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220 Faith, Repentance,and obedience. Ch.7.

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Secondly, Repentance to abound in brokenneffe of spirit through godly forrow, melting into abundance of teares, or other affections futable thereto.

Thirdly, obedience,to be
First, fragrant,

Secondly, and that with all manner offweet fruits and good, that all that Converse with us may fmell a fweer favour from our converfation.

Ninthly, marke here a leffon for Magiftrates, to bee as Carmell, yeelding fome fweet and plentifull nourifhment to the people.

First, by procuring free paffage to Gods Ordinances,whence Iehoshaphats

2 Chr.1.7. Nobles are faid to teach.


Secondly, by making wholefome Lawes.

Thirdly, by giving good example of life, to have no Officers hanging about them of bafe demeanor,exactors, promotors, contentious perfons, but fuch as may execute it themselves and their Minifters, and for publique Ordinances of Gods worship'; it is no


Ch.7. The Church of the lewes. difparagement to Magiftrates to behave themselves reverendly in them, and to fubmit themselves unto them as unto Chrift.


Use 10. Tenthly, from this compleat defcription of the beauty of the Church in all her parts, observe,

First, that the Church was never fo compleatly beautifull in all her parts, as it fhallbe when the Jewes are called. The Apoftolique Primitive Church, though all fair, yet wanted this headlike Carmel, a Chriftian Magiftrate,



and fome purity of the Sacrament. Cor.11. Secondly, in that he beginneth this defcription from the feet, and fo afcendeth to the head in order : It may feeme the calling of the Jewes fhall begin at firft, rather with fome of the lowest people, and so ascend higher and higher to more eminent perfons.

Thirdly, in that the Church neither here (where fo many of her members are fet forth) nor in all this Song is defcribed, by the beauty of her hands, or fingers, wee must not gather that therefore this Church will bee barren


222 Romes falfe boasting of her works.

of good works God forbid, but rather conceive, Chrift concealeth the mention of her hands; to wit, her works, partly,

First, because the Harlot of Rome fo delighteth fo much to boast of her hands, of her works, which indeed the wants: Chrift had rather his Church fhould abound in good works in fi. lence, than boast ofthem, especially when they are wanting.

Secondly, because it is he alone (and not wee) that worketh all our workes

Ifai.26.12. for us.

Hof. 14.8. Ioh. 15.5.

Cantic. 7. verf. 6.-
Chap. How faire, &c.

-verf. 4. of 8.

In these verses the holy Ghoft goes on to describe the second eftate of the Jewes Church, as is spoken above, Chap. 7. ver. 1. in ver. 6,7. as growne up to her full ftature and maturiry. For firft, beauty is not obferved till full growth; now here her beauty is admired, ver. 6.

Secondly, her ftature is expreffely mentioned to bee a Palme-tree.v.7. Thirdly, her brefts are here mentio


The ftate of the lewish Church in perf. 223
ned againe, ver. .7. which fheweth
that he fpeaketh not of the fame eftate
of the fame Church as afore: Befides
the brefts yeelding wine in ftead of
milke, it is a figne the Church (hall
then be growne to more maturity and
fitneffe to be fed with ftronger meat.
The Church of the Jewes then come
to her fuller growth is here described.
First, by her beauty, which is ad-
mirable, How faire ! and joyned with
pleasure, How pleafant art thou! efpeci-
ally for publique worship so described,
verse 6.

Secondly, by her stature resembled to a palme tree, ver. 7.

Thirdly, her brefts resembled to clufters of Grapes, ver. 7.

Thethird eftate of this Church, as it fhall be further enlarged by the acceffe of the Gentiles, is defcribed, ver.8. 10.and that

First, by Chrifts climbing this palmtree,and taking hold of the boughes of it, ver. 8.

Secondly, by the rich fupply of nourishment from her brefts,ver.8. Thirdly,

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224 The ftate of the Iewish Church in perf.


Thirdly, by the fmell of her nofe, refembled to Apples. ver. 8.

Fourthly, by the power of her Do&rine, ver. 9.

Fifthly, by her familiar fellowship with Chrift, ver. 10.

The fourth eftate of this Church, as it fhall multiply, and ftretch it felfe into the Country villages, is defcribed, ver. 11. to the 4. of the next Chapter,and that

Firft, by the occafion of this encrease, the Churches invitement of Chrift to visit the Country villages,

ver. II.12.

Secondly, by the affectionate fervice of this Church to Chrift, cha. 8.


Thirdly, by Chrifts affectionate em bracing of her, ver. 3.

Fourthly, by the Churches defire for the continuance of this eftate without interruption, ver.4.

How faire, and how pleasant art thou, O love for delights!

How faire!] The faireneffe and beauty of the Church implyeth futably


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