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Ch.4. The beauty of the Primitive Churches. 115 never till now the perfect faireneffe. All compleat faireneffe or beauty ftandeth in thefe three things:

Firft,in the integrity of all the parts and members of the body; for if any be waning, it is a maimed, a blemished body. Secondly, in the Symmetry, or fit proportion of all the members one to aother.

Thirdly, in the good complexion, or colour of them all. Looke what parts re requifite for the compleat integrity of a faire Church, they are all found in he Apoftolicke Church in comely proportion of beauty; for looke,

Firft, at their doctrine, and it was, 1. Free from all errour, fo farre as it vas difpenfed by the Apostles, Prohets, Evangelifts of that time who ikewife fuffered no weeds of falfe dotrine to grow under them*.

2. Their doctrine was compleat, even he whole counfell of God t.

* A&. 28.

22, 23. * Rev. 2.2

†A. 20.

* 1 Cor.2o

3. It was dispensed in powerfull fim-27. licity*. Secondly, looke at their worship, and 4 ou may fee,

1. The purity of Gods ordinances,

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A&.2.37, 44.& 4.4

116 The beauty of the Primitive Churches. Ch.4

I Cor. without mixture of humane inventions*

11.23,34 & 14. 26,


* A&.4.

2. Order, decency, edification of all aimed at in all the duties adminiftred. 3. Fervency and frequency in prayer*

31. & 13. and fafting.



* A&t. 4. 32.

† A&t.4.
*Gal. 4.

* A&t.14.


i Cor. 5. 3-5. with Cor.


Thirdly,looke at their Christian communion, and you may fee

1. Their unity one with another*. 2. Love, and large-heartedneffe one towards anothert, efpecially to their Ministers *

Fourthly, looke to their Difcipline, and you may fee the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelifts, Presbyters, Paftors, Teachers, first, teaching, fecondly,exhorting; thirdly, ruling and all by, firft, preaching, fecondly, writing, thirdly, private conference, fourthly, good examples: (No Churches unprovided of Presbyters, in the plurall number*.).

Thirdly, the Deacons providing for the poore, Act. 6.3, 6.

Fourthly, both forts chofen by the Church, Act.6.3,5.

Fifthly,Excommunications difpenfed upon weighty occafions, and with great reverence, and with good fucceffe. Sixthly, Synods impofing no other


Ch.4. The scituation of Lebanon and Amana .117 but neceffary things, either in themfelves, or for the prefent ufe of the Church, Act.15.26.

This comely frame and order of the Church Paul beholding, joyed in it The Church was now called a Spoufe after Chrift had taken our nature upon him.

* Col.2.5

Come with me from Lebanon. (my Spouse) Verse 8. vith mee from Lebanon: Looke from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hernon, from the Lions dens, from the mounaines of the Leopards.

Come with me from Lebanon.] It is a famous hill in the uttermoft border of Ifael northward: Amanaa hill more northward on the weft ofSyria,looking intoSyia, Mefopotamia, Cilicia,& all Afia the lefs. Hermon and Shenir.] Two names of he fame hill, though happely given to livers parts,called alfo Syrion or Sien *. The Lions dens and mountaines of the Leopards.] Jerufalem * and the Temple our Saviours time was made a den of heeves and robbers; but in the Apoftles me, after the Afcenfion, the Rulers rew more fierce and cruell, fpilling the loud of Stephen, and making havocke of I 3



* Deut. 3.


9.& 4.48. Mar.21. 13.

Mar. 12.


Luk. 19.


118 Chrift bath removes for his Church. Ch.4

the Church: So then,in this verse, Chri cals his Church of the Chriftian Jewes First, to behold from Lebanon, Hermon Amana, the Church of the Gentiles ga thered in Antioch, Phenice, Cyrene, Cyprus, &c.

Secondly, to come out from those dens of ravenous perfecutors at Jerufa lem, and to prepare her felfe to dwell among the Gentiles. Upon the perfecu tion of Stephen the faithfull wandred into these parts, and preached the Gofpell partly to the Jewes, and after to the A&.11. Gentiles alfo*; whereupon great num 18.20. bers of the Gentiles beleevedt: Which † A&.11. 21.. when tydings thereof came to Jerufalem, it was as the voyce of Chrift calling!


the Church of Jerufalem to fend Bar nabas to them, to fee the Churches *verfe 22 there and to establish them*. After wards when the Church of the Gentiles increased in number and grace, and the Jewes increased and grew up in bla phemy and rage against the Gofpell Chrift called his Church at Jerufalem leave thofe dens and mountaines of Li ons and Leopards.


21&13. 46.

Verfe 9.

My fifter. This implicth that Ch


Ch.4 The Church of the Gentiles called Sifter. 119 ow fpeaketh not to the mother Church fthe Jewes, but to a fifter Church, the Church of the Gentiles; fuch a fifter as is lfo a fpoufe, a true Church, now first alled a fifter by reason of the acceffion f the Church of the Gentiles.

-Thou hast ravished my heart, my fifter, ry spouse, thou hast ravished my heart with ne of thine eyes, with one chaine of thy neck. Thou haft ravished my heart,thou haft raifhed my heart. ] This implies that Chrift was overcome exceedingly with he love of the Church: for fuch repetiions imply, in the Hebrew Phrase,a fuerlative excellency.

This Church fo affecting Chrift was Antioch,the firft Church of the Gentiles, eated betweene Amana and Lebanon: for arnabas, feeing the grace of God upon em, was not a little glad of it, fo that is fpirit was ftirred up to exhort them O continue and grow up*: yea, hee * A&.11. ent out and fought Saul, to bring him | 23,24 mong them, and they both fpent a both fpent averse 25, hole yeare there, and did winne much eople, fo that that Church was firft lled Chriftian, they first had their hufunds name, the name of Christ first put I 4 upon


* verfe 26

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