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Periodical Meetings,
Relations with Mis-
Inter-Mission Rules,

392. Division of Labour, 397.
397. Mission Committers, 398.
sionaries of other Societies, 401.
404. Efforts for Europeans, 406. Xavier's Counsels,
408. Home Correspondence, 409.

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Neglect, 410. Statistics should be Complete, 412. Forms
Suggested, 413. Results, 413. Expenditure, 415.
Station Account Books, 415. Classification of Expendi-
ture, 416. General Comparison, 420. Baptismal Re-
gisters, 421. Parties responsible for Statistics, 421.
Undue Expectations, 422. Different Degrees of Success
to be anticipated, 426. Greater Success to be aimed at,
427. Conditions of Success, 428. Deep Piety, 428.
Strong Faith, 428. Earnestness, 429. Love, 429.
Thorough knowledge of the Vernacular, 430. Well-
directed, concentrated Effort, 430. Adaptation, 430.
Care of Native Agency, 431. Encouraging Self-Support
in the Native Church, 431. Cherishing a Missionary
Spirit among Converts, 432. Dependence on the Holy
Spirit, 432. Modes of Working of Successful Missions,
432. Test Questions, 434. Ruling Motive, 434.
Proposed Missionary Series of Books, 436. Missionary's
Library, Division I., 439. Division II., 442. English Peri-
odicals published in India, 444. General List of
Books, 446. Health, 446. Natural History, 446.
Travels, 447. History and Biography, 448. Anti-
quities, 450. Manners and Customs, Government,
&c., 450. Comparative Grammar, &c., 450. Liter-
ature, 451. Hinduism, 452. Muhammadanism, 453.
Parsiism, 453. Buddhism, 453. Demon Worship, 454.
Evidences of Christianity and Refutations of Hinduism,
454. Missions, 455. Education, 456. Miscellaneous,

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I. INTRODUCTION.-FIRST IMPRESSIONS. Interest and Importance of the Field-The Indian Missionary may well cherish feelings of thankfulness and solemn responsibility. His lot has been cast in a land fitted to call forth all his energies in the noblest of causes. The numerous objects of inquiry around him are thus described by Dr. Duff:—

"Other lands have their own specific points of interest and attraction-individually or severally equalling, or even surpassing, any separate object of interest connected with India;-but, out of Christendom, it is believed that, at this moment, no other realm can present such a varied assemblage and rare combination of objects and qualities fitted to attract and arrest the eye of civilized intelligence. The extent and magnificence of the empire which Britain has there reared, and the wealth and influence thence accruing to her, have necessarily fixed on India the anxious gaze of the most enlightened statesmen of the Old and New Worlds. If the events of civil and military history be worthy objects of entertainment or pursuit,-where shall we find them more abundantly furnished, than in the actions of that amazing series of conquerors that has passed over the stage of India, from the days of Alexander down to the present hour? If poetry and romance and chivalry, are there not ample stories of poetic effusion and romantic legend in the Mahabharat and Ramayan-the great epics of India-that might not be disclaimed as unworthy by any of the older nations of Europe? and are the records of any state more crowded with the recital of daring adventures and deeds of heroism, than the annals of Rajasthan? If ethnography and philology,-where can we find more original languages, or varying dialects? more especially where can we find the match of the Sanskrit; perhaps the most copious, and certainly the most elaborately refined, of all languages, living or

dead? If antiquities, are there not monumental remains and cavern temples, scarcely less stupendous than those of Egypt; and ancient sculptures, which, if inferior in majesty and expression-in richness and variety of ornamental tracing, almost rival those of Greece? If the beautiful and sublime in scenery, -where can the pencil of the artist find loveliness more exquisite than among the streams and dells and woody declivities of Malabar or Kashmir? or grandeur more overawing than among the unfathomed depths and unscaled heights of the Himalaya? If natural history,-where is the mineral kingdom more exuberantly rich--the vegetable or animal more variegated, gorgeous, or gigantic? If the intellectual or moral history of man, are there not curious remains of pure and mixed science, and masses of subtile speculation and fantastic philosophies, and infinitely varied and unparalleled developments of every principle of action that has characterised fallen, degraded humanity? If an outlet for the exercise of Christian philanthropy,what field on the surface of the globe can be compared to Hindustan, stretching from the Indus to the Ganges, and from the awful defiles of Affghanistan to Cape Comorin, in point of magnitude and accessibility combined, and peculiarity of claims on British Christians ?"

But it is still more inspiring to the soldier of the cross to be privileged to stand in the forefront of the battle, to join the forlorn hope in the assault upon one of Satan's chief strongholds :

"In that vast realm is the most stupendous fortress and citadel of ancient error and idolatry now in the world. Its foundations pierce downwards into the Stygian pool; its walls and battlements, crusted over with the hoar of untold centuries, start upwards into the clouds. It is defended by three hundred and thirty millions of gods and goddesses-the personations of evil-of types and forms to be paralleled only by the spirits of Pandemonium. Within are congregated a hundred and fifty millions of human captives, the willing victims of the most egregious 'falsities and lies,' that have ever been hatched by the Prince of Darkness,-pantheisms and atheisms, transcendental idealisms and grovelliug materialisms, rationalisms and legends, and all-devouring credulities,-with fastings and ablutions, senseless mummerics, loathsome impurities and bloody

barbarous sacrifices, in number and variety vastly surpassing all that is to be found in the world besides. A dungeon so stupendous, no wonder, though men-left to the blindness of their own perverted reason-should have attempted to prove to be altogether impregnable-its defenders invincible-its dungeoned inmates incurably wedded to their delusions and lies.'

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The Rev. W. Arthur thus sets forth the claims of India:


Of every six infants, one first sees the light there: To what instruction is it born? Of every six brides one offers her vows there: To what affection is she destined? Of every six families one spread its table there: What loves unite their circle? Of every six widows one is lamenting there: What consolation will soothe her? Of every six orphan girls one is wandering there: What charities will protect her? Of every six wounded consciences one is trembling there: What balm, what physician, does it know? Of every six men that die, one is departing there: What shore is in his eye ?"†

Well does it become the Indian Missionary to bear in mind the exhortation, "Quit you like men, be strong;" while his grand encouragement is the promise, "Lo, I am with you always.'

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First Impressions. From earliest times India has been the land of romance. The voyager will anticipate with deep interest the first glimpse of its scenerywhether the dense jungle of the Sunderbunds, the surf-beaten shore of the Carnatic, or the lofty peaks of the Western Ghauts. The feeling on landing is often one of disappointment. The stranger, still home-sick, invests the whole of his native land with charms which belong only to the most beautiful localities, seen under the most favorable circumstances. Even in Bengal, the richest part of India, the new-comer will say with Ward, "The flowers are not so sweet, the birds do not

* India and its Evangelization, pp. 144-6,

Mission to Mysore, p. 341.

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