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Copy the words and sentences. Mark the short sound of o.


Dictation.—We live on a big ball. It is called the earth. It moves through space. Part of the surface is land and part water. The sun gives us light by day. The moon and stars shine at night.

Copy :


Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world,
With the wonderful water round you curled,
And the wonderful grass upon your breast,-
World, you are beautifully dressed.—Browne.

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[blocks in formation]

Copy the words, and mark the short sound of u. Write the words of four letters in a column. Write the words of five letters in a column.

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Write the words in a column, and by the side of each write the word for one object of the kind.

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Mark the long and the short sounds of a, e, i, o, u.

To the Teacher.-Have the pupils state orally, in complete sentences, what they actually saw on their way to school. Drill the pupils on giving the long and the short sounds of the vowels.

[merged small][merged small][graphic]

Ar thur, a pron, pock et, sleeves, barn yard, haystack, ham mer, driv er, cask, hoop, bar rel, empty.

Write five questions about the picture, using a word from the list in each,


Copy, learn, and recite :


Among my tender vines I spy
A little fox, named By-and-by.
Then set upon him quick, I say,
The swift young hunter, Right-away."

36-The Tree

Dictation.—In the orchard stands a tree. Rain and

sunshine have made it grow tall and green. Its roots go deep down into the ground to find food. This food is called the sap of the tree. The sap flows through the trunk, the branches, and every leaf. Every spring buds appear. The buds open to blossoms. The blossoms fall to the ground and leave the fruit to grow and ripen.

Study the words in italics for an oral spelling lesson,

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Those in the first column are called evergreens. Why?

Which tree gives us sirup? oil? nuts? pitch? gum ? black wood? red wood? tar? cones? acorns ? pods? catkins ? berries?



What plant we in this apple-tree?

Buds which the breath of summer days
Shall lengthen into leafy sprays;

Boughs where the thrush, with crimson breast,

Shall haunt and sing and hide her nest;

Fruits that shall swell in sunny June,
And redden in the August noon,
And drop, when gentle airs come by,

That fan the blue September sky.—Bryant.

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A dwarf on a giant's shoulders sees further of the two.

Chalk is a soft kind of limestone.

Copy words and sentences. Mark Italian and broad sounds of a.

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Thanksgiving day comes in November.

Christmas is the twenty-fifth day of December.
George Washington was born in February, 1732.
Our longest day is in the month of June.

Copy and learn :


Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November;
February, twenty-eight alone;
All the rest have thirty-one;
Except in leap-year, then's the time
When February has twenty-nine.

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