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Also the following:

Voted: That the thanks of the Council be extended to the delegates of the Canada Congregational Union for their presence and their message of fraternal affection. We congratulate them upon the notable achievement in Christian Unity so near consummation in their nation. We extend through them our heartfelt sympathy to our fellow Congregationalists in Canada and in all portions of the British Empire. As they bear the burden of the horror and sorrow of war we join them in fervent prayer to the All Holy God that hatred may cease; that righteousness may prevail; that the issue of strife may be freedom and fraternity and a lasting peace.

On behalf of the delegates from the Canada Congregational Union, Rev. Hugh Pedley, Rev. Henry A. Kilbourne, Rev. A. H. Carson and Rev. J. P. Daley, an address of greeting was made by the first named.

On report of the Credentials Committee the following principles relating to the constitution of the roll of delegates were approved:

1. If more delegates are appointed by any constituent body than it is entitled to they shall be enrolled in the order of presentation of their credentials up to the limit fixed by the Constitution.

2. The fact of holding office in one of our National Societies, or being appointed by such society, does not constitute any person a delegate, nor an honorary member.

3. Regularly elected delegates who are non-resident at the time of their election are to be seated as


The report of the Commission on Religious and Moral Education was presented by Rev. Oscar C. Helming of Illinois, approved and ordered filed: (See page 376.)

The report of the Commission on Bible Cause was presented, approved and ordered filed: (See page 367.)

Rev. William I. Haven, Corresponding Secretary for the

American Bible Society, was introduced and presented the interests of said Society.

Voted: That the centennial offering to the American Bible Society should not lessen or take the place of offerings to the State Bible Society where such exists.

Saturday, October 23rd.

Devotional service conducted by President John M. Thomas of Middlebury College.

Council called to order by Moderator Henry M. Beardsley at 9:30.

On report of the Business Committee:

Voted: That the action of the Council making the report of the Commission on Missions the order of business for 9:30 Saturday morning be reconsidered and that the following order be substituted:

Thirty minutes for the presentation of invitations for the next meeting of the National Council from Los Angeles and Chicago, after which the report of the Commission on Missions shall be heard.

At the close of the presentation of invitations a vote was taken resulting in 255 for Los Angeles and 195 for Chicago. Upon motion by Rev. W. E. Barton of Illinois the vote was made unanimous.

The report of the Commission on Missions concerning readjustment of missionary organizations was then presented by Rev. Henry C. King of Ohio, additional explanatory remarks being made by Rev. Donald J. Cowling of Minnesota, Dr. Lucien C. Warner of New York and Rev. Hubert C. Herring of Massachusetts.

Voted: That speakers be limited to five minutes and that each speaker be asked to take the platform.

Voted: That the report be received and that the Council now proceed to consider and vote upon the report, and that consideration and action be by such sections or paragraphs as may be suggested by the Commission. After extended discussion the report was accepted and adopted with the following amendments:

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Page 2, line 3- Add "no director shall be eligible for reelection after the expiration of the six years period until two years have elapsed."

Page 2, line 8- Add "the Nominating Committee of the National Council shall serve as Nominating Committee of the American Missionary Association."

Page 2 A. M. A. end of paragraph 1- Add "no member of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for reëlection after the expiration of the six year period until two years have elapsed."

Page 3, Church Extension Boards, after words "shall be made," line 22-Add "no director shall be eligible for reëlection after the expiration of the six years period until two years have elapsed."

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Page 3, line 22 Strike out words "for a six year term." Page 6, Religious Education Board, end of paragraph 4 Add "No director shall be eligible for reëlection at the expiration of the six year period until two years have elapsed."

Voted: That the appreciation and gratitude of the Council be expressed to the Commission on Missions for the work so thoroughly done. (See page 259 for report as amended.)

Monday, October 25th.

Devotional service led by Rev. Raymond C. Brooks of California.

Council called to order by Moderator Henry M. Beardsley at 9:30.

On report of the Nominating Committee:

Voted: That the resignation of Rev. Lewis T. Reed of New York from the Commission on Missions be accepted and Rev. Charles S. Mills of New Jersey be elected in his place.

On report of the Nominating Committee the following appointments were made:

Commission on Evangelism

Rev. Ozora S. Davis of Illinois; Rev. Hugh E. Brown of Washington; Rev. E. Bourner Allen of Ohio; Rev. A. Z. Conrad

of Massachusetts; Rev. Paul Moody of Vermont; Mr. Fred B. Smith of New York; Mr. William E. Sweet of Colorado.

Commission on Social Service

Rev. Charles R. Brown of Connecticut; Prof. Fred B. Hill of Minnesota; Rev. A. E. Holt of Kansas; Rev. Hastings H. Hart of New York; Rev. A. W. Palmer of California; Mr. John G. Jennings of Ohio; Mr. J. E. Annis of Tennessee.

Commission on Moral and Religious Education

Rev. B. S. Winchester of Connecticut; Rev. Oscar C. Helming of Illinois; Prof. Laura H. Wild of Ohio; Rev. Noble S. Elderkin of Kansas; Rev. Henry K. Booth of California; Prof. Luther A. Weigle of Minnesota; Mr. Norton M. Little of Washington, D. C.

Commission on Comity Federation and Unity

Rev. Raymond Calkins of Massachusetts; Prof. L. F. Anderson of Washington; Rev. F. Q. Blanchard of Ohio; Rev. Newman Smyth of Connecticut; Rev. Nehemiah Boynton of New York; President E. Lyman Hood of Georgia; Prof. Williston Walker of Connecticut.

Commission on Temperance

Rev. Clarence A. Vincent, District of Columbia; Mr. William Shaw of Massachusetts; Rev. H. H. Proctor of Georgia; Mr. Arthur B. Farwell of Illinois; Rev. Clifford H. Smith of Vermont; Rev. George A. Brock of New York; Mr. James Schermerhorn of Michigan.

Commission on Public Worship

Rev. Charles H. Richards of New York; Rev. Lucius H. Thayer of New Hampshire; Rev. Edward I. Bosworth of Ohio; Rev. John W. Buck of California; Rev. Waldo S. Pratt of Connecticut; Prof. W. Douglass Mackenzie of Connecticut.

Members of the Corporation for the National Council

Hon. Epaphroditus Peck of Connecticut; Mr. Edward M. Bassett of New York; Mr. Frank G. Harwood of Wisconsin; Mr. E. K. Warren of Michigan; Mr. William W. Catlin of

Connecticut; Mr. George L. Dunham of Vermont; Mr. J. Converse Gray of Massachusetts.

Delegates to the Federal Council

Mr. Henry M. Beardsley of Missouri; Rev. Hubert C. Herring of Massachusetts; Mr. Charles F. Amidon of North Dakota; President Stephen B. L. Penrose of Washington; Rev. Jason N. Pierce of Massachusetts; Rev. F. L. Fagley of Ohio; Rev. Naboth Osborne of Iowa; Rev. Frank K. Sanders of New York; Rev. F. T. Rouse of Nebraska; Rev. Harry Blunt of Minnesota; President H. K. Warren of So. Dakota; Judge Orrin N. Carter of Illinois; President John M. Thomas of Vermont; Rev. S. H. Goodwin of Utah; Rev. G. J. Powell of Montana; Rev. James E. Pershing of Oklahoma; Mr. I. H. Morse of California; Rev. G. Glenn Atkins of Rhode Island; Rev. George Eaves of Alabama.

A resolution on Peace and Preparedness presented by Rev. Charles E. Jefferson of New York was read by Moderator H. M. Beardsley, who after calling Prof. Williston Walker to the chair, presented an amendment. The resolution and amendment were referred to the Business Committee.

The report of the Commission on Comity, Federation and Unity was presented by Rev. Raymond Calkins of Massachusetts, approved and ordered filed. (See page 319.)

The following resolutions submitted by the Commission were adopted:

1. Realizing that at this critical hour of history the Church sees as never before the necessity of magnifying the essential oneness of all Christian communions and of defining the basis of common service, we would express our earnest approval of the purpose to convene the proposed World Conference on Faith and Order as soon as existing conditions permit.

2. Furthermore we would cordially respond to the call of the Advisory Committee of the World Conference for a preliminary conference of representatives of the Churches of North America to be held during the first week of January next, for the purpose of taking

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