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These refer to the folios

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I. [Hú] úre yldran ealne öysne ymbhwyrft on preo todældon; 5 § 1-38.

II. Hu Ninus, Assyria [cyning], ongan manna ærest ricsian on Öysum [middangearde]; § 1.-And hu Sameramis, his cwen, feng to pæm rice after him mid mycelre [réðnesse] and wrænnesse; 2, 3.

III. Hú þæt heofonlice fýr forbærnde pæt land, on pæm wæron ða twa byrig on getimbred, Sodome and Gomorre; § 1, 2..

IV. Hu Telesci and Ciarsað þa leode him betweonum [wunnon]; § 1. delioned

V. Hu Ioseph, se rihtwisa mon, ähredde Egypta folc æt pæm 15 seofon [geara] miclan hungre mid his [wisdome]; and hu hie siöðan pone fiftan dæl [ælce geare] ealra hira wæstma hyra [cyninge] to gafole gesyllað, æfter his [gesetnesse], § 1, 2.



VI. Hu on [Achaie], weard micel flod on Ambicsionis dagum þæs cyninges; § 1, 2.

VII. Hu Moyses lædde Israhela folc from Ægyptum ofer done Readan sæ; § 1, 2.

VIII. Hu on Egyptum wurdon, on anre niht, L. manna ofslagen fram heora agnum sunum; § 1.-And hu Bosīridus, se cyning, het [don] to geblote ealle da cuman, þe hine gesohton; 2.-And 25 ymb manegra oðra folca gewin; 3, 4.

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IX. Hu Cretense and Athinense, Creca leode, him betweonum + be wunnon; 1, 2.

X. Hu Uesoges, Egypta [cyning], wolde him togeteon [ge] Cone 1g suð-dæl to, þæt [is] Asia, ge pone nord-dæl, þæt sind Sciopie;


§ 1. And hu twegen æþelingas wurdon [âfliemed] of Sciöpium ; and ymbe [pa wif, pe mon Amozenas hết; 2, 3, 4, 5.—And ymbe pa] Gotan, pe him fore ondrédon, ge Pirrus, se reða Creca [cyning], ge se Mæra Alexander, ge Iulius se Casere; 6.

XI. Hu Elena, pas cynges wif, weard genumen on Læcedemonium pære byrig; § 1, 2.-And hu Eneas, se cyning, for mid fyrde Italie; 3.

XII. Hu Sardanopolus wæs se siömesta [cyning] in Asyria, and hu hine beswác Arbatus, his ealdormon; § 1, 2.-And hu ða [wifmen] bismredon hiera weras, pa hie fleon woldon ; 3.- 10 And hu se argeotre geworhte anes fearres anlicnesse Sæm æpelinge; 4, 5.

XIII. Hu Pelopensium and [Atheniensium] pa folc him betweonum wunnon; § 1.

XIV. Hu Læcedemonie and Messiane him betweonum wunnon 15 for hiera mægdena offrunga; § 1-3: 4.

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I. Hu Orosius sæde, þæt ure drihten done ærestan man swiðe ryhtne and swide godne gesceópe; § 1.-And ymb þá feower anwaldas pisses [middangeardes]; 2-6.

II. Hu Remus and Romulus, pa gebropra, Romana burh getimbredon on Italium; § 1-3.

III. Hu Romulus and [Brutus] mid hwelcum mane hi gehalgodon Roma; § 1—4.

IV. Hu Romane and Sabine him betweonum wunnon; § 1—4.—And hu Cirus wearð ofslagen on Sciððium; 5-8.

V. Hu Cambisis se cyning forseah da Egyptiscan deofolgyld; § 1. And ymbe [Dariuses gewinn]; 2.-And [Xercsis] and Leonidan; 3-9.



VI. And hu Romanum wearð an wundor odewed, swelce se 30 heofon burne; § 1-5.

VII. Hu Sicilia leode wæron him betweonum winnende; § 1, 2. VIII. Hu Romane besæton [Ueiorum] da burh tŷn winter; § 1. And hu Gallie of Senno abræcon Rome burh; 2-6.


I. Hu sio bismerlice sib and facenlice weard betweonum Læcedemonium and Persum; § 1-6.

II. Hu on [Achaie] wearð eorð-beofung; 1: 2.

III. Hu se micla man-cwealm weard on Rome, on twegra consula dæge; § 1, 2.—And hu Marcus Curtius besceat on ða gyniendan eorðan; 3.

IV. Hu Gallie oferhergodon Romana land oð þreo mila to pære byrig; § 1.






feohte; 8, 9.—And hu Emilius, se consul, for on Africam mid prim hund scypa; 10, 11.-And hu Cotta, se consul, oferhergode Sicilie; 12.-Hu twegen consulas foron on Affrice mid prim hund scipa, ond hu, on preora consula dæge, com Hasterbal, se niwa [cyning], to Libeum pam iglande; 13, 14.-And hus Claudius, se consul, fór eft on Punice; 15.-And hu [Caius], se consul, for on Affrice, and on pam [sæ] forwearð; 16.—And hu Lutatia, se consul, for on Affrice mid prim hund scipa; 17.

VII. Hu se ungemetlica fýr-bryne weard on Rome; § 1.-And hu Gallie wurdon Romanum widerwearde; 2.-And hu Sardinie 10 wunnon on Romanum, swa hi Pene gelærdon; 3.-And_hu Orosius sæde pæt he wære cumen to pam godan tidum þe Romane eft fore gulpon; 4.-And hu Gallie wunnon on Romane, and Pene on oore healfe; 5.-And hu twegen consulas fuhton on Gallium; 6-8.-And hu mænig wundor wæron [gesewene]; 16 9. And hu Claudius, se consul, ofsloh Gallia [XXX.M.]

VIII. Hu Hannibal, Pena cyning, besæt Saguntum Ispania burh; § 1.-And hu Hannibal, Pena cyning, abræc ofer Perenei þa beorgas; 2.-And hu Scipia, se consul, gefeaht on Ispanium; 3. And hu manie wundor gewurdon on pære tide; 4.

IX. Hu Hannibal beswac twegen consulas on hira gefeohte;

34. § 1. And hu Romane him gesetton tictator, and Scipian to consule; 2.-And hu Romane sendon Lucius, pone consul, on Gallie mid prim legion; 3: 4—6.


X. Hu Marcellus, se consul, for mid scip-here on Sicilie; § 1:25 2-6. And hu Hannibal gefeaht wið Marcellus, pone consul, þry dagas; 7.-And hu Hannibal bestæl on Marcellus, pone consul, and hine ofsloh; 8.—And hu Hasterbal, Hannibales broðor, for of Ispanium on Italie; 9: 10, 11.-And hu Cartainum wearð frið alyfed fram Scypian, pam consule; 12.


XI. Hu Romana æftere gewin weard geendod; § 1.—And hu Sempronius, se consul, wearð ofslagen on Ispania; 2: 3-5. -And hu Philippus, Macedonia cyning, ofsloh Romana ærendracan; 6: 7.—And hu þæt Macedonisce gewin gewearð; 8. -And hu Enilius, se consul, oferwan [Perseus, pone cyn- 35 ing]; 9.

XII. Hu Romanum weard se mæsta ege fram Sceltiferin, Ispania folce; § 1: 2, 3.

XIII. Hu þæt pridde gewin weard geendod Romana and Cartaina [cyninge]; § 1-5.


I. Hú Orosius spræc ymb Romana gylp, hú hî manega folc oferwunnan; and hú hi [monege cyningas] beforan hiora triumphan wið Rome werd drifon; § 1: 2, 3.



13 3

II. Hú, on anum geare, wurdon pa twa byrig toworpene, Cartaina and Corinthum; § 1.-And hú Feriaatus, se hyrde, ongan ricsian on Ispanium; 2, 3.-And hú Claudius, se consul, geflymde Gallie; 4: 5-7.-And hú [Mantius], se consul, genam 5 frið wið Ispanie; 8.--And hú Brutus, se consul, ofsloh Ispania syxtig M.] manna; 9.—And hu an cild wearð geboren on Rome; 10.

III. Hu Romane sendon Scipian on Ispanie mid fyrde; § 1-3. -And hu Craccus, se consul, wan wið þa oore consulas oo hi 10 hine ofslogan; 4.-And hú da peowas [wunnan] wyo pa hlawyð fordas; 5.

IV. Hu Lucinius, se consul, se de eac wæs Romana yldesta bisceop, for mid fýrde ongean Aristonucuse pam [cyninge]; § 1.— And hu Antiochus, [Asia cyning], wilnode Partha anwaldes ; 15 2.—And hu Scipia, se betsta Romana þegn, mænde his earfeðu to Romana wytum; 3.-And hu Epna fyr upp afleow; 4: 5.

V. Hu [Romane] heton eft getimbrian Cartaina; § 1.-And hu se consul [Metellus] oferwan pa Wicingas; 2.

VI. Hu [Fauius], se consul, ofercom [Betuitusan], Gallia 20 cyning; § 1.


VII. Hu Romane wunnon wið Geowyrðan, Numedia [cyninge]; § 1.

[VIII. Hu Romane gefuhton wið Cimbros, and wið Teûtonas, and wið Ambronos; § 1.]

IX. Hu Romane agunnon unsibbe him betweonan upahebban, on þam fiftan geare, þe Marius was consul; § 1, 2.

X. Hu, ofer ealle Italie, wearð ungeferlic unsib on þam syxtan geare, pe Iulius, se Casere, was consul; § 1: 2-4.

XI. Hu Romane sendon [Sillan], pone consul, ongean Metre30 datis [Partha] cyning; § 1: 2—4.



XII. Hu Romane sealdon [Iuliuse], pam consule, syfan [legian]; § 1-3.-And hu Iulius besæt Tarcwatus, [Pompeiuses] latteow, on anum fæstene; 4, 5.-And hu Iulius gefeaht wið Potholomeus priwa; 6-9.

XIII. Hu Octauianus feng to Romana anwalde hyra unwillum; § 1:2, 3.

XIV. Hu Octauianus, se Casere, betynde Ianes duru; § 1—4. XV. Hu sume Ispanie leode wæron [Agustuse] wiðerwinnan; § 1:2, 3: 4, 5.


I. Hu Orosius wæs [sprecende], ymbe pa feower anwaldas ðara feower heafodrica pisses middangeardes; § 1-7.

II. Hu Tiberius feng to Romana anwealde, se Casere, æfter [Agustuse]; 1-3.

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