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Lamp. Rasselas, a lamp of wisdom,

Langton, Bennet, Johnson's regard
for, 34; obtains Topham Beau-
clerk's portrait of Johnson, 130;
his children, 300; Johnson's
character of, 341.

Late hours, Johnson loved, 52.
Latin, Johnson spoke, with fluency,
43, 126.

Lauder, his imposition concerning
Milton, 387, 388.
Laugh, Johnson's, 118.
Lawrence, Dr., his melancholy in-
terview with Johnson, 34; Hill
Boothby mentions, 142.
Leap, Cornelius Ford's famous, 6.
Learning, in Scotland, 105.
Lennox, Mrs. Charlotte, her Female
Quixote, 305.

Letters, Johnson's, to Mrs. Thrale
during the Scotch Tour, 67;
Johnson's interest in Lady Mary
Wortley's, 103; from Miss Hill
Boothby, 141-60, 161-74;
from Johnson to Hill Boothby,
160, 175-9; Lord Chester-
field's to his son, described by
Johnson, 190; Johnson famed
for letter-writing, 198; his cele-
brated letter to Lord Chester-
field, 395.

Levett, Dr., Johnson's fine verses

on, 50; Tyers' remarks on them,
203; Bishop Percy on, 229.
Lexiphanes, an attack on Johnson,


Library, The, at Streatham, 116,


"Life, a pill none of us can swallow
without gilding," said Johnson,
to excuse the indulgences he
granted to the poor, 38.
Life and death, 184, 392.
Lions, Dr. Campbell is asked if he

came to London "to see the
lions," 265.

Literary assistance, Johnson's
liberality in giving, 24, 128, 198.
Literary history, Johnson's great
knowledge of, 90.

[blocks in formation]

Madden, Dr., his liberality to
Johnson, 227.

Madness, of Johnson's father, 6.
Manufactures, Johnson had con-
siderable knowledge of, 137.
Marchmont, Lord, gives Johnson
some particulars relating
Pope, 127.


Markland, Jeremiah, 101.
Marmor Norfolciense, a pamphlet
by Johnson against Sir Robert
Walpole, 378.

Marriage. Misery of late mar.
riages, 9; Johnson's, 62, 373;
"I advise no one to marry who
is not likely to propagate under-
standing," 42; description of a
mercenary marriage, 102; second
marriage," the triumph of hope
over experience," 125; objects
for marriage, 129.
Martial, A Modern, Johnson's say.
ing of these verses, that they
contained too much folly for
madness, and too much madness
for folly, 28.
Maxim, Johnson quotes a malicious
one of Rochefoucault's, 39.

Melancholy, story of," You and I
and Hercules, all troubled with,"
24; Johnson afflicted with, 334.
Memory, Johnson's, 8; accuracy
of, 49; Johnson's reply to a
person complaining of the want
of, 340.

Messiah, Pope's, done into Latin
verse by Johnson, 186.
Millar, Mr. Andrew, the Mæcenas
of the age, 127; Dr. Campbell
calls him a "dilettanti man,"

Milton, Johnson exhibits more of
his excellencies, but also more
of his defects than Addison, 203;
Lauder's fraudulent attempt to
defame, 387, 388, 390; John-
son's dislike of his political prin-
ciples, 443; Johnson's criticism
on Paradise Lost, a sublime
composition," 446; his grand-
daughter's benefit, 390.
Minor, Dr., and Goodman Dull,
Goldsmith's annoyance at being
so called, 75.

Mirth, "the size of a man's under-
standing may be measured by
his mirth," 118.

Mitre, Johnson and Boswell tête-

à-tête at the, 452, 454.
Molière, not sufficiently apprecia-
ted by Johnson, 112.
Money, the value of, should be
taught, 80.

Montagu, Mrs., her praise of
Johnson's writings, 75; John-
son's compliments to her, 84;
Mrs. Piozzi's note on her Essay
on Shakespeare, 122; Johnson's
fun with Fanny Burney about,
More, Hannah, her first introduc-

tion to Johnson, 283; who
accosts her with a verse from
her Morning Hymn, 283; visits
Miss Reynolds, who carries her
in her coach to call on Johnson,
283; his polite attentions, 284;
sits in Johnson's great chair,
284; drinks tea at Sir Joshua's


with Johnson, and they try who
pepper the highest," 285;
Johnson comes to tea with the
Miss Mores, 285; her petite
assemblée when Johnson and
Garrick began a close encounter,
286; finds Boswell a very agree-
able, good-natured man, 287;
sits for her picture to Miss Rey.
nolds, Johnson talking to her
to make her look well, 288;
umpire in a trial of skill between
Garrick and Boswell, which
could most nearly imitate John-
son's manner, 289; goes to
Oxford, and Johnson shows her
about, 290; describes Johnson
softened by illness, 291; and
his death, and the impression
made by it, 292, 294.

Mother, Johnson's, 7, 13, 15, 82.
Mulso, Miss, lines by, repeated by
Johnson, 330.

Murphy, Mr. Arthur, persuades
Mr. Thrale to invite Johnson to
his house, 52; curious circum-
stances of his first acquaintance
with Johnson, 95, 397; trans-
lates Johnson's epitaph on Mrs.
Salusbury, 55; Dr. Campbell
meets, 256; he irritates Johnson
by setting up Barry against
Garrick, 262; his Essay on the
Life and Writings of Johnson,


Musgrave, Sir Richard, urges
Johnson to write the lives of
our prose authors, 116.
Music, Johnson could not enjoy,
42; the only sensual pleasure
without vice, 125.
Myrtle, Lines on receiving a Sprig
of, 17.

Mysteriousness in trifles much of-
fended Johnson, 107.
Mystery, where, begins, vice or
roguery not far off, 125.

National Debt, extraordinary cal-
culation of Johnson's about the,

Necessity made Johnson what he
was, 211.

Needlework, much approved of by
Johnson, 107.

Negroes, Johnson thought an in-
ferior race, 86.

Nettle, a lady who was like a dead,
she would sting if alive, 71.
Newspaper abuse, Johnson's con-
tempt for, 76.

Newton, Sir Isaac, 196, 197.
New Year, congratulations on the,
to Miss Boothby, 160.
Nichols, Mr., editor of the Gentle-

man's Magazine, 375, 419, 421.
Night, Young's description of,
quoted, 27; night was Johnson's
time for composition, 189.
Nile, discovery of the head of the,
by Lobo, 369-72.

Nugarum contemptor, an expres-
sion used by Johnson in reverie,

Number and numeration defined,

Numbers, round, always false, 126.

Ode to Mrs. Thrale, from the Isle
of Sky, 67 n.

"Oft in danger, yet alive," verses

to Mrs. Thrale, 68.
Oglethorpe, General, Dr. Camp-
bell dines with, and Boswell
teases Johnson with questions,
263; Johnson begs him to
write his own life, 263.
Ombersley, the seat of Lord
Sandys, the only place where
Johnson acknowledged he had
enough fruit, 44.
Ordinary, Dr. Campbell dines at

one in the Strand, and describes
the guests, 251.

Osborne, Tom, the bookseller,
knocked down by Johnson, 94,
190, 382; Boswell's true version
of the story, 382 n.

Ossian, Poems of, their authenti-
city examined by Johnson,

Oxford, Johnson's partiality for,
18; his exploits at, 15, 16;
luxurious living at, 240; John-
son visits, at the same time as
Hannah More, 290.

The Earl of, his library
bought by Osborne and cata-
logued by Johnson, 381.

Packthread, story of the man who
had scruples concerning, 91, 92.
Palmira, Johnson gives a lesson
on the history, geography, and
chronology of, 142.

Pamphlets, Johnson's political,
Mrs. Piozzi's account of, 19;
Murphy's account of, 437; The
False Alarm, his first and
favourite, 20; the Falkland
Islands, attacking Junius, 408,
437, 438;
Dr. Campbell hears
the talk of the clubs about
Taxation no Tyranny, 244;
Johnson anxious to know how
it is received, 247; answers to
Taxation no Tyranny, 255,
259; another answer called
Resistance no Rebellion, 266;
The Patriot, 408.

Panic, an invasion, annoys John-
son, 37.

Paoli, General, Johnson delighted
by his fine manner, 132.
Paralytic stroke, Johnson's speech
affected by a, 416.

Paris, Dr. Campbell's impressions
of, 275.

Parliamentary Debates, Tyers'

account of Johnson's, 187;
Murphy's account of, 380, 381,
438; the only parts of his
writings which gave Johnson
any compunction, 421.
Parodies by Johnson of celebrated
poets, 29-31.

Patience, Johnson's, 96; Mrs.
Cumberland's, in making tea for
Johnson, 213.

Patriot, The, a pamphlet of John-
son's, 408.

Patrons, Johnson said his earliest
were Dodsley and Cave, 187;
Johnson's definition of one, in
his letter to Lord Chesterfield,

Pennies put by Johnson into the

hands of sleeping children, 342.
Pension, Johnson's, 195; Murphy
describes his going to offer it to
Johnson, 403, 404.

Pepper Alley, people live as long
in, as in Salisbury Plain, 84.
Pepys, Mr., Johnson's altercation
with, 59.

Percy, Bishop, his Anecdotes and
Remarks, being notes to Ander-
son's Life of Johnson, 225-31.

his account of Johnson's
method of composition, 227.
Person, Johnson's, described by
Mrs. Thrale, 117; by Bishop
Percy, 225; by Cumberland,
212; by Dr. Campbell, 247;
by Fanny Burney, 298; by

Purphy Survey, The, Dr.

Campbell goes to London to
publish, in 1776, 278.
Piety, Johnson's exemplary, 40,
293, 320, 336, 355, 423, 426.
Pindar, Johnson is reading, at
breakfast, when Dr. Campbell
calls, 267.

Pinkethman, Mrs., Johnson's ac-
count of, 304.

Poetry, devotional, Johnson's dis-
like of, 77; his idea of poetry
magnificent, ibid.; his power of
repeating, 119, 128, 330.
Poets, Lives of the, success of,
195; Murphy's account of, 439-


Politian, proposal to translate
poems of, 372.

Political conversation disliked by
Johnson, 36.

principles, Johnson's Tory,
189, 408, 437.
Politics, modern, Johnson's con-
tempt for, 36; American, Dr.
Campbell on, 255, 256, 266; Dr.

Campbell and Johnson discuss
those of Ireland, 273, 274.
Poor, Johnson's indulgence to the,
37; and benevolence to, 38.
Pope, Johnson's high opinion of,
26, 330, 331; his conversation
described, 127; his praise of
Johnson's London, 187, 376.
Porridge Island and its cooks'
shops, 44.

Portico, a preface likened to a, 3.
Portrait, Johnson's, begun by Sir

Joshua for Mrs. Thrale, but
not finished, called by Johnson
himself Blinking Sam, 99, 335,
336 n.; one at Streatham, 117; one
painted for Mr. Beauclerk, now
Mr. Murray's, Mrs. Thrale
thinks very like, 130.

poetical, by Mrs. Piozzi, of
Johnson, 117.

Hannah More sits to Miss
Reynolds for her, and Johnson
talks to her to make her look
well, 288.

Postscript, Mrs. Piozzi's, on a re-
mark of Boswell's, 122.
Poverty an evil to be avoided by
all honest means, 102.
Pride, Johnson's neither mean nor
vain, 121.

Prior quoted on suffering, 197.
Prosperity, even, could not spoil
Reynolds, 78.

Psalmanazar, George, the best
man Johnson knows, 72; sup-
posed to be a person of great
piety, 131.
Punchinello, a literary, Johnson's
name for Cooper, 178..
Puns, Johnson no friend to, 134.
Purgatory, Johnson on the doc-
trine of, 392.

Pyramid, Boswell so calls his Life
of Johnson, 294.

Quarrels, all, should be studiously
avoided, 61.

Quixote, Don, Mrs. Piozzi's digres-
sion on, 112; Charlotte Len-
nox's Female Quixote, 305.

Race, Johnson runs a, with a
young lady, 346.
Rambler, The, account of different
papers in, 23; Bishop Percy on
the, 230; a paper in, translated
into French and back into Eng-
lish, 95; written as a relief
while carrying on the Diction-
ary, 192; Johnson's choice of
this title, 230; a paper so called
appeared in 1712, 230 n.;
Murphy's account of, 386-91,


Rasselas, many of the severe re-
flections on domestic life in,
taken from Johnson's early
years, 7; Johnson's object in
writing it, 82; a lamp of wisdom,
201; described by Murphy, 402;
by Hawkins, 435; with Mur-
phy's remarks, 435, 436.
Raynal, Abbé, Johnson refuses to
be introduced to, 294.
Reading, Johnson learns from his

mother and maid Catharine, 10;
. Johnson has violent fits of, 103;
his amazing quickness in, 310.
Restraining Bill, The, Dr. Camp-
bell sees the king go to give the
royal assent to, 264.
Retaliation, Goldsmith's


written in revenge for some
satirical epitaphs, 219.
Retirement, religious, Johnson's
veneration for, 40.
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, a man not
to be spoiled by prosperity, 84;
Johnson's three requests to,
when dying, 127; his pictures
visited by Dr. Campbell, 253;
compared with Gainsborough's,
253; on Johnson's character,
351; on Johnson's influence, 357.

Miss, her first meeting with
Johnson, 229; carries Hannah
More in her coach to see John-
son in his own house, 283; takes
a portrait of Hannah More, 288;
her purity of character, 39; her
Recollections of Johnson, 329-


Richardson, Samuel, his love of
flattery, 76; "he picked the
kernel of life, Fielding was con-
tent with the husk,” 81.
Rochefoucault's maxim ou taking
pleasure in the misfortunes of
friends, 39.

Roffette, Abbé, Johnson takes a
great fancy to, 43.
Rollin, when Xenophon commends
like a pedant, Rollin applauds
like a slave, 14.

Romantic virtue distrusted, 125.
Roughness of manner. Johnson's,

sometimes overcame the regu-
larity of his notions, 76, 119.
Round numbers always false, 126.
Rousseau, J. J., Mrs. Piozzi com-
pares Johnson to, 11, 46.

Salt, price of, in 1775, 272.
Salusbury, Mrs., Johnson's aver-
sion to, 53; changed by illness
and trouble to respect and ad-
miration, 54; Johnson's epitaph
on, 54, 55.

Sandys, Lord, and his garden, 44.
Sastres, Mr., attends Johnson's
deathbed, 319, 422.

Savage, Richard, Johnson's attach-
ment to, 375; Johnson's Life of
him said to have been written
in thirty-six hours, 187.
Saving, a habit to be encouraged,


Sayings, no man's character to be
judged by his sayings, 214.
Scepticism, Johnson on, 340.
Schools, Johnson's, 11-15.
Scotch, learning distributed among
the, 127; Johnson's hatred of
the, 71.

Scrofula, Johnson touched for, 8,


Scoundrel, Johnson fears Mrs.

Thrale will spoil him into one,
73; a scoundrel is one who is
afraid of anything, 127.
Scruples make men miserable, but
seldom good, 48; Johnson con-

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