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170 The state of the Church reformed. Ch.6.

Verse 2.

2 Haire,
3 Teeth.
4 Temples.

Fiftly, by comparing the severall reformed Churches, as amongst themselves, and preferring one above the rest of the reformed Churches there:

I As Queenes, 60.

2 As Concubines, 80.

3 As Virgins without number, verse 8. 4 As a Dove; and who,

First,to Chrift is undefiled.

Secondly, to the whole Church as an onely one, as a choice one.

Thirdly, to the rest:

I Bleffed,to the Daughters.

2 Praised, to the Queenes and ConcHbines, verfe 8.9.

My beloved is gone downe into his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed in the garden, and to gather lilies.

My beloved is gone downe into his garden:] The Church, which Chrift next visited, and wherein hee was first found in that generall Apoftacy wherein the Church fought Chrift and could not find him.

In the former Chapter was the Church


Ch.6. What meant by beds of fpices.

of Wittenburg reformed by the Ministry of Luther, which was a garden; being First, stored with variety of godly people, as sweete flowers fet in order, fome teaching, fome hearing.

Secondly fenced in as with a hedge,pale or wall,by the protection of Frederick the good Duke of Saxony.

Thirdly, a place wherein Chrift walked (as wee do in our gardens) to refresh himselfe and his friends.

Is gone downe into his garden,] Defcending from those famous Cities and eminent places of Rome and Conftantinople, into a meane country citie.

To the beds of spices:] Because in Germany,at that time, fundry Chriftians were called and forted into feverall beds and companies in feverall places, though not attaining at the first to be so many gardens, fo many feverall Churches.

To feed in the gardens. ] In proceffe of time, these severall beds of spices (companies of Chriftians) grew up to the fafbion of juft and full Churches in Zurich, Stranburgh,Braffel, Berne, Geneva,besides those in Hafsia and Prussia. To feede,]


172 Faithfull Christians compar'd to lilies. Ch.6.


First, both himselfe with his peoples prayers,and other worship and obedience. Secondly, his people with his word and facraments, and other ordinances.

And to gather lillies, that is to gather and call more & more faithfull Christians out of a wild field of worldly people into the fellowship of his Church, as it were, to gather lilies into his garden.

They are called lillies,

Firft, for their fairneffe.

Secondly, for excellency, or eminency. Thirdly, for Gods care in providing Mat.6.28, for them beyond their owne labour and industry.


Verse 3.

I am my beloveds, and my beloved is mine:he feedeth among the lillies.

I am my beloveds, and my beloved is mine.] Which words imply foure things: Firft,that the Church had familiar fellowship with Chrift in his holy publike ordinances;efpecially inthe maine doctrine of pardon of fins by Christs bloud alone, and of juftification by faith.

Secondly, that shee enioyed this fellowship with him, before the time of her deliverance out of a Babylonish, or *Chap 2. Romih captivity:* for the fame words

verfe 15.


are used

Ch.6. Proteftants when, and why so called. 173 upon the deliverance out of Babel,and enjoying Gods ordinances in their owne country; but with this difference: there the Church faith, My beloved is mine, and I am his; because, firft, he delivered her out of Babel before hee gave her the free use of his ordinances; but here the Church faith, I am my beloveds, and beloved is mine; because fhee first found Chrift in his ordinances,before shee enjoyed deliverance from subjection to Rome; for Luther preached against the Popes pardons, before he rejected the fupremacy of the Pope.


Thirdly, their open profession of their fellowship with Chrift, when the Princes of Germany openly protested against the Maffe, & other corruptions in the Church, and avowed the defence of the reformation begun; whence they were afterward Sleyden." called Proteftants. lib.6.7.

41y, Chrifts gracious protection of thofe Churches, fpecially in their first beginnings:for how should Luther (a poor Frier) have attempted and gone through with fo great a work, against such great and ge nerall oppofition, and in the end die quietly in his bed, if Christ had not held him



Verse 4.

How Tirzah loft her beauty. Ch.6.

as it were in his armes ?

He feedeth among the lilies. ] Hee refrefheth himselfe and ftrengtheneth his people, converfing amongst them, who ftrove for whiteneffe, and purity, and reformation.

Thou art beautifull,o my love,as Tirzah, comely as Ferufalem, terrible as an army

with banners.

Thou art beautifull as Tirzah.] Tirzah was the chiefe City of the Kingdome of Ifrael,after they had separated themselves from Fudah, untill Samaria was after14.17.& ward builded *.

*1 Kin.


The Citie and Governers of it (the peo ple having recourfe to it for judgement, rather then to Jerufalem) were at first in difgrace and obloquie with the Fewes for their fchifme and separation from the house of David at Jerufalem, and for her rebellion against the King of Fudah; but this did not diminish her beauty, because this feparation was from God.

Afterward Tirzah loft her beauty by 1 Kings erecting the golden Calves, and falling off (not onely from the idolatry of Solo mon, wherein they did well, but) from the true worship of God, restored and conti

12. 24.


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