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enough workers really to reach the smaller churches. we urge a well worked system of pastoral interchange as has been carried out, for example, in Minnesota.

Another suggestion worthy of thought is that the small country churches, where the time of an ordained minister is impossible, offers an inviting field for consecrated women trained for such service. These workers would be of especial value among the young people of the small communities.

We recommend that the Commission on Evangelism to be appointed by this Council should be larger in number and should be so constituted geographically as to make frequent conferences possible without undue expenditure of time or money.

Your Commission is convinced that the developments of the past two years are significant as indicating an impulse in Congregationalism towards a genuine interest in Evangelism. We believe it is only the beginning of a large and wholesome movement. Does it not come as a definite challenge to every group of Congregational people to be keenly alive to their present opportunity for winning men and women to Christian discipleship? With a clearer vision of our duty and privilege, and with prayerful determination, let us as a denomination, as pastors and churches, as men and women who believe in Christ, give ourselves in deepened devotion to this most important of all the tasks set before the church of Christ.







THIS Commission appointed at the last session of the National Council held in Kansas City was charged with the task of serving as its executive agency in the interests of Industry, Rural Life, Social Service, Organized Charities and Men's Work. At the same Council it was voted to appoint a committee on Social Purity. After the Council adjourned the nominating committee requested the Social Service Commission to accept this added task.


The Commission conceived its functions to be: To make known the social principles of Christianity. To arouse the spirit of social service in our churches. To secure the co-operation of the churches with all other agencies doing social service work.

To outline programs for churches in their work for community betterment.

To interpret the gospel of Jesus Christ and the new purpose of the Church to industrial workers.

To represent the denomination in official capacity at meetings where labor and social service subjects are discussed.

To study and give leadership within the denomination for service in bettering the rural conditions and making more effective the ministry of our country churches.

To study the social waste caused by vice, crime and bad economic conditions, and to develop programs for meeting these needs.

To organize, develop, unify and inspire the masculine forces of the denomination. This to be done by providing leaders voluntary and executive so far as possible throughout the nation to serve the men and boys of the churches

and communities. The men's organizations in the local church to be recognized as the unit of value in the national movement. The work of the local organization to be made strong and effective as a part of the regular program of the local church.


The Commission organized by electing Prof. Fred B. Hill of Northfield, Minn., as Chairman and Rev. Henry A. Atkinson Executive Secretary. The office was moved from Chicago to Boston and all the equipment, files, plans, as well as the obligations of the Congregational Brotherhood were taken over by the new Commission. These obligations have all been met by the Commission and by special subscriptions secured by the friends of the Brotherhood organization. Thus in effect the Commission embodies within itself every thing that the Brotherhood was attempting to do, as well as its machinery local and nation-wide for the performing of its tasks. The office was organized in connection with the office of the Secretary of the National Council in the Congregational House, Boston.

On March 30th, 1914, the Executive Committee of the National Council voted a request to the Social Service Commission asking that its Secretary be released for half time to serve as assistant to Dr. Herring. This request was granted and from April 1st, 1914, the Secretary has served in the dual capacity of Secretary for Social Service and Assistant to the Secretary of the Council. In this latter position he had direct charge of securing the figures and editing the Year Book for 1914.

Miss Minnie Eastwood has taken complete charge of the office correspondence and through her efficient work has helped to bring the services of the Commission to the attention of the churches and pastors and has been instrumental in working out plans whereby the facts gathered and the information offered has been made available. The correspondence has steadily increased and a large amount of literature has been published and distributed. A library file has been made in which has been collected the latest information upon the principal topics of social service,

together with references and comments. Thus a large amount of literature has been accumulated. The demand for literature and guidance in the matters committed to our care has been increasing constantly. To meet this demand hundreds of letters giving detailed programs have been written, and besides we have published and distributed thirty different leaflets and pamphlets.

A series of stereopticon lectures have been made and are offered for the use of our churches; a speakers' bureau containing the names of a large number of persons who are competent to speak on social service subjects and are willing to give a part of their time to the churches.

Social Service Commissions have been appointed in the following states: California, Oregon, Kansas, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, South Dakota, Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Alabama and Oklahoma. These are co-operating with the national Commission. Correspondence has been undertaken and plans devised whereby commissions will be formed under the direction of the State Conferences of the remaining states. With a commission in each state co-operating with the national Commission and the national Commission co-operating through the Federal Council with its constituent bodies there is being created a valuable and efficient piece of machinery.


The Secretary has responded to calls for addresses and conferences from practically every state in the Union; has attended eleven State Conferences, a large number of local Associations and several inter-denominational gatherings.

Definite campaigns in which the Secretary participated were arranged in the South and West, through New England and one in the middle West. In addition as far as possible the Secretary has responded to calls from local churches and men's clubs for addresses and conferences. During the past year he has met with the Women's Federations at a number of places and has found effective opportunities for service in connection with the

community forums.
time during the two years has been spent in travel.

At least one-half of the Secretary's

A conference was held with the paid women church workers in connection with the Chicago Training School. Partial plans were made whereby the women workers in our churches might have some wider touch with the denomination and its needs, and at the same time their services be made more available.


A study was made through the Secretary of the bitter strike of the miners in the Michigan copper country. Report of this study was sent to the members of the Commission and was printed in the Congregationalist, as well as a number of labor papers.

The Secretary also made a study on the ground of the coal miners' strike in Colorado. This report was likewise submitted to the Commission and after the findings were authorized, an article concerning the strike was printed in the Congregationalist and widely commented upon throughout the country. The report of these two investigations were combined and published by the Federal Council of the Churches under the title "The Church and Industrial Warfare."

Study was made of two plants where profit sharing schemes are in operation. A pamphlet is in the process of preparation and will be issued later upon this important subject.

Study was made of rural conditions at several points in the South and in three townships in Wisconsin. In connection with this a detailed study was made of conditions among the negroes in Memphis, Savannah, Mobile and New Orleans. A part of this work was done in connection with Dr. H. Paul Douglass of the American Missionary Association.

The Secretary served on a committee in Boston charged with the task of investigating and reporting to the mayor on the burlesque theaters, also on a committee appointed by the Laymen's Missionary Movement to report and make

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