THE REIGN OF GRACE, FROM ITS RISE TO ITS CONSUMMATION. BY ABRAHAM BOOTH. WITH MEMOIR OF HIS LIFE AND WRITINGS. We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be Gratia non erit gratia ullo modo, nisi sit gratuita omni modo. AMERICAN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY, THE MEMOIR OF BOOTH, now for the first time presented in an American edition, has been carefully condensed from the only authentic and extensive biographical notice of this distinguished man, prefixed to the English edition of his works. It has been carefully rewritten for the present publication. THE REIGN OF GRACE has been accurately corrected by the sixteenth London edition, which had been revised and improved by the author. In this respect the present reprint will be found very superior to most of the American editions, which appear to have followed the earlier and imperfect copies. |