THE Intellectual Repository AND NEW JERUSALEM MAGAZINE. VOL. I.-NEW SERIES. FOR 1840. LONDON: Printed and Published for the General Conference of the New Church BY JAMES S. HODSON, 112, FLEET STREET, Sole Wholesale Agent for the General Conference Publications; AND SOLD BY W. NEWBERY, CHENIES STREET, BEDFORD STREET, MANCHESTER. It is known to the readers of the Intellectual Repository, that the late General Conference, yielding to suggestions from various quarters, and encouraged by the success of former experiments for extending the circulation and usefulness of the Magazine, determined upon making greater alterations than had previously been attempted. The desire to have a monthly publication had repeatedly been expressed. This point is now to be accomplished: the yearly price remaining as before, but that of each number being only sixpence; thus placing it more within the means of many of the less wealthy members it is also to be rendered actually cheaper, as well as lower in price, by containing, within eight pages, as much as the former shilling numbers. The Conference rely on a corresponding increase of patronage, to justify them in continuing their present liberal arrangements. As an inducement to exertion on the part of the readers to extend its circulation, it may be sufficient to remark that they will, by that means, be doing their part towards promoting its usefulness. But the most important change has been made in the editorship, in the hope that the numerous friends in the neighborhood of Manchester, and in the north, may feel an increased and more immediate interest in the work. With this view, it is now determined not only to have an editor resident in Manchester, as well as one in London; but also that the Magazine shall be edited alternately in each place; and we, whose names are hereto subscribed, have accordingly been appointed to the office. In entering upon our duties, we desire to express our deep sense of their importance, and our firm and humble reliance upon the divine mercy of our Lord, that He will enable us to regard His kingdom and His righteousness in the first place, and to conduct the work in such a manner as shall promote the interests of goodness and truth, and thereby benefit the cause of the New Church. NEW SERIES. NO. I.-VOL. I. B |