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Ch.5. Frederick the II. wherein famous. 155 afterwards they were overcome and scattered further into many places of Chriftendome. So in regard of thefe troupes of many thousands, Chrift is here called the ftandard bearer, as the word fignifieth, or the choice of ten thousand. Again, at that time Chrift may be faid to be white and ruddy in regard of his members,who were then white with innocency of life, yet ruddy, enduring perfecution.

His head is as the most fine gold, his locks Ver. 11. are bufbie, and black as a raven.

His head is as the most fine gold.] Chrift comes now to be defcribed in his members more particularly: This head of goldChrift fhewedon the earth in the perfon of Frederick, the fecond Emperour of Rome,a Prince of much purity and worth, as an head of the Church of fine gold: He contended with many Popes about the headship of the Church, advanced the headship of Christ and of himselfe, his Vice-gerents, above he counterfeit head of the Popes Supremacy. He wra ftled for Christ against them with much difficulty, yet prevailed; fo that even in the popish schools his election of God was agreed and condefcended unto by fundry.




What meant by Doves eyes. Ch.5. His locks are bufbie,or curled, and black as a raven.] Curled black haire is a figne of heat and courage, and wit in him that it groweth upon: Such was the Emperour himfelfe,& fuch were the common Chriftians of that age that did depend upon their Emperour; they ftuck close to him: learned men with wit, more then former ages had yeelded, and fouldiers with cou rage maintained his perfon and caufe. His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of water, washed with milke, and fitLy fet. I

Doves, diving in rivers of waters, dive their bellies deepe into the waters; fo that their eyes looke clofe and narrowly upon


First, the eyes are here fet forth by their care of the Church; he is not fo farre off removed from it, that he had need of the Pope to be his visible Vicar to looke to it. Secondly,by their milde innocency,implied,in that they are doves eyes and washed with milke, whereas the Popes eyes were as hawkes eyes,looking eagerly after the prey.

Thirdly, by their fit ftanding, foe as they may well looke to the whole bodie; whereas

Ch.5. The doctrine of the Church like myrrh. 157 whereas the Popes eyes cannot poffibly watch to looke well to the estate of the Church fo far off him.

To this purpose tended the doctrine of the faithfull Divines in the following age, fuch as Michael Cefenus, Petrus de Carbania, Johannes de Poliaco, and fuch as followed them.

His cheekes are as a bed of spices,as sweet Ver. 13. flowers: his lips like lillies, dropping Sweet fmelling myrrhe.

His cheeks are as a bed of fpices. ]

Cheekes implie the outward face of the faithfull Church, for the cheekes are a place moft confpicuous, which fhewes that the faithfull of thofe times were as beds of fpices and sweete flowers, to wit, not gathered into any fet garden, as afterward in Luthers time, * but scattered *Cha.6.2. here and there, yet of fweet and precious favour in the noftrils of Chrift: yea one Nicholaus de Bibrath, living about that time, compareth faith and pietie in the Church to fpice rare and deare.

His lips like lillies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh.] The doctrine of the Church at those times was fuch as, like myrrhe, served to preserve the faithfull from pu



* Rev. 2.


* Can.4.


Ver. 14.

What meant by the Churches Ch.5. trefaction,according to that, * That which ye have already, hold faft till I come. In the Primitive Apoftolique Church her lips dropped like an hony-combe, being of ftrong fweet relish to delight and nourish to full growth: But the lips of this Church drop rather myrrhe then hony; they rather preferved fome trueth of grace, then yeelded any abundant nourishment to procure increase to the Church. His hands are as gold rings fet with the Berill: his belly is as bright Ivory overlaid with Saphires.

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His hands are as gold rings fet with the Berill: Hands are inftuments of action; their being fet with gold rings implyeth their purity and dignitie: The Berill cleereth moisture and dimme fight: Franci fcus Rudis, de Goma. libr. 2. cap. 8. All thefe fhew that the Ministry of the Gofpell should be then more powerfull; and indeed God,about that time, Anno 1300. ftirred up Dantes, Marcillius, Potavinus, Ocham, Gregorius Ariminenfis, Petrarchus, Wickliffe, and many moc, whofe Miniftry brought on fo many, that fome have counted it the firft refurrection; yea, the Magiftrates of that time, Ludovicus Bava


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rus the Emperour, Philip of France, Edward the third of England, stood out in many things against the Pope, as thofe whofe hands had got more ftrength, and better felt their owne worth, and whofe eies were cleered to fee more light then their predeceffours.

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His belly as bright Ivory overlaid with Saphires. ] The belly is an hidden part of the body, yet fuch from which the reft is nourished; which fitly resembleth the Sacraments here,as also ch.7.2. which being hid from those that are without, yet nourish the whole body, as an heap of wheat. The doctrine of the Sacraments, and the pure administration of the fame,was at this time reftored by John Wickliffe, and embraced by his followers,though condemned in the Councell of Conftance. These Sacraments are faid to be overlaid with Saphires, whofe property is to ftrengthen and cherish the principall folid parts,* because of the efficacy of the Sacraments truely taught and adminiftred,to ftrengthen and quicken Gods graces in us.

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His legs are as pillars of marble, fet upon Ver. 15° fockets of fine gold: bis countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the Cedars


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