mouth mouth chin chin teeth teeth cheek chuk hair hair Keep thy tongue from evil. Oealth cannot buy health. these these Tea was once a green leaf. The stream rises in a step hill. The field is full of weeds. Copy the words and sentences. Mark the long sound of e. Copy, learn, and recite. 7-The Buttercups "Where do the buttercups get their gold? Do the stars, I wonder, drop down in the night, Copy the words. Mark the long sound of i. Write five words ending in ine, that sound like shine. Write five words ending in ide, that sound like slide. cloak rib bon ribbon John's coat is made of wool. Children, where are your shoes? My hat has a dark blue bow: Twelve dozen make a gross. Who wrote this story? Please post these notes. Copy the words and sentences. Mark the long sound of o. 12-Capital Letters Rule.-Every sentence begins with a capital. Dictation.—George, did you see the sun rise to-day? The sun came up like The sky had a rosy glow in the east. Copy: 13 How pleasant the life of a bird must be, Flitting about in each leafy tree! In the leafy trees so broad and tall, Like a green and beautiful palace hall.—Mary Howitt. |