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In the fall of 1883 nearly all of the States swept by the tidal wave of 1882 showed that it had either partially or completely receded, and for the first time since the close of the Hayes administration (always excepting the remarkable Garfield-Hancock campaign), the Republican party exhibited plain signs of returning unity and strength. Henry Ward Beecher has wittily said that "following the war the nation needed a poultice, and got it in the Hayes administration." The poultice for a time only drew the sores into plainer view, and healing potions were required for the contests immediately following. The divisions of 1882 were as much the result of the nonaction of the Hayes administration, as of the misunderstandings and feuds which later on found bitter manifestation between the Stalwarts and Half Breeds of New York.

The Independents took no organized form except in New York and Pennsylvania, and yet the underlying causes of division for the time swept from their Republican moorings not only the States named, but also Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kansas, Colorado and Califor


The year 1882 seemed the culmination of every form of Republican division, and then everything in the States named gave place to faction. Very wisely the Republican leaders determined to repair the mischief, as far as possible, in the otherwise uneventful year of 1883. Their efforts were in most instances successful, especially in Massachusetts where Robinson overthrew Gen. Butler's State administration by 20,000 majority; in Pennsylvania,

where the Republican State ticket received about 20,000 majority, after the reunion of the Regular and Independent factions. In Pennsylvania the efforts at reconciliation made in the Continental Conference, and in subsequent conventions, gave fruit in 1883, and at this writing in July, 1884 there is no mark of division throughout the entire State, if we except such as must inevitably follow the plain acceptance of Free Trade and Protective issues. Very few of the Republicans of Pennsylvania favor Free Trade, and only in the ranks of this few could any division be traced after the close of the elections of 1883.

Ohio was an exception to the Republican work of reconciliation. Division still continued, and Judge Hoadly, a leading and very talented Democrat, was elected Governor by about 15,000 majority, after a contest which involved the expenditure of large sums of money. In the Convention which nominated Hoadly, Senator Pendleton was practically overthrown because of his attachment to the Civil Service law which takes his name, and later on he was defeated for U. S. Senator by Mr. Payne, the McLean and Bookwalter factions uniting for his overthrow, which was accomplished despite the efforts of Thurman, Ward and other leaders of the older elements of the party. Both the Hoadly and Payne battles were won under the banners of the "Young Democracy."

Any compilation of the returns of 1883 must be measurably imperfect, for in only a few of the States were important and decisive battles waged. Such as they were, however, are given in the table on the next page:

State Elections of 1882 and 1888, compared with the Presidential Election of 1880.

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combined. vote was taken. Regular and Independent Republican vote is combined. ** Vote of the two Democratic candidates is others the principal State officer was taken. Where State officers were not elected, the Congressional Lieutenant-Governor was taken, as being, from special causes, a fairer test of party strength. In the combined on Judge. † American, 707; scattering, 989. Scattering, 106. In these States the vote on State officers chosen, excluding Secretary of State. In Nebraska, Democratic and Anti-Monopoly vote * In Connecticut, the vote for Sheriff is taken. In New York, the average vote on four of the five In Georgia, Congressmen-at-Large was taken. The vote for Chief Judge.


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4,454,416 | 4,444,952 308,578 10,305 3,620,844 4,051,035 277,691 76,303 1,998,587 2,040,890 40,629 54,316



130,195 8,025,975


The Democratic National Convention.

The Republican National Convention ( its work harmoniously, and adopted a met at Chicago, in the Exposition Build- platform without a negative vote. [We ing, on Tuesday, June 3d, 1884. It was give it in full in our Book of Platforms, called to order by Senator Sabin, the and compare its vital issues with that of Chairman of the National Committee, the Democratic in our comparison of Platwho at the conclusion of his address, at form Planks.] the request of his Committee, presented the name of Hon. Powell Clayton, of Arkansas, for temporary President. Gen. This body assembled at Chicago, in the Clayton, as a friend of Blaine, was antagonized by the field, which named Hon. Exposition Building, on Tuesday, July John R. Lynch for the place. An excit- 8th, 1884, and was called to order by Exing debate followed, at the close of which Senator Barnum, the Chairman of the National Committee. The Committee Mr. Lynch received 431 votes to 387 for Clayton. Ex-Senator Henderson of Mis- presented Governor Richard B. Hubbard, souri was made permanent President with- of Texas, for temporary chairman. After out a contest. The contested seats were his address a notable contest followed on amicably settled, the most notable being the adoption of the unit rule, the debate that of the straightout Republicans of being participated in by many delegates. Mr. Fellows, of New York, favored the Virginia against Gen. Mahone's delegation. The latter was admitted, the only rule, as did all of the advocates of Govercontest being in the Committee. The nor Cleveland's nomination for President, Blaine leaders did not antagonize, but while John Kelly opposed it with a view rather favored Mahone's admission, as did to give freedom of choice to the twentythe field generally, for the State Conven- five delegates from New York who were tion which elected this delegation had acting with him. The contest was inopenly abandoned the name of the Re-augurated by Mr. Smalley, of Vermont, adjuster Party and taken that of the who was instructed by the National Committee to offer the following resolution: Republican. None of the Straightouts expressed dissatisfaction at what appeared to be the almost universal sentiment.

Candidates for the Nomination.

On the third day the following candidates were formally placed in nomination, after eloquent eulogies, the most notable being those of Judge West of Ohio, in behalf of Blaine; Gen. H. H. Bingham, of Penna., for President Arthur; and Geo. W. Curtis for Senator Edmunds:

JAMES G. BLAINE, of Maine.
GEORGE F. EDMUNDS, of Vermont.
JOHN A. LOGAI, of Illinois.
JOSEPH R. HAWLEY, of Connecticut.

On the adjoining page is given the result of the ballots.

Resolved, that the rules of the last Democratic Convention govern this body until otherwise ordered, subject to the following modification: That in voting for candidates for President and Vice-President no State shall be allowed to change its vote until the roll of the States has been called, and every State has cast its


Mr. Grady, of New York, offered the following amendment to the resolution:

When the vote of a State, as announced by the chairman of the delegation from such State is challenged by any member of the delegation, then the Secretary shall call the names of the individual delegates from the State, and their individual preferences as expressed shall be recorded as the vote of such State.

After discussion the question was then put, the chairman of each State delegation The convention sat four days, completed | announcing its vote as follows:

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There were two ballots taken on the 5 17 Presidential candidates, and they were as follows:


The Secretary announced the result of the vote as follows: Total number votes cast, 795; yeas, 332; nays, 463. The report of the Committee on Permanent Organization was then made; the name of W. H. Vilas, of Wisconsin, being presented as President, with a list of vice-presidents) one from each state) and several secretaries and assistants, and that the secretaries and clerks of the temporary organization be continued under the permanent organization.

The Contest over the Platform, There was a two-days contest in the Committee on Resolutions over the adoption of the revenue features of the Platform. It advocated the collection of revenue for public uses exclusively, the italicized word being the subject of the controversy. was retained by a vote of 20 to 18. avoid extended debate in the Convention an agreement was made that Gen. Butler should make a minority report, and that





First. Second.




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Total number of votes................
Necessary to a choice...
Grover Cleveland, of New York.
Thomas F. Bayard, of Delaware.......168
Samuel J. Randall, of Penn
Allen G. Thurman, of Ohio.
Joseph E. McDonald of Indiana
Roswell P. Flower, of New York.......
John G. Carlisle, of Kentucky......... 27
George Hoadly, of Ohio.........
Samuel J. Tilden, of New York......... 1
Thomas A. Hendricks, of Indiana... 1




Mr. Hendricks, of Indiana, who was defeated eight years ago on the Tilden ticket, was nominated for Vice President by acclamation.

The Kelly and Butler elements of the Convention, at all of the important stages, manifested their hostility to Cleveland, but there was no open bolt, and the Convention completed its work after sitting four days.

[In the Book of Platform is given the Democratic Platform in full, and its tariff plank will be found in comparison with the Republican in the same book.]


In what were regarded as the pivotal | American League," the "Land League," States the campaign of 1884, was attended the "Clan na Gael," etc., there supporters with the utmost interest and excitement. of Blaine were found, and these were by Blaine, the most brilliant political leader of a singular coincidence most numerous in modern times, was acceptable to all of the the doubtful States of New York, New more active and earnest elements of the Jersey, Connecticut, Ohio and Indiana. Republican party, and the ability with Cleveland's nomination by the Democrats which he had championed the protective had angered the Tammany wing of the system and a more aggressive foreign party in New York, and not until very policy, attracted very many Irishmen close to the election was a reconciliation who had formerly been Democrats. The effected. Tilden had from the first young and more intelligent leaders of favored Cleveland, and with Daniel Manthis element promptly espoused the ning as his manager in New York, no cause of the Republicans, and their action effort was spared to heal Democratic caused a serious division in the Demo- divisions and to promote them in the cratic ranks. Wherever Irish-Americans Republican ranks. Thus the Indepenwere sufficiently numerous to form so- dent or Civil Service wing of the Repubcieties of their own, such as the "Irish-lican party, which in Boston and New

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