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190 When the Church as a Dove. Ch.6. coily deny their motions, and stand out againft Chrift, and their Minifters.



Of Queens he reckoneth threefcore, of Concubines fourefcore. A certaine number put for an uncertaine; and of Churches, the leffe pure the greater. Damofels he reckons without number.

First, partly, because they have been exceeding many of them, and are ftill

too many.

Secondly, partly, because Chrift maketh no account of them, as if they were with him nullius numeri, not worth the reckoning.

But my Dove, my undefiled is one,&c.] A Dove is noted,

Firft, for her chastity; Secondly, mildeneffe, or innocency: fuch are thofe Churches which goe not a whoring after any Superftition, or Idolatry, nor exercise that captivi ty of Tyranny over their Sifter Churches, which the Popish watchmen are Cant. 5.7 taxed for; that fmote and wounded

the Members of the Churches for


Ch. 6. How the Church one.

fecking after Christ, and tooke her vaile from her, which are unfpotted, unde filed, either

First, of Romish pollutions, or Secondly, of wordly courses. Is one ; fuch congregations are Firft, few, as one to 60. or 80. Secondly, at unity, or brotherly love one with another,as one body, though fcattered into many places, as England, Scotland, Germany, &c. In all Christendome, fome Churches are more chafte,milde,and unfpotted than others, even of the fame countrey,and yet fuch are but few, and though few, yet at entire unity as one body.


The onely one of ber Mother, the choy- Verfe 9. ceft one of her that bare her.] In the Hebrew phrafe, the whole is the Mother, the parts are the Members. The true Catholique Church of Chrift is the Mother of all Reformed Daughters; and thefe Daughter Churches that are most chaste and milde, and undefiled, they are best esteemed, and beft beloved of the Mother Catholique Church, as comming neereft to her in



Verse 9.

To bleffe is more than to praife. Ch.6.
chastity, innocency, purity, &c.
The Daughters fan her and bleed
ber; yea, the Queenes and the Concu
bines, and they praised her.] The fe
Daughters, whether they be the Mem-
bers of the unfported Churches men-
tioned in the former verfe, either of
both, together with thefe Churches
that are as Queenes and Concubines,
doe give honourable teftimony of
thefe Congregations that are most
reformed, and with them all profperi-
ty, the good things of this life, and a



To bleffe is more than to praise: Praife is the acknowledging of any good thing in ber, but bleffing is the acknowledgement:

First, of Divice good things: And Secondly, thofe drawing the Chur ches and themselves therein neerer to God.

who is fbee that looketh forth as the morning, &c.] In thefe verfes, the cal ling and arifing of the Church of the Jewes is described by fix Arguments;

The Lewes whence and how to be called. 193

First, by the unexpectedneffe of her arifing, joyned with the admiration of it,who is fhe that looketh forth, ver. 16. Secondly, by the place of her ari

fing, the morning or the Eaft Coun


Thirdly, by the degrees and beauty ofher grace.

First, fresh as the morning.
Secondly, faire as the Moone.
Thirdly, bright and cleer as the Sun.
Fourthly, terrible as an Army with

Banners, ver. 10.

Fourthly, by Chris vifitation of her with the end of it, ver. 11.

Fifthly, by the unexpected helpes which this Church found for her return, v.12.

Sixthly, by the earneftneffe of her calling given her, Return, Return, four times repeated.

who is this that looketh forth?] Thefe words expreffe the unexpected admirable arifing of a new Church; and that Chap.3.6. after the Reformed Churches of the Gentiles; fhe is a shulamite, alluding to Salem the ancient name of Ierufalem, Q


194 The Lewes whence and how to be called.

Ifa 66.8.

& 49.12.

the Mother City of the JEW ES. This Church then thus arifing, is that ofthe Jewes which we looke for; whofe beginning for fudden converfion of multitudes, fhall be admirable to themselves and others.

As the morning.] Her arifing is refembled by the morning,

First, because this Church fhall aRev.16.12. rife from the Eafterne Countries.

Secondly, her arifing shall be like a

Rom-11,15 new Refurrection from the dead.

& 60.19,20

Ifa. 6.19,

& 60.21.

Thirdly, her arifing shall be speedily, as the fame phrafe intimates.

Faire as the Moon,bright as the Sun.] The Moone is faire by beauty com 26.8 24.23 municated to her from the Sun. In the Suns brightneffe is light, heat, refreshing, and all in a glorious manner. Ifa.33.24. The Citizens of that Church fhall all at that time, or at leaft the body of them, have their fins forgiven them by the righteoufneffe of Chrift imputed to them. They fhalenjoy abundant light of heavenly knowledge. They fhall excell in purity of holineffe. They fhallabound in confolations to

Ifai. 59.21.
Zech. 4

20 21.


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