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paid unto him from regions," hopes, in some instances, there which but lately had been the "have been happy fruits of his haunts of savage beasts and sav- "labors, in the awakening and age men; and that he might" conversion of sinners :-That raise up monuments of his sove- "in the west part of Turin, and reign and infinite mercy, who" in the north and south parts of shall shine, love and worship in "Leyden there has been more his presence for ever! The So-" attention to religion in six ciety sent missionaries thither," months past, than has been praying and hoping, that they" since the settlement of those might be of service to preserve" places. In Turin the attention some remembrance of God, his " has been the greatest. On that word, sabbaths and ordinances;" account he tarried longer at keep alive the almost dying" that place, than at others. For spark, and preserve a holy seed" several days, he scarcely enin the wilderness, and behold," tered a house in which there what the Lord hath wrought!" was not one mourning or reRejoice in the Lord, O ye right- "joicing. At conferences and eous, give thanks unto him and " lectures, and especially on the bless his name: for his mercy "sabbaths, meetings were reendureth for ever! "markably full. Many of the Mr. Samuel P. Robbins, who "new settlers express great had been appointed a missionary" gratitude to the Missionary to itinerate in the settlements on "Society, for their attention to Black river, and in its vicinity," them. The Missionary Sociecommenced his missionary tour" ty, he doubts not, have the aron the 17th of August, 1803," dent prayers, as well as thanks and was about six months on his" of the settlers, that their exermission. He returned the latter" tions for the advancement of end of February, 1804. During the kingdom of holiness may this period, he visited the settle- " be succeeded. Missionary la ments on Black river three or "bor is still needful. Numbers four times; twice he visited the" came to him with tears in their settlements in the district of" eyes, when he parted with Camden and Western; and once "them, expressing their fears the settlements on Pearch river," that they should starve through between Black river and St. Law-" a famine of the word; and rence. He travelled 1324 miles," begging that the Missionary preached 171 sermons, attended" Society would again take them 74 conferences, made several" into consideration." hundreds of family visits; visited 19 schools, and catechised and instructed the children. He writes in his journal of the 29th of February, "That the catechising of the children by the "missionaries, has had a prac"tical influence; that they have "made proficiency in learning "and that the schools are in a "flourishing way :-That he

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It is mentioned in the Narrative of last year, that the Rev. Calvin Ingals was on a mission to the north-eastern parts of Vermont. He was on his mission nearly seventeen weeks. Although the snow was deep, and the ways bad, and much of the time the weather was snowy and inclement, yet he rode 1083 miles, preached 74 sermons, ad

ministered the Lord's supper once, and baptized several children. He preached principally in the counties of Essex, Orleans and Franklin in the state of Vermont, Once he crossed the boundary line and preached in Canada. He passed Connecticut river and preached eight times in the county of Grafton in the state of New-Hampshire. He has minuted in his journal, "that he was kindly received by "the people in general, that "they express much gratitude "for the favors which they have "received, and solicit a continu"ance of them, as they serve to "check vice, and to preserve "and promote Christianity a66 mong them: That the work " is most important and requires "exertions."

writes that though pure religion in general is in a low state in those parts of the country, yet that there are some places in which there is much attention and seriousness; especially at the Nine Partners, Chenango and the Cook-House.

Mr. Samuel P. Robbins was appointed to go on a mission of about three months to the northwestern part of Vermont. He began his mission on the 16th of March, 1804, and returned on the 21st of June. He was on his mission about fourteen weeks. He rode 795 miles, preached 85 sermons, attended 33 conferences, made a great number of family visits, and in many instances catechised and instructed the children. He writes, that he was hospitably received The Rev. Mr. Williston of wherever he went, and that mulLisle has been employed, part of titudes, apparently, received the his time, by the Trustees, in the word of life with emotions of missionary service. By two gratitude and joy. He represents communications from him, one that the religious attention which of the 2d of April, and the other has lately been so gloriously of September 6th, 1804, it ap- prevalent in many of the congrepears that, at different times, hegations in that state is now rathhad spent fifteen weeks in mis-er on the decline; but the hapsionary services. He had preach-py fruits of it are however very ed more than eighty times, ad- visible; and that society in ministered the Lord's supper general wears a new aspect. twice, admitted seven or eight Hundreds have flocked to the persons into full communion standard of truth, and enlisted with the church, baptized twenty into the service of the great Capchildren and one adult. He at- tain of salvation. tended many conferences, sever- The Rev. Calvin Ingals, who al church meetings, and made a has already been mentioned as number of family visits. His performing a laborious tour in preaching and labors have been the northern counties of Verprincipally in the counties of mont was soon after his return Chenango and Tioga and in the appointed to a missionary tour military grants. In April he in the settlements south and west made a tour of about four weeks of Lake George. He set out on down the Susquehannah, and his mission the 4th of June, and preached at Owego, Old Sheshe-returned the 19th of September. quin, Sugar Creek, at Wysox He visited the settlements south and on to Tioga point. He of South Bay and Lake George,


there is not a single person
can read a word. In some few
places, notwithstanding, the peo-
ple are serious and attentive to
preaching; especially in Bur

society of Union. In these places churches have been formed in consequence of a happy work of God, a short time since, among them. Here, says Mr. Wil liams, at evening lectures the

and west of the lake. He rode 857 miles, preached 70 times, examined several persons for church communion, formed one church, baptized a number of children, visited the sick and af-lington, Springfield and in the flicted, and spent considerable time in visiting from house to house. Once he administered the Lord's supper. He observes that in that tract of country, there is a wide field for missionary labors and that in many places the pros-places of meeting have commonpect of doing good is favorable. ly been filled. On the sabbath The people were inclined to hear people have come from great when an opportunity presented. distances, and the assemblies He was every where politely re- have been numerous. The hearceived, and in some places withers have generally given an earncordiality and affection. The est and solemn attention. These people were full of expressions churches have no pastors and of gratitude to the people of this is the case with many other Connecticut for their exertions churches in those afford them the preaching of Some are wholly destitute of the gospel, and wished for the preaching and in a broken, per. continuance of them. ishing condition. The churches and people manifest an increas ing desire to have constant preach ing but cannot obtain it because the laborers are few. From the errors and difficulties which a bound, the prospect, as to the

It was observed in the last year's Narrative, that the Trustees had appointed Mr. Thomas Williams a missionary in the counties of Delaware and Otsego in the state of New-York; and that they had desired the origin-rising generation, is very gloo. al association of Windham coun- my. Many parents seem to be ty to ordain him, as an evangel- sinking into discouragement and ist. He was ordained according saying, what will become of our to the desire of the Trustees, and children? Shall we ever have a commenced his missionary la- minister? bors in June. Three letters have been received from him, by which it appears, that he is zealously and laboriously exerting himself in the duties of his mis-out on his mission the beginning sion. It appears that he had of September. By a letter from preached at the rate of about 150 him of the 8th of November, it times a year. He has attended appears, that he had visited most many conferences, and been la-of the settlements within, the borious in the visitation of families. The state of religion and moral instruction, in that part of the country in general, is very low. In some whole familics

Mr. Eli Hyde, having been appointed a missionary to visit the settlements on Black river and the adjacent country, went

field of his labors; and that he had preached about 70 times, besides performing other ministerial services. His remarks respecting that country, as an

important part of the vineyard, f are similar to those communicated by other missionaries who have preceded him; and all serve to show the benefit resulting from missionary efforts. At a late meeting of the Trustees, Mr. Hyde's appointment was renewed; and it is expected he will continue to itinerate for several months in the vicinity of Black river.

From this statement it appears, that the missionaries have been zealous, laborious and faithful in the discharge of the duties of their missions. It also appears that the call for missionaries is as great, and the necessity of their services as urgent as ever it has been, and even more so. Notwithstanding many churches have been formed in various places, and a con

Last summer and fall Mr. Ol-siderable number of congregaiver Wetmore performed a mis- tions have been supplied with sionary tour of about four months able pastors, yet so rapid have in the north western parts of been our population and settleVermont, and in the settlements ment, that there are now a much west of lake Champlain. Sever-greater number of new and vaal letters were received from cant settlements, than when the him during his mission from Society was first instituted. The which it appeared that ill health settlers are generally young peoand heavy rains, which rendered ple, and their families are full traveling very difficult, and in of children. Some of the missome places impossible, prevent-sionaries have observed that they ed his preaching so frequently have been surprised at the numand performing so much mis- ber of children, which they have sionary labor as some others seen in some of the new settlehave done. He appears howev-ments. The proportion of chiler to have been faithful, and to have been received with a degree of cordiality and thankfulness, in most places, which evinces that the judicious part of the people in the new settlements feel it to be a very important object that missionaries should continue to visit them till circumstances shall be so ordered in providence as that they can settle ministers among them.-| Mr. Wetmore is now on a mission to the north eastern part of Vermont.

dren and young people is doubtless much greater than it is in the old settlements. But how gloomy must the prospect be with respect to them without schools, or books, or means of grace! In many places the people are so scattered and poor that they cannot support a minister. In some other places where they are able they are so divided in opinion, that they cannot. Here is a wide door opened for charity, for Zion to enlarge the place of her tent, to stretch forth the curtains of her

We have now exhibited to the public a concise, but faithful ac-habitations, to lengthen her cords count of the labors of our mis- and strengthen her stakes. What sionaries the year past, and of can be a more benevolent, pleasthe countries through which they ing and glorious work, than to have preached the gospel, ad-aid her in breaking forth on the ministered the sacraments, and right hand and on the left, and visited and instructed schools. in causing the desolate places to

be inhabited-than to plant re-
gular churches and pastors; than
to promote Christian morals, and
to diffuse the blessings of litera-
ture and civilization, of regular
society and undefiled religion
through wide and extended coun-
tries? What can be more en-in his grace and salvation.
couraging than the approbation
and smiles of divine providence,
which have so remarkably at-
tended our missionary institu-
tion, and the labors of our mis-
sionaries from its commence-
ment ?

While we thus rejoice, we desire with humble and ardent gratitude and adoration, to bend the knee and lift up the heart to the God of all grace, for his goodness to us, to the Society, and to our fellow men who are rejoicing


feel ourselves a thousand times compensated for all our expense and labors in the missionary business, in the evident smiles of providence upon our institution, and in its happy effects, in the instruction, comfort and salvation of men, and in the advancement of the kingdom and glory of the Redeemer.

We are animated and enabled to proceed joyfully in our work. From our own feelings, we persuade our ourselves, that all who love our divine Redeemer and the precious souls of their fellow men, will be also animated and rejoice with us. But if we rejoice now what will our joys be when we shall meet numerous of our redeemed brethren in glory, of whose edification, comfort and salvation, it hath pleased God, to make us instrumental?-When we shall witness their glory and blessedness, and how Jesus Christ is glorified in them? When they shall pro

We rejoice in the zeal, faithfulness and abundant labors of our missionaries. We rejoice, that through the good hand of our God upon us, we have been spared another year; and at the close of it, we have been able to lay so pleasing an account of the affairs of the Society before the public. We rejoice, that thro' the instrumentality of our missionaries, and the power and grace of God attending their ministrations, such numbers of our perishing fellow men, have apparently been born again; and been brought out of darkness into marvellous light :-That prodigals are returning with penitence and joy to the Father's house: That Jesus Christ and his gospel are exalted and glori-nounce eternal blessings upon fied. Yes, we rejoice indeed, that there is joy in heaven over repenting and returning sinners: That the dead are alive again, and that the lost are found. We rejoice in their joy, in the joy which the Missionary Society and all our good people will have in the happy effects of the Society, and of their charity, in the encouragement, edification, comfort and joy of their brethren in Christ; and in the salvation of their fellow men.

our heads, and we shall for ever rejoice together in God and one another? When the judge shall make it public that we have done good unto his people, and that in as much as we have done it unto one of the least of his brethren, we have done it unto him and shall proclaim, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world? What is gold! What are labors and toil in comparison

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