An essay on the merchandize of slaves & souls of men, by a gentleman [P. Dudley].B. Green, 1731 - 63 pages |
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Page 2
... facred Hiftorians , and other Writers ufe the word uxas , and scarce any other , when they speak of departed Spirits , or the Soul after it's Separation from the Body ; as might be proved from innumerable Inftances , were there occafion ...
... facred Hiftorians , and other Writers ufe the word uxas , and scarce any other , when they speak of departed Spirits , or the Soul after it's Separation from the Body ; as might be proved from innumerable Inftances , were there occafion ...
Page 10
... facred as the Canons or Rules above - mentioned feem to be , they have been frequently bought off , and are yet dispensed with , when ever the Pope pleases . any 2. Secondly , The Superftitious ufe of RELICKS and the PILGRIMAGES ...
... facred as the Canons or Rules above - mentioned feem to be , they have been frequently bought off , and are yet dispensed with , when ever the Pope pleases . any 2. Secondly , The Superftitious ufe of RELICKS and the PILGRIMAGES ...
Page 2
... facred Hiftorians , and other Writers ufe the word xs , and scarce any other , when they speak of departed Spirits , or the Soul after it's Separation from the Body ; as might be proved from innumerable Inftances , were there occafion ...
... facred Hiftorians , and other Writers ufe the word xs , and scarce any other , when they speak of departed Spirits , or the Soul after it's Separation from the Body ; as might be proved from innumerable Inftances , were there occafion ...
Page 10
... facred as the Canons or Rules above - mentioned feem to be , they have been frequently bought off , and are yet difpenfed with , when ever the Pope pleases . any 2. Secondly , The Superftitious ufe of RELICKS and the PILGRIMAGES ...
... facred as the Canons or Rules above - mentioned feem to be , they have been frequently bought off , and are yet difpenfed with , when ever the Pope pleases . any 2. Secondly , The Superftitious ufe of RELICKS and the PILGRIMAGES ...
Page 13
... facred Afbes , " Bones , and the other Relicks of the Saints , works the " fame fort of Miracles , as were performed by Pauls Hand- “ kerchief , Elifbas dead Body , & c " And Jerom , in the Opinion of Erafmus , was very abusive to ...
... facred Afbes , " Bones , and the other Relicks of the Saints , works the " fame fort of Miracles , as were performed by Pauls Hand- “ kerchief , Elifbas dead Body , & c " And Jerom , in the Opinion of Erafmus , was very abusive to ...
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An Essay on the Merchandize of Slaves & Souls of Men, by a Gentleman [P. Dudley] Paul Dudley No preview available - 2016 |
Common terms and phrases
abuſed Ægypt againſt alfo alſo Anfwer Antient Apoftate Church Apoftles Befides before-mentioned Bellarmine Bible Biſhops Bones Burnet Canaan Canon Chap Children of Ifrael Chriftians Church of Rome confumed Council Council of Milan Council of Trent Dead Bodies Delphos diftinguiſhed Divine Effay Egypt ELEAZER eſpecially facred Faith and Worſhip fame fave fays fecond feems feen fent feparate feven fhall fhould fignifies fince firft firſt fome fometimes fuch fuppofe Hiftory himſelf Holy Honour Houfe Idolatry Inftance JOSHUA Keilah laft laſt Learned Levites LORD Martyrs Merchandize Mofes and Aaron Mortuary moſt Mufter Murmurers muſt Myftical Babylon Numbers obferves Occafion Oracle Perfon Pilgrimages Place Pope Popery Popish Prieft Prophet Proteftant purchaſed Purgatory Reafon Reformation Relicks Romans Romish Church Saints ſaying Scriptures Septuagint Souls ſuch Superftitious thefe themſelves theſe thing thofe Thomas Becket thoſe thro Tranflators Treatife Tribe Tribe of LEVI twenty Years old underſtand uſe verfe Vows word
Popular passages
Page 38 - Remember the former things of old: For I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times the things that are not yet done, Saying, My counsel shall stand, And I will do all my pleasure...
Page 38 - Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods : yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.
Page 18 - As foon as thefe Labourers difcover a Repofitory, with any of the marks of a Saint about it, Intimation is given to the Cardinal Treafurer, who immediately fends Men of Probity and Reputation to the place, where they find a Palm painted or...
Page 51 - For the children of Israel walked forty years in the wilderness, till all the people that were men of war which came out of Egypt were consumed, because they obeyed not the voice of the LORD...
Page 8 - Selden tells us, it was usual anciently to bring the mortuary along with the corpse, when it came to be buried, and to offer it to the Church as a satisfaction for the supposed negligence and...
Page iv - ... of Christianity, and that profound reverence for the Scriptures, that, with the blessing of God (which, with submission, they may then expect), may keep them from this hour of temptation that has come upon all the world, to try them that dwell on the earth.
Page 3 - ACHILLES' wrath, to Greece the direful spring Of woes unnumber'd, heavenly goddess, sing ! That wrath which hurl'd to Pluto's gloomy reign The souls of mighty chiefs untimely slain ; Whose limbs, unburied on the naked shore, Devouring dogs and hungry vultures tore; Since great Achilles and Atrides strove, Such was the sovereign doom, and such the will of Jove.
Page 18 - Head, to diftinguifh them from thofe of the others that were not called to the Honour of laying down their Lives for the Faith of the Gofpel. After the Labourers have...
Page 18 - ... as thefe Labourers difcover a Repofitory, with any of the marks of a Saint about it, Intimation is given to the Cardinal Treafurer, who immediately fends Men of Probity and Reputation, to the place, where they find a Palm painted or ingraven, or the Cypher XP, which is commonly read...
Page 19 - Superftition of thofe who are willing to be deceived, as well as they ferve the Ends of thofe that feek to deceive the World. But becaufe it cannot be pretended, that there was fuch a Number of Chriftians at Naples, as could have wrought fuch...