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1. That the present program and objective of the Social Service Commission be given wider publicity and a larger place in our denominational program.

2. That the activities of the Commission as outlined in this report be continued, and that our churches in their local work as well as in their fellowship be more completely enlisted in the effort to make the program for social reconstruction effective.

3. That the churches be urged to adopt the following as a Minimum Program:

Minimum Program for Men's Work.

Some type of organization for the men of the church.
A Men's Bible Class in every Sunday-school.

A worth while program adopted and carried out by
every organization of men within the state.

Minimum Program for Social Service.

A Social Service Committee in each church.

A thorough study of its community by each church. One mid-week service in each month to be devoted to the study of community needs.

The co-operation of every church with all other religious organizations in the community in carrying out the social service program.

Minimum Program in Industry.

A systematic course of study and instruction on the industrial situation in each church.

The industrial creed formulated by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America adopted as the working creed of every local church.

One specific law aimed at the betterment of industrial conditions, such as one day's rest in seven, compensation for injuries of workingmen, endorsed by every church every year, and in co-operation with other churches promoted its passage.

Labor Sunday observed by every Congregational church. Minimum Program in Organized Charity.

Each church in active co-operation with the Charity
Organization Society.

At least one friendly visitor provided by each Congregational church for the Charity Organization Society in every community where this organization is at work. Minimum Program for the Country Church.

The entire program as here laid down may be applied, with some variations, to the country church as well as to the city.

Redirecting of the message and activities of the rural

Each church co-operating in every possible way with
all existing social organizations for the betterment
of rural life, especially with the Grange and exten-
sion work of the State Agricultural College.
The recognition of the Agricultural College as a stra-
tegic center in rural life.

Every church interesting itself in providing in some
specific way for the recreational life of the people
in its parish.

The promotion of an interdenominational program looking toward the elimination of denominational waste and the more thorough evangelization of the rural districts.

4. In the future plans of the Commission it is recommended that more emphasis be put upon the program of the rural church and more information be made available by means of literature and conferences for the workers in our rural churches and fields.


It is no longer a question of what the churches will do in social service, the question is, Will they do it? We may reasonably expect that from this type of work the churches will be helped in applying the religious impulse to the problems of the individual life and the problems of society. The best thing growing out of the churches functioning in this field is the growing conviction that all the forces of good will in the community can be bound into an effective group to work out plans and purposes for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on the earth.



THE temperance cause has on its seven league boots. In the past two years it has made many forward strides. God hath made the wrath of men to praise Him. The diabolic European War has compelled Russia to issue an ukase prohibiting the manufacture and sale of vodka, and France to suppress the manufacture and sale of absinthe. The Kaiser has formally declared that beer drinking handicaps the efficiency of his soldiery, and Lloyd George has insisted that "of all of the enemies England has to fight alcohol is the most active and dangerous." Lord Kitchener has followed his king's example and announced himself as a total abstainer. The motto of Europe's military leaders appears to be, "Trust in God and keep your army dry."

The economic forces of our beloved America are arrayed against the saloon. Capital and labor have both declared war upon alcohol. "Over a thousand large corporations," the January issue of the "Technical World" says, "have put liquor drinking under the ban." The Pennsylvania Railroad prohibits the sale of intoxicants on all the property owned and used by it including the mammoth depots in New York and Philadelphia. The American Car and Foundry Co. has discharged employees who persisted after warning in signing the applications of liquor dealers for licenses. Many other employers of labor have posted notices indicating that any employee does so at the risk of losing his job. Working men are asked to choose between grog and job.

Organized labor maintains that "safety first" means being sober first, and that good safe work and intoxicating liquor are always enemies. When Governor Brumbaugh of Pennsylvania proposed a State Local Option Bill, three thousand and more workers in mills near Philadelphia

sent a petition to the State Legislature urging the passage of that bill. Many Typographical Unions throughout the nation have followed the splendid example of the Harrisburg Union, Number 14, in deciding that no money from the Union's treasury can be expended for intoxicating liquors at any dinner or other entertainment given by the Union.

Not a few fraternal insurance orders and organizations like the Grange have barred liquor from their meeting places. Over six hundred weekly and daily newspapers refuse to print liquor advertisements. Well-known athletes champion the temperance cause. Ty Cobb says, "drinking dims my batting eye," and Connie Mack demands that every member of his famous one hundred thousand dollar infield shall be "a teetotaler." Inmates of a number of our reformatories and penitentaries, many of whom have had a personal knowledge of alcohol's debasing influence, have issued petitions and circulars urging prohibition. Economists and scientists, sociologists and jurists join with moralists in denouncing alcohol as the enemy of man. Chemists declare it to be not a stimulant but a narcotic. "And what shall we more say?" For the time would fail us to tell you of all the different groups of men that have announced themselves as opponents of the liquor traffic.

Our national government has forbidden the rank and the file of both our army and navy the use of alcohol while on duty. We have now sixteen dry states. Prior to the Kansas City National Council, West Virginia, Kansas, Maine, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee were in this honored list. Since then, Virginia, Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington have enacted prohibition laws. Statutes restricting the manufacture and sale of liquor have been enacted in Arkansas. Temperance campaigns looking toward prohibitive or restrictive legislation are now being carried on in Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Utah and Vermont. The first of these states will undoubtedly be in the dry column on January 1, 1916.

Since our last denominational gathering the temperance

forces of our land have boldly proposed national constitutional prohibition. That proposition for nation wide prohibition failed by ninety-one votes to secure the twothird vote necessary for its adoption. The wisdom of such a drastic law may be debated. But behind that movement is faith, courage, brains, organization, and a grim and holy determination "to see this thing through." The liquor traffic has read the handwriting on the wall. The saloon is doomed. The liquor traffic and its sponsors are discredited. Some breweries and distilleries have gone into bankruptcy. More will go, for the better people of our land are convinced that the saloon is but another name for "wasting destruction." To speak against the saloon and to speak for sobriety is not to speak for any party or any sect. The temperance advocate holds a brief for the


Your Temperance Commission has related itself to the Temperance Commission of the Federal Council. It is one of the agencies of that larger body. At a meeting of the Federal Council in Richmond, Va., seventeen denominations reported having active temperance commissions or committees. Your Commission has aided the Federal Council Temperance Commission in a campaign to “eliminate liquor advertisements from such periodicals as continue to carry the same." Through the Federal Council Temperance Commission your Commission has aided the Native Races Liquor Traffic United Committee of London. Your Commission endorses two resolutions suggested by the Federal Council Commission.

1. That we favor at least four temperance lessons each year in the Sunday School course of instruction.

2. That we ask those who arrange the program for the week of prayer to include temperance as one of the subjects to be considered on a specified day.

Your Temperance Commission has sought to secure the names and the addresses of the Temperance Committees of all of our State Conferences. Through these Committees it could do an immense amount of good work.

Many of our State Committees have done splendid work

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