphuism. The Authorized Version of the Scriptures. Francis Bacon.
Summary of the Period. Selections for Reading. Bibliography.



Historical Outline. Three Typical Writers. Milton. Bunyan. Dry-
den. Puritan and Cavalier Poets. George Herbert. Butler's Hudibras.
The Prose Writers. Thomas Browne. Isaac Walton. Summary of the
Period. Selections for Reading. Bibliography.

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Historical Outline. The French Revolution and English Literature.

Wordsworth. Coleridge. Southey. The Revolutionary Poets. Byron
and Shelley. Keats. The Minor Poets. Campbell, Moore, Keble,
Hood, Felicia Hemans, Leigh Hunt and Thomas Beddoes. The Fic-
tion Writers. Walter Scott. Jane Austen. The Critics and Essayists.
Charles Lamb. De Quincey. Summary of the Period. Selections for
Reading. Bibliography.

[blocks in formation]

The Greater Victorian Novelists. Dickens. Thackeray. George
Eliot. Other Writers of Notable Novels. The Brontë Sisters. Mrs.
Gaskell. Charles Reade. Anthony Trollope. Blackmore. Kingsley.
Later Victorian Novelists. Meredith. Hardy. Stevenson.

Victorian Essayists and Historians. Typical Writers. Macaulay.

Carlyle. Ruskin. Variety of Victorian Literature. Summary of the

Period. Selections for Reading. Bibliography.


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