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Ministerial Relief and the Annuity Fund at the Wednesday session of the Council: Rev. Nehemiah Boynton of New York; Mr. W. W. Mills of Ohio; Mr. H. M. Beardsley of Missouri; Rev. William H. Day of California; Rev. F. E. Emrich of Massachusetts; Rev. E. G. Guthrie of Massachusetts; Rev. Arthur H. Bradford of Vermont.

Voted: That the resolutions on Peace and the Armenian situation be presented to President Wilson by a deputation of six men of which the Moderator shall be chairman.

Wednesday, October 27th.

Devotional service at 9:00 A.M. was led by Rev. Raymond C. Brooks of California.

The Council was called to order at 9:30 by Moderator Beardsley. Prayer by Rev. Nehemiah Boynton of New York.

The Business Committee reported the order of business and announced an extra session of the Council at 12:30.

The Moderator announced his ability to act on deputation appointed to visit the President and on his nomination the following committee was appointed to bear the resolution of the Council concerning Peace and Preparedness to Washington: Rev. Charles F. Carter of Connecticut; Mr. W. W. Mills of Ohio; Rev. C. S. Mills of New Jersey; Mr. D. P. Jones of Minnesota; Mr. Guilford Dudley of New York; Hon. Epaphroditus Peck of Connecticut.

Voted: That Rev. Hubert C. Herring of Massachusetts be added to the Committee.

On report of the Nominating Committee Rev. John J. Walker of Massachusetts was elected Council Treasurer, his duties to begin January 1, 1916.

As member of Commission on Missions to succeed Rev. F. H. Page the Rev. Clarence F. Swift of Massachusetts was elected on nomination of the Congregational Sunday School and Publishing Society.

The Committee on Nomination also presented as an informal nomination the following names, which were approved by the Council:

Directors at large of the Church Extension Boards

Rev. Rockwell H. Potter of Connecticut; Dr. Lucien C. Warner of New York; Mr. W. W. Mills of Ohio; Hon. Alfred Coit of Connecticut; Rev. Wm. Hayes Ward of Maine; Mr. John M. Whiton of New York; Mrs. Harry Ward Hicks of New Jersey; Rev. S. H. Woodrow of Missouri; Rev. A. Eugene Thompson of Kentucky; Rev. J. B. Gonzales of Texas; Rev. Samuel L. Loomis of New Jersey; Rev. F. V. Stevens of So. Dakota; Mr. F. H. Warner of New York; Mr. Arthur F. Whitin of Massachusetts; Rev. W. H. Kephart of New York; Rev. Watson L. Phillips of Connecticut; Prof. Samuel T. Dutton of New York.

From State Administrative Units

Connecticut, Mr. G. M. Carrington; Illinois, Mr. William Spooner; Iowa, Rev. W. J. Minchin; Kansas, Mr. George A. Guild; Maine, Mr. W. L. Bass; Massachusetts, Rev. George L. Cady; Michigan, Rev. Bastian Smits; Minnesota, Mr. A. P. Stacy; Missouri, Mr. Alfred T. Schauffler; Nebraska, Rev. F. T. Rouse; New Hampshire, Rev. L. H. Thayer; New York, Rev. C. S. Small; North California, Rev. R. C. Brooks; Ohio, Mr. T. M. Bates; Rhode Island, Rev. J. E. McConnell; South California, Mr. Fred M. Wilcox; Vermont, Rev. Arthur P. Pratt; Washington, Rev. T. H. Harper; Wisconsin, Hon. C. D. Rosa.

The Nominating Committee presented the following names eligible for future election as Trustees of the Annuity Fund as such may be needed:

Rev. J. T. Stocking, New Jersey; Mr. H. G. Cordley, New Jersey; Mr. W. S. Maddox, New Jersey; Rev. C. H. Wilson, New Jersey; Mr. C. C. West, New Jersey; Rev. C. S. Mills, New Jersey; Rev. S. L. Loomis, New Jersey; Mr. John M. Whiton, New Jersey; Mr. F. B. Lovejoy, New Jersey; Mr. C. W. Anderson, New Jersey; Mr. Theo. Dorman, New Jersey; Mr. J. F. Cowperwaite, New Jersey; Rev. O. E. Maurer, Connecticut; Rev. L. F. Berry, Connecticut; Mr. D. B. Holmes, New York; Mr. Roderick Dorman, New Jersey; Mr. E. M. Bassett, New York; Mr. George Lum, New Jersey; Mr. O. S.

Goodrich, New Jersey; Rev. H. A. Stimson, New York; Rev. F. J. Goodwin, Connecticut; Mr. C. S. Noyes, New Jersey; Dr. L. C. Warner, New York; Rev. R. H. Ferris, New Jersey; Rev. H. J. Chidley, Massachusetts; Mr. B. H. Fancher, New York.

Voted: That the report of the Nominating Com-
mittee for Directors of Religious Education Boards
be recommitted to the Nominating Committee for re-
consideration to provide for more widely distributed

Voted: That the authority given by the Council at
Kansas City in 1913 to the Commission on Social
Service regarding the appointment and salary of a
Secretary to the Commission be continued till the
meeting of the Council in 1917; and

That at that Council this Secretary, if the Council
shall then decide to continue the office, shall be elected
by the Council on nomination of the Nominating Com-

The Executive Committee presented the following resolution which was adopted:

In view of the retirement of Rev. Joel S. Ives, from the treasurership at the close of the present fiscal year, that the Council recognize the fidelity and efficiency with which he has discharged the duties of his office for the past eight years and the keen interest he has shown in the welfare of our churches; and the Council extends to him hearty assurance of fraternal affection and esteem.

The Executive Committee also presented the following resolutions which were adopted:

That the Council heartily approves the extension of the work of the Congregational Board of Pastoral Supply already being made in New England; that the Executive Committee be directed to investigate the conditions for establishing similar agencies throughout the country.

That in recognition of the increased number of women engaged as parish workers, the names and locations of all salaried parish workers in our churches be inserted in a special page of the Year Book.

Voted: That ten minutes be set apart for informal discussion regarding the time of year in which the Council shall meet in 1917, and that the matter be referred to the Executive Committee with power.

Rev. Raymond Calkins of Massachusetts moved that the time of the Los Angeles meeting be referred to the State Conferences for decision.

Rev. Frank Dyer of Washington moved an amendment that informal expression by vote be taken. Motion as amended carried.

An informal vote showed a preponderance in favor of meeting in June, 1917.

The Committee on Credentials reported the total number of possible delegates 711; total number of delegates elected 619; total number of delegates present 552. (See Roll of Delegates, pages 56-70.)

On recommendation of the Committee

Voted: That as to delegates the length of whose term is undesignated, those whose names occur in the earlier part of the alphabet down to and including the name of Stephen Knight, be assigned to serve for four years, and those after that name be assigned to serve for two years.

Notice was given of a proposal to amend the Constitution, Article III, paragraph C, by adding at the end the following words: "The president, or acting president, of each of the Societies, Boards and Associations named in the opening clauses of Article X of the By-Laws of said Council, to wit, in lines 4-15 thereof, inclusive, shall also be members ex officiis of the Council. Alternates for such officers as such members may in each case be chosen by the respective Boards of Directors of said organizations."

The Committee on Greetings reported the following telegram and response:



"The Japanese Congregational Churches and missions on the Pacific coast send sincere greetings to the National Council of Congregational Churches of the United States and pray that the God of all nations and races of mankind may richly bless you and give you a new vision for the new world just being brought forth through the present conflict and may the spirit of Christ inspire you to face a special task of leadership in bringing the Kingdom of God upon the earth."


"The National Council of Congregational Churches responds to the cordial greetings of the Japanese Congregational Churches and missions with a hearty Amen. We can wish for ourselves nothing better than your prayer would bring us. May the new vision, to which you point us, always grow brighter before the eyes of our own people and upon that special task to which you summon us. May America and Japan always be found working side by side under the glorious leadership of Jesus Christ."

The Commission on Missions presented a report on the general field of duties which was approved and ordered filed. (See page 259.) The following recommendations were offered and adopted.

1. That the Commission on Missions be instructed to prepare a plan for commemorating the three hundredth anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims by means of some notable effort in furtherance of our denominational missionary undertakings, to take such preliminary steps as may be needful and which do not commit the Council to major features of the plan to be proposed and to submit the whole matter at the 1917 meeting of the Council.

2. That the Commission on Missions be instructed to carry forward the Apportionment Plan along the general lines indicated in its report.

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