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strangers, prisoners, and such others that be in any necessity, that ye may, at that great day of the Lord, hear that most blessed and comfortable saying of our Saviour Christ, Come, ye blessed, into the kingdom of my Father, prepared for you before the beginning of the world. For I was hungry, and ye gave me meat ; thirsty, and ye gave me drink; naked, and ye clothed me; harbourless, and ye lodged me; in prison. and ye visited me; sick, and ye comforted me. For whatsoever ye have done for the poor and needy in my name, and for my sake, that have ye done for me. To the which his heavenly kingdom, God the Father of mercies bring us, for Jesus Christ's sake, our only Saviour, Mediator, and Advocate; to whom with the Holy Ghost, one immortal. invisible, and most glorious God, be all honour, and thanksgiving, and glory, world without end. Amen.




Repairing and keeping clean, and comely adorning of


2 Kings zil

2 Kingo xxii.

T is a common custom used of all men, when they in

their houses to eat or drink with them, or to have any solemn assembly to treat and talk of any matter, they will have their houses, which they keep in continual reparations, to be clean and fine, lest they should be counted sluttish, or little to regard their friends and neighbours. How much more then ought the house of God, which we commonly call the church, to be sufficiently repaired in all places, and to be honourably adorned and garnished, and to be kept clean and sweet, to the comfort of the people that shall resort thereunto!

It appeareth in the holy Scripture, how God's house, which was called his holy temple, and was the mother church of all Jewry, fell sometimes into decay, and was oftentimes profaned and defiled, through the negligence and ungodliness of such as had the charge thereof. But when godly kings and governors were in place, then commandment was given forthwith, that the church and temple of God should be repaired, and the devotion of the people to be gathered for the reparation of the same. We read in the second Book of the Kings, how that King Joas, being a godly prince, gave commandment to the priests to convert certain offerings of the people towards the reparation and amendment of God's temple.

Like commandment gave that most godly King Josias, concerning the reparation and re-edification of God's temple, which in his time he found in sore decay. It hath pleased Almighty God, that these histories touching

the re-edifying and repairing of his holy temple, should be written at large, to the end we should be taught thereby; first, that God is well pleased that his people should have a convenient place to resort unto, and to come together, to praise and magnify God's holy name. And secondly, he is highly pleased with all those, which diligently and zealously go about to amend and restore such places as are appointed for the congregation of God's people to resort unto, and wherein they humbly and jointly render thanks to God for his benefits, and with one heart and voice praise his holy name. Thirdly, God was sore displeased with his people, because they builded, decked, and trimmed up their own houses, and suffered God's house to be in ruin and decay, to lie uncomely and fulsomely. Wherefore God was sore grieved with them, and plagued them, as appeareth in the Prophet Haggai : Thus saith the Lord: Is it time for you to dwell in your Haggai, ceiled houses, and the Lord's house not regarded? Ye have sowed much, and gathered in but little; your meat and your clothes have neither filled you, nor made you warm; and he that had his rages, put it in a bottomless purse. By these plagues, which God laid upon his people for neglecting of his temple, it may evidently appear, that God will have his temple, his church, the place where his congregation shall resort to magnify him, well edified, well repaired, and well maintained. Some, neither regarding godliness, nor the place of godly exercise, will say, the temple in the old law was commanded to be built and repaired by God himself, because it had great promises annexed unto it, and because it was a figure, a sacrament, or a signification of Christ, and also of his church. To this may be easily answered; first, that our churches are not destitute of promises, forasmuch as our Saviour Christ saith, Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst among them. A great number therefore coming to church together in the name of Christ, have there, that is to say in the church, their God and Saviour Jesus Christ, present among the congregation of his faithful people, by his grace, by his favour and godly assistance, according to his most assured and comfortable promises. Why then ought not Christian people to build them temples and churches, having as great promises of the presence of God. as ever had Solomon for the material temple, which he did build? As touching the other point, that Solomon's temple was a figure of Christ: we know that now in the time of the clear light of Christ Jesus,

the Son of God, all shadows, figures, and significations are utterly gone, all vain and unprofitable ceremonies, both Jewish and Heathenish, fully abolished. And therefore our churches are not set up for figures and significations of Messiahs and Christ to come, but for other godly and necessary purposes; that is to say, that like as every man hath his own house to abide in, to refresh himself in, to rest in. with such like commodities; so Almighty God will have his house and place, whither the whole parish and congregation shall resort, which is called the church and temple of God, for that the church, which is the company of God's people, doth there assemble and come together to serve him. Not meaning hereby, that the Lord, whom the heaven of heavens is not able to hold or comprise, doth dwell in the church of lime and stone, made with man's hands, as wholly and only contained there within, and no where else; for so he never dwelt in Solomon's temple. Moreover, the church or temple is counted and called holy, yet not of itself, but because God's people resorting thereunto are holy, and exercise themselves in holy and heavenly things. And to the intent ye may understand further, why churches were built among Christian people, this was the greatest consideration; that God might have his place, and that God might have his time, duly to be honoured and served of the whole multitude in the parish: first, there to hear and learn the blessed word and will of the everlasting God. Secondly, that there the blessed sacraments, which our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus hath ordained and appointed, should be duly, reverently, and decently ministered. Thirdly, that there the whole multitude of God's people in the parish should, with one voice and heart, call upon the name of God, magnify and praise the name of God, render earnest and hearty thanks to our heavenly Father for his heap of benefits daily and plentifully poured upon us, not forgetting to bestow our alms upon God's poor, to the intent God may bless us the more richly. Thus ye may well perceive and understand wherefore churches were built and set up amongst Christian people, and dedicated and appointed to these godly uses, and wholly exempted from all filthy, profane, and worldly uses. Wherefore all they that have little mind or devotion to repair and build God's temple, are to be counted people of much ungodliness, spurning against good order in Christ's church, despising the true honour of God, with evil examples offending and hindering their neighbours, other

wise well and godly disposed. The world thinketh it but a trifle to see their church in ruin and decay. But whoso doth not lay to their helping hands, they sin against God and his holy congregation. For if it had not been sin to neglect and slightly regard the re-edifying and building up again of his temple, God would not have been so much grieved, and so soon have plagued his people, because they builded and decked their own houses so gorgeously, and despised the house of God their Lord. It is sin and shame to see so many churches so ruinous, and so foully decayed, almost in every corner. If a man's private house, wherein he dwelleth, be decayed, he will never cease till it be restored up again. Yea, if his barn, where he keepeth his corn, be out of reparations, what diligence useth he to make it in perfect state again! If his stable for his horse, yea, the sty for his swine, be not able to hold out water and wind, how careful is he to do cost thereon! And shall we be so mindful of our common base houses, deputed to so vile employment, and be forgetful towards the house of God, wherein be treated the words of our eternal salvation, wherein be ministered the sacraments and mysteries of our redemption? The fountain of our regeneration is there presented unto us, the partaking of the body and blood of our Saviour Christ is there offered unto us; and shall we not esteem the place where so heavenly things are handled? Wherefore, if ye have any reverence to the service of God, if ye have any common honesty, if ye have any conscience in keeping of necessary and godly ordinances, keep your churches in good repair, whereby ye shall not only please God, and deserve his manifold blessings, but also deserve the good report of all godly people.

The second point which appertaineth to the maintenance of God's house, is to have it well adorned, and comely and clean kept: which things may be the more easily reformed, when the church is well repaired. For like as men are well refreshed and comforted, when they find their houses having all things in good order, and all corners clean and sweet: so when God's house, the church. is well adorned, with places convenient to sit in. with the pulpit for the preacher, with the Lord's table for the ministration of his holy supper, with the font to christen in, and also is kept clean, comely, and sweetly, the people are more desirous and the more comforted to resort thither, and to tarry there the whole time appointed them. With what earnestness, with what vehement

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